
  • 网络Fleece
  1. 随着日本人开始用售价23美元一件的抓绒外套来搭配他们价值2000美元的手表,日本休闲服饰零售商FastRetailing就通过旗下廉价但时尚的服装,把握这一变化带来的商机。

    Japan 's Fast Retailing , with its cheap-but-chic clothing , has been cashing in , as people match $ 2,000 watches with $ 23 fleece jackets .

  2. 本研究利用非求导REML方法(DF-REML)分析了内蒙古白绒山羊的生产性状(抓绒量、体重、绒厚、毛长、绒细度以及绒长度)的遗传趋势。

    In this study , derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood ( DF-REML ) method to estimate genetic trend for productive traits ( raw cashmere weight , live body weight , cashmere thickness , staple length , fibre diameter , and fibre length ) of White Cashmere Goat in Inner Mongolia .

  3. 虽然秋季脱落的绒比春季抓绒时的绒短,但其绒长度也能满足生产需要。

    Although the depilated Cashmere in autumn was shorter than in spring , the length of Cashmere can meet the requirement of production .

  4. 模型Ⅲ适合估计抓绒性状、模型Ⅳ适合估计初生重和断乳重、模型Ⅲ适合估计日增重、模型Ⅰ适合估计周岁重的遗传参数。

    We found that model ⅲ was fit to estimate cashmere trait , model ⅳ was fit to estimate birth weight and weaning litter weight , model ⅲ was fit to estimate average daily gain , model I was fit to estimate yearling weight .