
  1. 抓周仪式通常会在午饭吃长寿面之前举行。

    The zhuazhou ceremony usually takes place before the longevity noodle at lunchtime .

  2. 抓周仪式,作为一种中国特有的风俗延续了数千年。

    " Draw lots " ceremony continues for thousands of years as an unique Chinese customs .

  3. 所以,虽然有些父母并不迷信,他们也会举行抓周仪式。

    Therefore , even though some parents may not be superstitious , they will still carry out the custom .

  4. 抓周时并不需要举行盛大的宴会,不需要精美的礼品,甚至不需要请帖。

    Zhuazhou is not an occasion for grand feasts and elaborate gifts : thehosts do not even send out invitations .

  5. 据说中国著名学者钱钟书在一岁抓周的仪式上抓了本书。

    It is said that Qian Zhongshu , a very famous scholar in China , took a book at the ceremony .

  6. 个别的风俗,就是一种特定的研究对象。广德地区的风俗有许多特色,抓周就是其中之一。

    An individual custom is a specific research object . " Draw lots " ceremony is among the many distinguishing customs around Guangde districts .

  7. 抓周的习俗会影响家长和亲友将来怎样鼓励孩子,怎样对孩子进行启蒙教育。

    The custom of Zhuazhou influences how the parents , grandparents and other relatives will encourage the child , and how they will conduct enlightenment education .

  8. 在第二章和第三章,本文对广德地区抓周仪式进行了深描,详细描述了抓周的内容。

    In Chapters ⅱ and ⅲ, this article the Guangde caught Zhou ceremony were " thick description ", a detailed description of the grasp of the content of the week .

  9. 孩子一岁时有个非常有趣的风俗叫“抓周”。抓周被认为是孩子周岁生日最重要的组成部分之一。

    When the child is one year old , there is an interesting custom called " zhua-zhou . " Zhuazhou is regarded as one of the most important customs on a child 's first birthday .

  10. 晚会的高潮是宝宝“抓周”,宝宝随手抓到的物体象征的他的未来。亲朋好友会在所有的选择中加上现金,象征着小宝宝以后会很有钱。

    the traditional costume . The highlight of the party is when the baby must choose an object that will symbolize her future . Family friends add cash to the choices . Looks like Eun-Suh will be in the money .

  11. 在中国古典名著《红楼梦》里,贾宝玉在抓周时抓了脂粉和其他一些女孩的东西,他后来非常喜欢在女孩堆里厮混。

    In the great Chinese literary classis , Hong Lou Meng , or the Dreary of the Red Mansion , Jia Baoyu , the hero , actually grabbed powder and other girls ' stuff at the ceremony when he was a child . As a result , he likes mingling with girls very much .