
  • 网络swansea university;University of Wales Swansea;University of Swansea
  1. 斯旺西大学的费尔·里德教授(PhilRead)说:“我们发现网络对人类健康的影响与抑郁、睡眠不足、孤独等一系列其他因素并不相关。这些问题被认为与高频度的上网和健康状况差有关。”

    Professor Phil Read , from Swansea University , said : ' We found that the impact of the internet on people 's health was independent of a range of other factors , like depression , sleep deprivation , and loneliness , which are associated with high levels of internet use and also with poor health . '

  2. 科罗马先生称,在1992年斯旺西大学是在明知系里没有人有必备的专业知识能指导他的研究工作的情况下接受他为学生的。

    He claims that Swansea accepted him as a student in1992 knowing that no one in the engineering department had the necessary expertise to supervise his work .

  3. 斯旺西大学和米兰大学的研究人员认为造成这一结果的原因是沉溺于网络的人更喜欢足不出户,因而导致免疫系统下降。

    Researchers at the universities of Swansea and Milan believe the reason lies in the fact people with an internet addiction are more secluded , and as a result have weakened immune systems .

  4. 来自英国斯旺西大学的科研团队称,走路的方式会揭露出很多细节,包括一个人的情绪状态,健康状况甚至有没有撒谎。

    Yes , the way you move while walking can betray details about what mood you are in , your health and even if you are lying , says a team at Swansea University .

  5. 但是,海洋温度的细微变化就能够影响它的迁徙路线,英国威尔士斯旺西大学的海洋生物学家格瑞姆海斯说道。

    Yet it takes just a few degrees'change in the ocean 's temperature for it to turn off course , says Graeme Hays , a marine biologist at the University of Wales Swansea in the U.

  6. 他还在位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和贸易法学院的专门顾问。

    He is also a special adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law , University of Wales at Swansea .