
jiǔ hòu jià shǐ
  • drunk driving;drive after taking a drink
  1. 她被控酒后驾驶。

    She was charged with driving under the influence .

  2. 佩恩一年前因为酒后驾驶而被吊销了执照。

    Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving

  3. 一个酒后驾驶的司机撞死了两个女孩儿。

    A drunk driver knocked down and killed two girls

  4. 格雷格用他的汽车电话向警方报告了一个有酒后驾驶嫌疑的司机。

    Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver

  5. 罗伯特·F·肯尼迪的女儿克里·肯尼迪酒后驾驶罪名不成立。

    Kerry Kennedy , daughter of Robert F Kennedy , has been acquitted of the charge of driving under the influence .

  6. 基于PIC单片机的酒后驾驶智能闭锁系统设计

    Intelligent Latch-up Anti-drink Driving System Based on PIC Single-chip

  7. 伯格曾在6个月前经历过这种情况,当时ICM的大牌明星之一梅尔•吉布森酒后驾驶被拘留之后,对一位犹太警官说出了反犹太人的语言。

    Mr Berg experienced this six months ago when Mel Gibson , one of ICM 's biggest stars , made anti-Semitic remarks to a Jewish police officer after being arrested for drink driving .

  8. 这是非常危险的,我们酒后驾驶。

    It 's very dangerous for us to drive after drinking .

  9. 长沙市酒后驾驶发生率及相关因素研究

    Roadside Survey on Drinking-driving in Changsha : Prevalence and Associated Factors

  10. 请系好安全带酒后驾驶

    Put on your seat belt , please . Drunk driving .

  11. 惩处酒后驾驶行为可以判以监禁。

    Drunken driving can be punished with a prison sentence .

  12. 广西酒后驾驶干预项目调查结果分析

    Controlled Intervention Roadside Surveys of Guangxi Anti-drinking and Driving Program

  13. 国内外的众多对驾驶员肇事的研究多集中在四个方面:1、驾驶行为(超速驾驶、酒后驾驶、闯红灯、超车等);

    The studies on this are 4 aspects : 1 . behavior ;

  14. 超过一半的死亡事故涉及酒后驾驶。

    Almost half of the fatal accidents show alcohol involvement .

  15. 他被检测出两倍于酒后驾驶限量。

    He was found to be twice the legal drink drive limit .

  16. 这是你本月第二触犯次酒后驾驶的禁令。

    This is your second drunk driving offense this month .

  17. 我知道总统的儿子由于酒后驾驶而被拘留。

    I know the president 's son was arrested for drink driving .

  18. 与酒后驾驶司机有关的事故发生率是高的。

    A high incidence of accident relating to drunken driver .

  19. 他们正在进行活动,要求对酒后驾驶者处以更严厉的惩罚。

    They are campaigning for stiffer penalties for people who drink and drive .

  20. 这名驾车者已被拘捕,他将面对酒后驾驶和超速驾驶的指控。

    The driver was arrested and faces charges of drunk driving and speeding .

  21. 他已经因为酒后驾驶被拘留了好几次。

    He has been jailed several times for drink-driving .

  22. 现在,中国司机如果被证明酒后驾驶,将面临更严厉的处罚。

    Drivers in China now face stiffer penalties if convicted of drunk driving .

  23. 南宁市机动车驾驶员酒后驾驶现状调查

    The Current Situation of Drink Driving in Nanning City

  24. 比如说,酒后驾驶。

    Such as driving under the influence of alcohol .

  25. 我们应该记住不要酒后驾驶。

    We should remember not to drive after drinking .

  26. 我估计是酒后驾驶,于是就上去拦截了。

    I stopped the vehicle for a possible DWI .

  27. 酒后驾驶是对社会的一种威胁。

    Drunken drivers are a menace to society .

  28. 巴西选择了减少酒后驾驶和超速管理。

    Brazil chose drink-driving reduction and speed management .

  29. 你认为人们应该因酒后驾驶而被关入监狱吗?

    Do you think people should be put in prison for drinking and driving ?

  30. 不要酒后驾驶车辆和危险作业。

    Do not drink driving and dangerous operations .