
kōnɡ zhōnɡ zuò zhàn
  • Air Operations;air fighting
  1. 预警机具有低空目标警戒和空中作战指挥能力,在现代战争中占有极其重要的地位。

    The early waring airplane ( EWA ) is a special type of airplane which has ability to monitor targets in lower attitude and to control air fighting , so that it plays an important role in modern war .

  2. 基于装备水平和知识的空中作战效果分析

    Analyzing Operational Effect based on Equipment and Knowledge for Air Operation

  3. 我知道空中作战有多危险。

    I saw how serious that shit is up there .

  4. 有关城区空中作战的国际法和政治问题

    International Law and the Politics of Urban Air Operations

  5. 我们将以越来越大的信心和越来越强的力量在空中作战。

    we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air ,

  6. 过去的十年间,无人空中作战系统已成为反恐武器的首选。

    Over the past decade UAS have become the counter-terrorism weapon of choice .

  7. 第四、论述武汉会战中,日方空中作战情况。

    Fourth , this paper discusses the Japanese side in air combat of the Wuhan Battle .

  8. 部长说减少英军在印度支那的空中作战计划是有坚实基础的,并在进展中。

    The secretary said that the programme to phase down British air operations in Indo China is solidly based and progressing .

  9. 若问我们的政策是什么?我的回答是:在陆上、海上、空中作战。

    You ask , what is our policy ? I say it is to wage war by land , sea and air .

  10. 空军航空装备作为空中作战的物质基础,航空装备保障如何适应信息化战争的要求,是我们必须要面对的重要课题;

    Air force is based on air force aviation equipment , and how aviation equipment support adapts to information war has become one of our important tasks .

  11. 该局还与美国特种作战司令部合作研制用于诸如空中作战指挥一类任务的装备。司令部下令说要作好准备,进行一级战备侦察。

    The agency has also worked with the US Special Operations Command on equipment for missions such as combat air control . The word from headquarters is to stand by for war patrol number one .

  12. 研究探讨了空中目标作战企图的识别问题

    The problem of inferring air target combat intention is discussed .

  13. 将CBR技术引入空中进攻作战计划生成中,构建基于案例的空中进攻作战计划生成系统,无疑为空中进攻作战计划的制定提供了一条新途径。

    In a word , it is no doubt that to introduce CBR as the basis of AOC planning and construct a case-based planning system of AOC will broaden a new channel for AOC planning .

  14. 首先,本文论述了空中进攻作战计划生成面临的一些挑战,同时介绍了CBR的发展历史及研究现状和目前国内外对基于CBR的作战计划生成技术的研究。

    Complying with the proposition , this thesis firstly reveals the challenges confronted by AOC planning and introduces the research background and conditions of CBR and the status quo of the study of campaign planning technology in view of CBR home and abroad .

  15. 空中进攻作战出动计划禁忌搜索优化分析方法

    Research on Air Offensive Operation Sortie Scheduling based on Tabu Search

  16. 美军空中突击作战的组织实施特点

    On the Organizing and Implementing Characteristics of US ' Air-shock Action

  17. 基于案例的空中进攻作战计划生成技术研究

    Research on Case-based Planning Technology of Air Offensive Campaign

  18. 空中进攻作战模拟出动计划设计方法研究

    Design Method of ATO in Air Offensive Campaign Simulation

  19. 气象条件、环境条件对飞机空中飞行作战有着至关重要的影响。

    Weather condiction and environment has great influence on airplane in flight battle .

  20. 组织相对独立的空中进攻作战;

    Organizing relatively independent air offensive operations ;

  21. 地对空雷达干扰在要地防空中的作战运用研究

    A Study on Operational Application of Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming for Protecting Key Assets in Air Defence

  22. 出动计划是空中进攻作战模拟中数学模型设计的重要内容。

    Air Task Order ( ATO ) design is an important content in air offensive campaign simulation .

  23. 本文介绍了美军空中突击作战具有的战斗突然性强、摧毁目标能力强和快速应变能力强这三大特点。

    In this paper , the author has analyzed three characteristics of US ' air-shock action : fierce abruptness , strong destroying ability and quick moving ability .

  24. 保护地桃蚜种群时空动态与防治对策地对空雷达干扰在要地防空中的作战运用研究

    Spatial-temporal population dynamics of Myzus persicae on greenhouse peaches and suggestions for its control A Study on Operational Application of Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming for Protecting Key Assets in Air Defence

  25. 提出了雷达兵作战管理的概念,并对密集空中目标作战环境下的任务分派灰决策进行了构模。

    In this paper . the concept of the radar troops operational management is presented . The model of the tasks assignment grey decision under the concentrated aerial targets has been developed .

  26. 文摘:压制防空作战已成为近期局部战争的一个主要空中攻击作战模式,降低风险、少人员伤亡是这种战法的初衷,无人机正适应这种需求。

    Abstract : suppressing air ? Defense operation has become a main type of air attack in order to decrease danger and man damage , pilotless aircraft is just suitable to this requirement .

  27. 其次,讨论了空中进攻作战计划的制定流程,分析了空中进攻作战计划的组成要素,并对空中进攻作战计划进行了概念建模,同时对其进行了格式化和形式化的描述。

    Secondly , it explains the flow of AOC planning , analyzes the essential elements of AOC planning , establishes a conceptual model on AOC planning and describes the model in a formalized manner .

  28. 空中进攻作战计划是进行空中进攻作战的核心和前提,但是空中进攻作战计划的高度不确定性、复杂性和紧迫性给制定计划带来了极大的困难。

    Planning of Air Offensive Campaign ( AOC ) is the core and prerequisite of AOC . Nevertheless , the extreme unsteadiness , the complexity , and the sense of urgency make the planning more difficult .

  29. 空中预警系统作战效能评价

    Combat Effectiveness Evaluation on Airborne Early Warning System

  30. 这年轻的有闯劲的战斗飞行员领导了中国空军在空中与日军作战的首次胜利。

    The aggressive young fighter pilot led the Chinese Air Force 's first successful interception of a major Japanese air attack .