
  • 网络Hotel Design;hospitality design;Design Hotels
  1. 旅游酒店设计的地域及文化象征探讨

    The Explore to Geographical and Cultural Symbols of Resort Hotel Design

  2. 亚龙湾一道亮丽的风景:三亚喜来登酒店设计

    Brilliant landscape at Yalong Bay : Design of Sheraton Hotel Sanya

  3. 63岁的黛安冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)为克拉里奇酒店设计的系列套房近日已交付使用这标志着该酒店和时装设计师的首次联袂合作。

    Diane von Furstenberg , 63 , has recently unveiled a series of suites she has designed for Claridge 's in London marking the hotel 's first collaboration with a fashion designer .

  4. 营造意境&中国地域文化在当代酒店设计中的运用

    Creating Artistic Conception & Application of Regional Culture in Hotel Design

  5. 并就此谈谈酒店设计的未来趋势?

    Please also say something about the future trends of hotel design .

  6. 新地域主义在旅游酒店设计中的运用

    The application of the new regionalism in tourist hotel design

  7. 您如何看待酒店设计的科技智能化因素?

    How do you think about the intellectual elements in hotel design ?

  8. 整个酒店设计突显时尚气息及高科技理念。

    The design of hotel will have a modern feel with hi-tech amenities .

  9. 一次完美的破茧化蝶&苏州阳光新地·香格里拉酒店设计有感

    Broken a Perfect Cocoon & Design Thoughts of Suzhou New Sunshine Land Shangri-La Hotel

  10. 酒店设计千篇一律,缺乏特色和创意。

    Repetitive design with neither features nor originality .

  11. 三亚珠江温泉酒店设计

    The Design for Zhujiang Hotspring Hotel in Sanya

  12. 您怎样看待酒店设计的地域性与文化性?

    How do you think about the regional elements and cultural elements of hotel design ?

  13. 旅游会议酒店设计初探:内蒙古岱海电力培训中心

    Design of Hotel of Tourism and Conference : Daihai Electrical Training Center in the Inner Mongolia

  14. 一个好的酒店设计,必然是民族性的。

    A good hotel design must be able to well present the spirits of a nation .

  15. 室内设计程序的组织与框架&太湖阳光度假酒店设计后记

    Organization and Framework of the Design Process & postscript on design of Sunshine vacation Hotel in Taihu

  16. 经过近20年的发展,我国的酒店设计已经走向成熟和理性化。

    With around 20 years ' development , the hotel design in China has become mature and rationalized .

  17. 上海哈瓦那大酒店设计

    Havana Hotel in shanghai

  18. 最后,地域特色的塑造对会议酒店设计具有非常重要的现实意义,希望本文就此做出的研究成果能为以后相关的设计工作起到借鉴和启发作用。

    I hope this article made this research can play a reference and inspiration for future design work .

  19. 谈酒店设计理念的回归与超越&厦门悦华酒店设计的感悟

    On The Return Of The Hotel Design Concept And Beyond & Design Of The Xiamen Mandarin Hotel Sentiment

  20. 酒店设计能给我们在为来宾和访客营造独特空间的同时提供挥洒激情的契机。

    Hotel design has the opportunity to inspire enthusiasm by creating a sense of place for guests and visitors .

  21. 高端商务酒店设计理念更新与发展&厦门磐基皇冠假日酒店设计探索

    The development of the high rank business restaurant design method & the design method of Crowne Plaza Paragon Xiamen

  22. 您如何看待中国酒店设计与民族文化融合方面尚存的差距?

    What do you think about the gap between the hotel design and their national culture input in China ?

  23. 融入如画风景中&海南博鳌水城一期金海岸大酒店设计

    MERGING INTO PICTURESQUE LANDSCAPES & Design of Golden Beach Hotel , Phase I in Boao Aquapolis , Hai Nan

  24. 新中国成立后,中国室内设计逐渐发展起来,酒店设计也亦如此。

    Since the establishment of new China , Chinese interior design has gradually developed , so has hotel design .

  25. 每层不超过4间房间的酒店设计完全能让嘉宾虽置身于繁华都市,仍可尽享私密空间。

    The Hotel block is exclusively catered to guest privacy as it holds a maximum of four rooms per floor .

  26. 在酒店设计中,我们同样运用这一无缝衔接手法联系各种功能体块。

    We apply this same principle to hotel design where there needs to be a seamless transition and flow between uses .

  27. 通过行为科学与酒店设计之间的联系,使设计者可以根据实际需求,自主选择组织设计语汇。

    Through the link between behavioral sciences and hotel design , designers can choose to organize the design language based on actual demand .

  28. 随后分析了系统家具在酒店设计装修中的应用,包括我国酒店设计装修的发展状况和系统家具在酒店中应用的方式与范围。

    Then it analyzed the apply of the unit furniture in the hotel , including the development of the design of the hotel .

  29. 首当其冲的是,优秀的酒店设计必须理解酒店在其所处的社会环境及文化背景下的运营方式。

    First and foremost , good hotel design must understand the hotel operations in the context of community and culture in which it operates .

  30. 罗女士拥有超过二十年的工作经验,工作涵盖酒店设计和运营、建筑、室内设计、灯光及景观设计。

    Her work experience spans over twenty years and covers hotel design and operations , architecture , interior design , lighting and landscape design .