
  • 网络restaurant design;Restaurant;design
  1. 独具匠心的餐厅设计风格,让客人陶醉其间。

    Originality of the restaurant design style inspires guests'intoxication for gourmet .

  2. 并且他不仅是一位运动爱好者,更陶醉于学习异国文化,并对酒店及餐厅设计表现出浓厚的兴趣。

    And he is not only a sports fans , with more exotic culture , and to study the hotel and restaurant design expressed a keen interest .

  3. 浅谈高速公路服务区餐厅设计应注意的问题

    The Notes of Dining Room Design at Service area in Freeway

  4. 孝义市第三中学学生餐厅设计创作构思

    Design conception of dining-room for the third middle school in Xiaoyi

  5. 健康住宅中的厨房餐厅设计

    Design of kitchen and Dining Room in Healthful Housing

  6. 此餐厅设计焦点为各长14米的开放式厨房和酒吧。

    The vibrant restaurant is highlighted by a14 metre long open kitchen and equally long bar .

  7. 她的主管很欣赏她这方面的知识,专门给她设了一个新职位,让她负责为七家餐厅设计菜单,并为一些特别宴会提供服务。

    Her managers were impressed by her knowledge and created a new job for her that involves developing the menu for seven restaurants and working at special events .

  8. 通过展现中国元素运用的不同范例,引导广大读者发现中餐厅设计的新视角。

    This book would be a perfect window to display how the classical Chinese elements are creatively used in catering space , meanwhile , to analyze the unique design concept .

  9. 浅探我国饭店餐厅的设计和装饰

    A Brief Inquiry into Restaurant Design and Decoration in China

  10. 风砂岩&广州蕉叶餐厅装饰设计艺术元素

    Mantle of Rock , the Element of Decoration GuangZhou Banana Leaf Restaurant

  11. 中、西餐厅室内设计中光环境的比较与运用

    Comparison of Light Environment in Interior Design of Chinese and Western Restaurants

  12. 这是北京和上海所有高级餐厅的设计。

    This is a fixture at all good restaurants in Beijing and Shanghai .

  13. 酒店餐厅厨房设计

    Design of Dining Hall and Kitchen in Hotels

  14. 浅析湘西民族风味特色餐厅产品设计

    Product Design of the Xiangxi Style Ethnic Restaurants

  15. 这块区域是白墙上面有凯蒂猫的形象,还有为餐厅特别设计的艺术造型。

    The room boasts white walls adorned with Hello Kitty characters and art designed specifically for the restaurant .

  16. 在餐厅室内设计中,光环境设计在整个设计中所占比例相当大。

    In interior design of dining rooms , light environment design occupies an important part in the whole design .

  17. 这个宴会厅拥有艺术性餐厅的设计,女王在此举办了多场国家宴会。

    Designed as state of art dining area , the Ballroom has hosted a number of state banquets hosted by the queen herself .

  18. 利用调查材料,在对现有的住宅设计及住户使用情况进行分析的基础上,就现有的住宅厨房和餐厅的设计提出几点建议。

    According to the designing project and use of house , some advice about the design of house on kitchen and dinning room is given .

  19. 早餐厅的设计非常棒,不但外形美观还让您在享用早餐的同时沐浴清晨第一缕阳光。

    As early as the restaurant design is great , not only beautiful appearance also allow you to enjoy breakfast in the morning while the first ray of sun bathing .

  20. 当我走到我的桌子坐下亚当给我一杯很好的马提尼酒,我很喜欢,要了酒单和菜单后,我开始观察餐厅的设计。

    Upon reaching my table I requested the wine list and menus while Adam made a good martini for me which I enjoyed while I observed the restaurant design and reviewed the documentation .

  21. 对云南特色餐厅来说设计到位、实施科学的视觉识别系统,是传播餐厅经营理念、建立云南特色餐厅知名度、塑造云南特色餐厅形象的快速便捷之途。

    Design for Yunnan Restaurant Visual recognition system in place , implementation science , is spreading restaurant concepts , the establishment of Yunnan restaurant awareness in Yunnan , moulding restaurant image quick and easy way .

  22. 感受香槟美味的最佳方式,就是借助于大厨菲利·米勒(PhilippeMille)为豪华的雷克莱耶尔酒店(LeLeDomaineLesCrayères)内开设的米其林二星级餐厅LeParc设计的任意一份定期更新的菜单。

    pairing well with the superb food served in the region 's many excellent restaurants . The most delicious way to discover Champagne 's gastronomic aptitude is through one of the regularly renewed menus that the chef Philippe Mille creates at Le Parc , the Michelin two-star restaurant at the plush Le Domaine Les Cray è res hotel .

  23. 北京欢乐谷玛雅餐厅异形结构设计

    Design of Special-shaped Structure of Maya Restaurant in Beijing Happy Valley

  24. 高层旋转餐厅悬吊架设计施工

    Design and Construction of the Suspension Hanging Scaffolding for a High-rise Rotary Restaurant

  25. 高层建筑塔楼旋转餐厅的结构设计

    Structural Design of Revolving Restaurant of Highrise Buildings

  26. 其中“漂亮”法餐厅中独家设计的3款法式菜单,肆意开启宾客对美食的幻想之门。

    The exclusive three French cuisine menus will open the gate to a food fantasy .

  27. 浅谈餐厅菜式设计

    Elementary introduction of dish design

  28. 现代药膳餐厅产品的设计应当在药膳菜品的设计、餐厅环境的设计以及服务质量上多下工夫。

    Concerning modern product design of medicated diet restaurants , more efforts should be spared in the improvement of dietetic dish design , restaurant surroundings and service quality .

  29. 这是因为这家麦当劳餐厅的重新设计采用了中国古代安排物件和数量以促进人们健康、和睦和兴旺的做法,即“风水”概念。

    That 's because the restaurant was redesigned using the principles of feng shui , the ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects and numbers to promote health , harmony and prosperity .

  30. 现在,一些豪宅业主干脆彻底将餐厅的空间设计成了藏书室、小书房和偶尔作为就餐区的生活馆。

    Now , some luxury home owners are eliminating their dining rooms altogether , instead using the space for libraries , dens and ' living pavilions ' & in which dinner may sometimes be served .