
jǐnɡ ɡào biāo zhì
  • warning signs
  1. 这是一个共同的警告标志,高血压。

    This is one of the common warning signs of hypertension .

  2. 并且他们要求在卡车上放警告标志,

    and they got to put warning signs on the truck ,

  3. 其他的措施还包括限制食物量、冋垃圾食品征税、禁止垃圾食品特价销售以及在产品上贴警告标志。

    The other measures include restricting portion sizes , taxing and prohibiting special price deals for junk foods , and placing warning labels on the products .

  4. 如果通信没有被加密,一些公司会提醒用户,比如Gmail邮箱在你向不安全地址发送电子邮件或从不安全地址接收电子邮件时会出现警告标志。

    Some companies alert users if communications are unencrypted -- for instance Gmail displays warning icons when you send or receive an email from an insecure source .

  5. 遵循机器上所附的所有安全说明和警告标志。

    Observe all safety instructions and warnings attached to the machine .

  6. 用安全锁及警告标志进行保护。

    This is safeguarded with a safety lock + warning sign .

  7. 因此,应在车辆内标贴警告标志!

    For this reason , affix a warning note in the vehicle !

  8. 留意各类的警告标志,避免发生意外。

    Take note of all warning signs to avoid accidents .

  9. 因为有雾,所以有好几处警告标志。

    There were several warning signs because of the fog .

  10. 基于事故风险分析的公路警告标志系统优化设置研究

    Optimization of Road Warning Signs System Based on the Accident Risk Analysis

  11. 使用警告标志确保车辆安全。

    Secure vehicle clearly , e.g with warning signs .

  12. “警告标志”只是警告。

    " Warning signs " are only warnings .

  13. 危险警告标志。您可以重新配置该标志,以表示各种危险类型。

    Hazard warning sign . You can reconfigure the sign indicate various hazard types .

  14. 用红白相间的安全链和警告标志保护工作区域。

    Secure the working area with a red-and-white safety chain and a warning sign .

  15. 警告标志的背景,更改让步标志的垂直方向。

    Background for a warning sign ; change vertical orientation for a yield sign .

  16. 警告标志,表示前面主要道路上有轻铁列车行驶。

    A warning sign to indicate light rail vehicles in the major road ahead .

  17. 遵守警告标志和告示。

    Obey all warning signs and notices .

  18. 将显示警告标志,因为组件尚没有实现。

    The warning symbol is displayed because there is no implementation for the component yet .

  19. 交通警告标志设置有效性研究

    The Effective Use of Traffic Warning Sings

  20. 贴上相应警告标志。

    Attach a corresponding warning sign .

  21. 主要研究内容如下:(1)禁令标志和警告标志颜色分割方法。

    The main contents are as following : Color segmentation for prohibition and warning signs is studied .

  22. 这样的实验室是为了物理防护措施而设计与装备的,而且贴出生物危险警告标志。

    Such laboratories are designed and equipped for physical containment and are posted with biohazard warning symbols .

  23. 倾听你的身体发出的受伤警告标志,了解什么时候你不应该带伤跑步。

    Listen toyour body for injury warning signs and know when you shouldn 't run through pain .

  24. 为此,请在车辆上醒目位置粘贴警告标志!

    For this reason , affix a warning sign at a clearly visible position on the vehicle !

  25. 闪动的警告标志、型广告看板以及圣诞节日装饰,也会使人分心。

    Flashing warning signs , huge advertising hoardings and Christmas decorations were also said to be major distractions .

  26. 在正进行作业的车辆区域附上清晰可见的警告标志。

    Attach a clearly visible warning sign to the area of the vehicle on which you are working .

  27. 我已阅读所有的警告标志,我其实也可以回答是其中的一些。

    I have read all the warning signs and I actually can answer yes to some of them .

  28. 印度政府正在慢慢采取行动,并已迫使卷烟制造商在烟盒上印制警告标志。

    The Indian government is slowly taking action and has forced cigarette makers to include warning symbols on packets .

  29. 尽管在钱塘江两岸都设置了警告标志,每年观潮季节仍有不少悲剧事故发生。

    Despite warning signs erected along the Qiantang River banks , a number of tragic accidents happen each year .

  30. 再提一遍,如果您的孩子生病并出现任何上述的警告标志,请寻求紧急医疗。

    Again , seek emergency medical care if your child becomes ill and experiences any of those warning signs .