
  • 网络steroid prophylactic
  1. 长效甾体避孕药RP-HPLC流动相选择性优化与定量分析

    Optimization of mobile phase composition for RP-HPLC separation and determination of long acting steroidal contraceptives

  2. 放线菌酮和纳洛酮影响甾体避孕药对大鼠垂体的GnRH激发效应

    Cycloheximide and Naloxone Affect the GnRH-Pituitary Priming Effect induced by Steroidal Contraceptives in Rat

  3. 这现象表明不同甾体避孕药对垂体释放与贮存LH有不同的影响。

    The results indicated that different type of steroidal contraceptives might influence the anterior pituitary LH release and storage .

  4. 结果显示:宫内节育器(IUD)使用最为普遍,其中以TcuVcu效果最好,阴道药具及甾体避孕药等因使用不当而效果较差。

    The results showed that the most popular contraceptive method was intrauterine device ( IUD ), among which the medicated Tcu had Vcu IUD had the highest continuation rate , while the vaginal and oral contraceptives had the lowest continuation rate .

  5. 胆囊结石与甾体避孕药关系的病例对照研究

    Case-control study on gallstones after use of steroid hormone contraceptives

  6. 甾体避孕药不增加血栓栓塞性疾病危险(病例对照研究)

    Steroid Contraceptives Causing No Increase in Risk of Thromboembolism ( Case-Control Study )

  7. 葡萄糖酸锌合剂治疗小儿厌食83例女用复方甾体避孕药对血浆脂蛋白代谢影响的研究

    Anorexia corrected by oral mixture zinc gluconate in 83 children Effect of Oral Contraceptives on Lipoprotein Metabolism

  8. 共对830对病人进行了病例对照研究以探讨甾体避孕药与胆囊结石的关系。

    A case-control study was made on 830 pairs of cases to explore the relationship between steroid hormone contraceptives and gallstone formation .

  9. 结果提示甾体避孕药18甲似能直接进入卵泡液,并影响卵泡颗粒细胞甾体的生成。

    Transport of steroid contraceptives into the follicular fluid and the possible direct effect on the function of granular cells and the maturation of oocyte need further investigations .

  10. 本文采用1:3病例对照研究方法,对甾体避孕药的使用与血栓栓塞性疾病(急性心肌梗塞、脑栓塞、脑血栓形成和深静脉血栓形成)间的关联进行多因素分析。

    A case-control study was made for the investigation of relationship between steroid contraceptives and diseases of thromboembolism ( AMI , DVT , Cerebral embolism and Cerebral thrombosis ) .

  11. 结果提示在我国广泛应用的甾体避孕药(主要为国产Ⅰ号避孕药)并不增加血栓栓塞性疾病的危险性。

    The analytical results by multiple conditional Logistic regression showed that the steroid contraceptives commonly applied in Shanghai ( mainly Chinese Pill № 1 , made in China ) did not increase the risk of thromboembolism .

  12. 皂苷元是合成多种甾体激素和甾体避孕药理想的前体。

    Diosgenin is the ideal precursor for the synthesis of several steroid hormones and contraceptive steroids .

  13. 盾叶薯蓣根茎所含的薯蓣皂素是合成多种甾体激素和甾体避孕药的前体物质,世界各国生产的甾体激素大多都是以它为原料合成的。

    The root contains diosgenin which is the synthesis of a variety of steroidal hormone precursor , Two-thirds percent of world production of steroids is to take it as raw material .

  14. 薯蓣皂苷元(Diosgenin)是合成多种甾体激素类药物和甾体避孕药的理想前体,占甾体激素类药物原料的60%。

    Diosgenin is an important precursor in the synthesis of steroidal hormones and steroidal contraceptives , and about 60 % steroidal hormone medicines are produced from it .