
cān jù
  • tableware;cutlery;dish;dinnerware;cover;dinner set;dinner service
餐具 [cān jù]
  • (1) [tableware]∶摆酒席或供应酒食用的瓷器、玻璃制品、银器和其他器皿

  • (2) [dinner set]∶用餐的器具。如:碗、筷、匙子等

餐具[cān jù]
  1. 他们的整套餐具上都饰有黑莓图案。

    Their range of tableware is decorated with a blackberry design

  2. 室外用的餐具最好是打不破的。

    Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable .

  3. 洗涤槽里仍然摆满了昨天晚上没洗刷的餐具。

    The sink was still full of last night 's washing-up .

  4. 轮到你摆放餐具了。

    It 's your turn to do the table .

  5. 这套餐具是镀银的,不是纯银的。

    The cutlery is plate , not solid silver .

  6. 我这就收拾早餐餐具。

    I 'll just clear away the breakfast things .

  7. 你把餐具摆好,准备开饭,好吗?

    Could you set the table for dinner ?

  8. 桌上摆放了六位客人的餐具。

    The table was set for six guests .

  9. 我们没有冰箱、炊具、刀具或餐具。

    We had no fridge , cooker , cutlery or crockery .

  10. 你没有必要现在就开始洗餐具。

    No need for you to start on the washing-up yet

  11. 他把所有长期没洗的餐具都拿到厨房。

    He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen .

  12. 她在一张小桌上摆好盘子和餐具。

    She arranged plates and cutlery on a small table .

  13. 她擦掉灰尘,打扫卫生,还清洗了餐具。

    She dusted , she cleaned , and she did the washing-up .

  14. 我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。

    I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates , too .

  15. 塔妮娅做饭,上菜,还收拾了餐具。

    Tania cooked , served , and cleared away .

  16. 我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己收藏的最好的麦芽威士忌。

    I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard .

  17. 一套7头餐具要花45英镑。

    A seven-piece place setting costs about £ 45 .

  18. 把你从“设计公司”新系列中挑选来的餐具和桌布搭配好。

    Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection .

  19. 早饭后,他们玩耍,我收拾餐具。

    After breakfast they played while I cleared up

  20. 我放了一些热水把餐具洗了。

    I ran some hot water and washed up

  21. 玛莎主动提出去洗餐具。

    Martha volunteered to do the washing-up .

  22. 每次都是男管家把餐具摆好。

    The butler always laid the table .

  23. 尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹。

    There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box .

  24. 他把桌子上凌乱堆放着的书本和报纸推开,摆了两套餐具。

    He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table .

  25. 他看到了餐桌上的那张便条,紧挨着两副餐具中的一副。

    He saw the note on the kitchen table , next to one of the two place settings .

  26. 摆好了八副餐具。

    Covers were laid for eight .

  27. 你可以一面听音乐一面洗餐具。

    You can listen to some music while you are washing up .

  28. 他呆在那儿把母亲洗净的餐具擦干净。

    He stayed to dry the dishes after his mother had washed them .

  29. 我的小女儿经常帮我洗餐具。

    My little daughter often helps me wash up .

  30. 这套玻璃餐具非常昂贵。

    The dinner glass was very expensive .