
jǐnɡ bèi duì
  • garrison;police security team
  1. 现今韩国警备队实际支配着独岛,在日本国内则有一大部分学者主张独岛领有权应归属于日本,日本的大多数国民也认为日本的竹岛领有权迟早会得到恢复。

    Nowadays , Korean garrison has dominated Dokdo , however , part of Japanese scholars claim that the sovereignty of Dokdo should be returned to Japan . Most of Japanese citizens also believe that the sovereignty of Takeshima will be regained sooner or later .

  2. 系统而详尽地介绍了美国海岸警备队(USCG)对船舶检查的特点,以及船舶为适应USCG要求而应该采取的对策。

    This article expatiates on the characteristics of USCG inspection and the countermeasures for ocean-going vessels to deal with the inspection .

  3. 海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。

    The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores .

  4. 美国海岸警备队的溢油鉴别系统

    US Coast Guard 's Oil Spill Identification System

  5. 前塞诺比亚皇家警备队的队长。

    Former captain of the Zenobian Royal Guard .

  6. 阿根廷海岸警备队震惊地发现,冰山群正沿着大西洋海岸漂移。

    The Argentina coast guard was astonished to find icebergs floating along the Atlantic coast .

  7. 海岸警备队给他们穿的衣服。

    Coast Guard dresses them up .

  8. 我只是想消磨一些时间,等着海岸警备队来拖我的船。

    I need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat .

  9. 缅怀为保卫我们的国家而牺牲的陆、海、空三军、海军陆战队和海岸警备队的战士们。

    Remembering the soldiers , sailors , airmen , Marines , and Coast Guardsmen who died in our defense .

  10. 菲律宾海岸警备队,在马尼拉的战略要点部署它们自己的警犬部队,以制止恐怖主义爆炸,在它的网站上确认了此事。

    The Philippine coastguard , which deploys its own canine units at strategic locations in Manila to deter terrorist bombings , confirmed the incident on its website .

  11. 如果没有共和国警备队的反击,南朝鲜伪军推进到鸭绿江和豆满江是没有问题的。

    If there is not return of guard team of the republic , the puppet army of South Korea have no question to Yalu River and beans and full river to advance .

  12. 我是宇宙保护小组太空警备队的队员,我保护我们的星际免于受到星际联盟头号大敌札克天王的入侵。

    As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps , I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion from the evil Emperor Zurg , sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance .

  13. 他通过电话向美国军人致谢,感谢他们的贡献,布什在电话里跟现在驻扎在伊拉克、阿富汗以及在世界各地执行援助行动的士兵、水兵、空军战士、海军陆战队员以及海岸警备队队员交谈。

    He called members of the U.S. military to thank them for their service - speaking with soldiers , sailors , airmen , Marines and Coast Guard personnel now deployed in Iraq , Afghanistan and in support operations around the world .

  14. 尤其是县政府豢养的警察、警备队、差役这班恶狗,他们怕下乡,下乡也不敢再敲诈。

    In particular the vicious curs kept by the county government the police , the armed guards and the bailiffs are afraid of going to the villages , or if they do so , they no longer dare to practise their extortions .