
jiǔ cài
  • food and drink;food to go with wine or liquor
酒菜 [jiǔ cài]
  • (1) [food and drink]∶酒和菜肴

  • (2) [food to go with wine or liquor]∶下酒的菜

酒菜[jiǔ cài]
  1. 你患感冒时,任何酒菜有时都会毫无滋味。

    When you have a cold , any food and drink sometimes has very little flavour to you .

  2. 英国圣诞节的传统图景总有1张餐桌,上面摆满了酒菜。

    The traditional picture of an English Christmas a table laden with food and drink .

  3. 医生叫他不要吃这样的酒菜。

    The doctor told him to stay away from such foods and drinks .

  4. 这家饭馆常备着好酒菜。

    This restaurant often keeps a good table .

  5. 她手脚麻利,不一会儿一桌酒菜就端上来了。

    She was quick and efficient , and soon , a lavish dinner was laid out .

  6. 儿子回答说:「但是这张桌子会自动摆出酒菜来呢。

    " But it is a table-be-set ," replied the son .

  7. 烟囱冒烟处,未必酒菜香。

    There is not always good cheer where the chimney smokes .

  8. 他们把这些炒了当下酒菜。

    They cooked these and served them with liquor .

  9. 小酒菜馆供应套饭的酒菜馆或小酒馆。

    RN or an inn providing such a meal .

  10. 你们尽管吃饱喝足。酒菜多得很,足够我们大家的份儿。

    Eat and drink your fill . There is plenty for all of us .

  11. 假期中我到宾馆打工,干些洗碗碟和端酒菜等活儿。

    I got holiday jobs in guesthouses , washing dishes and waiting on tables .

  12. 他喝酒的时候喜欢拿牛筋当下酒菜。

    He likes accompanying wine with beef tendons .

  13. 她举行气派十足的宴会,备有上等酒菜。

    She gives dinner parties in style , with the best food and wine .

  14. 雅座酒吧为游客供应酒菜。

    The lounge bar catered for tourists .

  15. 只有一个站立式柜台,成瓶的腌制的下酒菜,当地工人站着一边喝酒一边观看电视相扑比赛。

    A single standing-only counter , jars of pickled bar food and local workers sighing over sumo wrestling on TV .

  16. 而且大部分赘肉来自我们草草吞下的下酒菜,并非酒水本身。

    And most of the flab comes from food we polish off when we 've been drinking , rather than from the alcohol itself .

  17. 大船中有“丝网船”,俗称“双夹弄”、“单夹弄”,可供酒菜。

    Ship in the " screen ship ", commonly known as " double folder get "," single folder get ", for food and wine .

  18. 狼吞虎咽之后,想到后面还烟台招聘网有活动,就不再恋酒菜,这一餐很快就结束了。

    Eat like wolves and tigers , the thought behind there are activities , will no longer love food and wine , the meal ended too soon .

  19. 她的男性意向会用丰盛的酒菜款待他的女人,带她去参观画廊,让她着迷得不会思考,直到他突然变心为止。

    The Libra animus will wine and dine his woman , take her to art galleries and charm her silly until he hits one of his fickle spells .

  20. 这是一个顶漂亮的城市!他住进一个最好的旅馆里去,开了最舒服的房间,叫了他最喜欢的酒菜,因为他现在发了财,有的是钱。

    It was a very nice town , and he put up at the best inn , and ordered a dinner of all his favorite dishes , for now he was rich and had plenty of money .

  21. 喝啤酒的同时,通常还会吃大量垃圾食品或高热量食品,即使本来不饿的人,喝了啤酒后也会吃很多下酒菜。

    Additionally , where there is beer drinking , there is usually a good amount of junk food or calorie laden food available . Drinking alcohol contributes to a lot of mindless eating even when a person is not hungry .

  22. 女人连忙把这些美味的酒菜藏进灶里去,因为假如丈夫看见这些东西,他一定要问问这是甚么意思。

    The woman then quickly put away the wine , and hid all the rest of the nice things in the oven ; for if her husband had seen them he would have asked what they were brought out for .