
  • 网络Fixation of Attention;Fixation of Aattension
  1. 将把手装入在套筒组上并且注意固定环是否有放入套筒的沟槽里。

    Install the handle into the sleeve and note that whether or not the fixing ring has been in the slot of the sleeve .

  2. 对外汉语教学中的报刊语言课是一门特殊的阅读课,在教学中尤其要注意固定表达的特点及其他相关问题,从而培养学生阅读报刊的实际语言能力。

    The subject of newspaper language is a special reading course in teaching Chinese as a second language , Special attention should be paid to the fixed expression because its ' aim is to improve the reading ability of international students .

  3. 结论手术中应注意椎弓根螺钉固定相关因素,这对提高手术质量,减少并发症起着重要作用。

    Conclusion The relative factors of the fixation that mentioned above should be caused attention in operation so that it can improve the operative quality and reduce complications .

  4. 注意:要使用固定的端口连接到FTP服务器,您应该在应用程序中使用主动模式而非被动模式。

    Note : To fix the ports to connect to FTP server , you should use active mode instead of passive mode in your application .