
  • 网络Alcoholism;alcohol abuse;alcoholic abuse;alcohol misuse
  1. 他补充道,西开普省卫生局正要推出“BoozaTV”,这是今年一个帮助向人们开展有关酒精滥用教育的电视系列节目。

    He adds that the Western Cape Department of Health is launching " Booza TV ", a television series this year to help educate people about alcohol abuse .

  2. 美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)国家酒精滥用及酗酒问题研究所(NationalInstituteonAlcoholAbuseandAlcoholism)代谢和健康影响部门代理主任加里・穆雷(GaryMurray)说,血液流动会减缓,肝细胞的数量也会减少。

    Blood flow decreases , as do the number of hepatocytes , the liver 's functional cells , says Gary Murray , acting director of the Division of Metabolism and Health Effects at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health .

  3. 一项由国际人口服务(PSI)支持的研究显示:在博茨瓦那HIV传播首先与有风险的性行为有关,其次也与药物和酒精滥用有关。

    A study by Population Services International ( PSI ) has revealed that the spread of HIV in Botswana is primarily fuelled by risky sexual behaviour and growing alcohol and substance abuse .

  4. 背景:酒精滥用能导致肾损伤。

    Background Alcohol abuse can lead to kidney diseases .

  5. 饮酒过量和酗酒被称为酒精滥用。

    Excessive drinking and alcoholism were considered alcohol abuse .

  6. 在西方国家,导致慢性胰腺炎最常见的因素为酒精滥用。

    In Western societies , the commonest association of chronic pancreatitis is alcohol abuse .

  7. 河北省农村酒精滥用和依赖性障碍的流行病学调查

    The Epidemiological Survey on the Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Obstacles in the Countryside of Hebei Province

  8. 背景与目的:嗜酒和酒精滥用已成为全球性的医学和社会问题。

    Background and objective : Alcohol abusing and alcoholics pose the world-wide social and medical health problem .

  9. 这一数字,大部分是因为专业治疗酒精滥用和依赖。

    Most of that figure , 43.4 % , was because of specialty treatment for alcohol abuse and dependence .

  10. 酒精滥用、酒精依赖已经成为世界各国较为普遍的社会问题。

    Alcohol abuse ( Alcohol dependence ) has become a popular social problem in almost all the nations of the world .

  11. 指定课程包括事故预防,药物和酒精滥用对驾车能力的影响和国家机动车辆的有关法律。

    Coursework includes accident prevention , the impact of drug and alcohol abuse on driving ability , and the motor vehicle laws of the state .

  12. 不过,也有19%的人超出了每日或每周上限,这些人当中有1/12已经发展到了酒精滥用或上瘾的程度。

    But19 % of Americans exceed either the daily or weekly levels ; one in12 of those people has already progressed to alcohol abuse or alcoholism .

  13. 不管是否存在父母酒精滥用,儿童期不良经历评分与4种个人酒精滥用行为有一个等级的关联。

    The total number of ACEs ( ACE score ) had a graded relationship to 4 categories of personal alcohol abuse with or without parental alcoholism .

  14. 该研究所此番努力源于学界的一个新认识,那就是酒精滥用是有很多种程度的。有些专家希望能以此取代现有的“滥用”和“上瘾”标准。

    Behind the NIAAA 's effort is a new understanding that there is a spectrum of alcohol-use disorders , which some experts hope will replace the current criteria for'abuse'and'dependence .

  15. 成人后个人酒精滥用问题包括四个指标:曾经重度饮酒,自己报告的酒精问题,自己报告的酒鬼和成人期曾与酒鬼结婚或同居。

    The 4 categories of personal alcohol abuse included the following : ever heavy drinking , self-reported alcohol problems , self-reported alcoholic , and ever marrying an alcoholic during adulthood .

  16. 夫妻矛盾可能是农村青年女性比男性更为重要的自杀危险因素,而男性的经济困难、酒精滥用则比女性突出。

    Marital conflict is probably a more important risk factor in female suicides than in men , while economic difficulties and alcohol abuse is a more important risk factor in men .

  17. 酒精滥用引发的多器官、多系统功能障碍和严重的精神及社会问题,已引起世界各国的普遍关注,成为全球范围内重要公共卫生问题。

    As an important global issue on public health , alcohol abuse has been provoked widespread solicitude in the world because of its outcome including functional impairment of multiorgans or multisystems , as well as severe psychiatric disorder and social problem .

  18. 海王星本来就容易让人沉溺于酒精和药物滥用,或者分不清虚幻的诱惑和虚假的表象。

    Too often this planet brings with it alcoholism or drug dependency , or the kind of shallow happiness that comes from faded glamor and tattered gowns .

  19. 对青少年的健康危害还包括:烟草,酒精和药物滥用,被廉价的剥削和常常作为非法劳工,以及令人担忧的不断增长的街头流浪儿童的数量。

    Other health dangers facing adolescents include tobacco , alcohol and other drug misuse , their exploitation as cheap and often illegal labour , and the worrying growth in the numbers of street children .

  20. 酒精和其他物质滥用或依赖也可以与抑郁症共同出现。

    Alcohol and other substance abuse or dependence may also co-exist with depression .

  21. 中国四城市13-15岁初中生酒精和其他药物滥用现状调查

    Alcohol consumption and drug use among middle school students aged 13-15 in 4 cities of China

  22. 世界上许多国家开展了关于酒精使用障碍(酒精滥用)的研究,并且各个国家的政府和非政府部门都给予了支持帮助。

    Research on alcohol use disorders is conducted in many countries throughout the world , and supported by government and non-government organizations in the respective countries .

  23. 酒精(乙醇)是目前应用最广泛的滥用物质之一,由酒精中毒、酒滥用导致的躯体及心理上的疾病已成为全世界关注的健康问题。

    Ethanol is one of the abusive substances to drink diffusely . The physical and mental diseases induced by toxicosis and abuse of ethanol have been noticed in the world .

  24. 酒精作为最易获得的成瘾物质,以惊人的消耗量流传于全人类,酒精中毒、酒精滥用已经成为世界各国较为普遍的社会问题。

    The consumption of alcohol , one of the addictive substances , which can be obtained most easily , is appalling and becoming into the widespread abuse . Alcoholism , alcohol abuse are major world-wide social problems .