
cān jīn zhǐ
  • napkin;paper napkin;serviette
  1. 他们有没有餐巾纸之类的,让她可以把东西吐出来?

    Would she have access to some sort of paper napkin she could spit stuff out into ?

  2. 目前,使用回收垃圾纸为再生原料制作的劣质餐巾纸在生产、流通和餐饮等使用领域中大量存在,给人们的健康带来危害。

    At present , a large quantity of inferior paper napkin generated from recycled trash paper do serious harm to human health .

  3. 目前,“速递按钮”可以订购咖啡、清洁剂、剃须刀、厕纸、纸尿裤、湿纸巾、果汁、狗粮、垃圾袋、奶酪通心粉和餐巾纸等。

    So far there are Dash buttons for coffee , detergent3 , razors , toilet paper , diapers , wipes , juice , dog food , trash bags , macaroni and cheese and napkins , among other items .

  4. 我知道,你这一桌子食物,从盘子到纸杯,到餐巾纸,都跟橄榄球有关,最适合超级杯的party了。

    Like for this spread , I put the snacks in nice bowls , arranged the vegetables so they look attractive , and got these festive football napkins and cups .

  5. 使用MicrosoftWord来记录需求,比起把它们写在白板或餐巾纸上,或者记在脑子里,已经是跨出了一大步。

    Using Microsoft Word to record requirements represents a significant step up from keeping them on whiteboards or paper napkins , or in someone 's head .

  6. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为homebox的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition home box for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  7. 去年12月,该公司还尝试推出了一款名为“homebox”的限量礼盒,这款定价58美元的礼盒内含海盐、抹刀组合以及假日使用的餐巾纸等产品。

    In December the company also tested a limited edition " home box " for $ 58 containing products such as sea salt , a spatula set and cocktail napkins for the holidays .

  8. 谢谢。Andrew,Danielle,餐巾纸?谢谢。

    REX : Thank you . BREE : Andrew , Danielle , napkins ?

  9. SX高效杀菌消毒餐巾纸的研制

    Research and producing of SX efficient antiseptic napkin

  10. 因此,对于RUP来说,一个模型就像是餐巾纸或者白板上面的图画,它是建模工具中的某样东西,甚至是一个想象中的图画。

    Therefore , for RUP purposes , a model could be a drawing on a napkin or a whiteboard , something in a modeling tool , or even a mental image .

  11. 我怎么告诉你把餐巾纸折叠整洁的?

    What did I tell you about folding the napkins neatly ?

  12. 说真的,还是抽张餐巾纸吧!

    Picking your nose . Seriously , just grab a tissue .

  13. 火车上的餐巾纸擦过洒的咖啡

    Train napkin you used to mop up the spilled coffee .

  14. 她把它包在餐巾纸里,然后把它吃了!

    She put it in a napkin and then she ate it !

  15. 我也留意到我的餐巾纸用完了。

    I noticed , too , that I am out of napkins .

  16. 把我整个脸弄得像餐巾纸。

    Lifted up my whole face like a dinner napkin .

  17. 可以在一张餐巾纸上设计一间狗舍。

    You can design a dog house on a napkin .

  18. 他们发明了有很强液体吸收能力的餐巾纸。

    They developed paper napkins with greater uptake of liquids .

  19. 都是些什么垃圾?一张餐巾纸。

    What 's all this junk ? Got a tissue .

  20. 或者把餐巾纸叠成天鹅的样子

    or I can try to make swans out of paper napkins .

  21. 他们没给你餐巾纸吗。

    They never give you any napkins in this place .

  22. 跟你们的邻居共用一张餐巾纸。

    You guys , share your napkins with your neighbor .

  23. 我们都没用星巴克餐巾纸当厕纸好久了

    We haven 't used Starbucks napkins for toilet paper in months .

  24. 拿些餐巾纸,开始清理在地板上那些死昆虫。

    Got some serviettes and started cleaning the insect guts off the floor .

  25. 你可以递一张餐巾纸给我吗?

    NO00 , Could you pass me a napkin ?

  26. 别整天这么忧郁我去拿点餐巾纸

    Lose some of that emo-thing . I 'm gonna get some napkins .

  27. 我需要张餐巾纸我想这下面有一�

    I need a napkin . I think there 's one under here .

  28. 请你给我们拿些餐巾纸好吗?

    A : Could you get us some napkins ?

  29. 麻烦您给我拿点儿餐巾纸。

    Would you mind bringing us some napkin paper ?

  30. 她摆好了玻璃杯和餐巾纸。

    She put out glasses and paper napkins .