
  • 网络Air Ionization
  1. 用于低能X射线绝对测量的自由空气电离室

    Free-air ionization chamber used in absolute measurement of low energy X-rays

  2. 一个用于中能X射线照射量基准的自由空气电离室

    A Free-air Chamber Used as the Primary Standard of Medium Energy X-ray Exposure

  3. 自由空气电离室中的电离作用是量度x和γ射线照射量的标准方法。

    Ionization in a free-air chamber is the standard process for measuring x-and γ - ray exposure .

  4. 10~100kV自由空气电离室

    10-100 kV free-air ionization chamber

  5. 美国国家标准局自由空气电离室空气吸收改正项的测量

    Measurements of ATR attenuation correction factors for NBS free-air chambers

  6. 记录飞秒激光引发空气电离过程的脉冲数字全息技术

    Pulsed digital holography recording air-ionization process induced by femto-laser

  7. 本文概括地介绍了美国国家标准局三台自由空气电离室空气吸收改正项的测量工作。

    This paper introduces the measurements of air attenuation correction factors for three NBS ( National Bureau of Standards ) flee-air chambers .

  8. 利用空气电离相干探测系统通过实验测量了氨基酸的太赫兹光谱。

    We present an experimental terahertz ( THz ) spectroscopic investigation of amino acid using an air-breakdown-coherent detection ( ABCD ) system .

  9. 本文首次报道一种专门用于记录飞秒激光引发空气电离动态过程的脉冲数字显微全息光路。

    We report , for the first time , a specially designed set-up of pulsed digital holography for micro - recording of air-ionization process induced by femto-laser .

  10. 我想从一开始就提醒大家,放射性元素最重要的属性之一就是将其附近的空气电离(贝克勒尔)。

    I will remind you at the outset that one of the most important properties of the radioactive elements is that of ionizing the air in their vicinity ( Becquerel ) .

  11. 高功率微波的强电场与大气作用使空气电离,中性分子的电离频率与等效电场强度、大气压强密切相关。

    The intense field of high power microwave causes ionization of neutral particle in atmosphere and the plasma comes into being . The ionization frequency of neutral particle relates to electric field intensity and atmospheric pressure .

  12. 在闪电束中,空气被电离成具有极高能量的等离子体,闪电产生的光和热会瞬间引燃几千米范围内的地面,产生的冲击波会将附近地区夷为平地。

    Within the bolt , the air would turn to high-energy plasma . The light and heat from the bolt would spontaneously ignite surfaces for miles around . The shockwave would flatten trees and demolish buildings .

  13. 在理论上,基于局域热力学平衡态下的等离子体发射光谱理论,并结合空气等离子体Saha电离平衡方程,计算了空气等离子体中的平衡组分和连续光谱。

    Based on the assumption that the plasma in the local thermodynamic equilibrium state , and combining the Saha ionization of air plasma equilibrium equation , we calculated the equilibrium composition and continuous spectrum of air plasma radiation .

  14. 超短超强脉冲激光在空气中产生的电离通道的寿命研究

    Lifetime of the plasma channel produced by ultra-short and ultra-high power laser pulse in the air

  15. 仪器主要包括常压空气网栅脉冲电离室,信号放大与甄别和单片机系统。

    Emanometer is composed of normal atmosphere air mesh grid pulse ionization chamber , signal magnify and screen unit and MCU system .

  16. 空气的离解和电离导致轨道器的阻力系数比完全气体计算值低,压心位置前移。

    Dissociation and ionization of air bring on lower drag coefficients of the orbiter than that obtained from perfect gas model , while the location of pressure center moves forward .