
xiǎo dōng xi
  • Little thing;trifle;pinhead;midget;sop;pocket-handkerchief;fingerling
小东西 [xiǎo dōng xī]
  • (1) [trifle;fingerling]∶很小的事物

  • (2) [pinhead]∶很小的或微不足道的东西

小东西[xiǎo dōng xi]
  1. 她是个不起眼的小东西。

    She was just a scrap of a thing .

  2. 一些小东西在帐篷四周的草丛里窸窸窣窣地动着。

    Small things stirred in the grass around the tent

  3. 他是一个让人讨厌的小东西。

    He was a nasty little blighter .

  4. 有时候,我们需要一些小东西来激励自己,使自己感觉更好。

    We need a little something to help sometimes , to uplift us and make us feel better

  5. 别为这点小东西拼命砍价。

    Don 't drive a hard bargain over such a little thing .

  6. 这小东西真可爱。

    What a sweet little thing !

  7. 由马丁·雷曼领导的研究员们,进行了一系列实验,以确定人们是否愿意选择配有非食物类小东西的小份食物。

    The researchers , led by Martin Reimann , carried out a series of experiments to see if people would choose a smaller meal if it was paired with a non-food item .

  8. 收集一些像树叶、石头或者羽毛之类的小东西,当你回到家的时候可以把它们变成值得纪念的艺术品。

    Collect small things such as leaves , stones , or feathers , which can be turned into memorable works of art when you get back home .

  9. 近期,华为推出了一款新手机。这款手机应用压力感应屏,可称出小东西的重量。而现在,iPhone6s也将在其系统中推出类似功能的应用软件。

    Huawei recently unveiled a phone that can be used to weigh small objects thanks to its pressure-sensitive screen , and now an app promises to add the same feature to the iPhone 6s .

  10. 不出所料,地板上有个外表奇特的小东西。

    Sure enoush , there was a funny-looking gizmo in the floor .

  11. 你的圣诞采购已经结束,但你每次出去还是会买一些额外的小东西。

    You 've finished your Christmas shopping but still buy little ' extras ' every time you go out .

  12. runin顺便访问;处于失败的边缘三年前第一次采访她时,她还只是个骨瘦的小东西在名利的边缘蓄势待发。

    Three years ago for our first interview with her , she was a bony little thing perched on the precipice of fame .

  13. 可怜的小东西们我们在下面又累又怕还好Portia把我拉出来了然后

    Poor little things.It took yawn and treats but eventually Portia cokes me out , and then

  14. 这个小东西比皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)的电影《机器人总动员》(Wall-E)中的监控机器人EVE更加可爱,但它监控的不是植物,而是漏水和发霉现象。

    This little guy is cuter than the surveillance robot EVE from the Pixar film Wall-E , but it detects water leaks and mold instead of vegetation .

  15. 对你们中坚持要用元音和辅音这些小东西的人来说,BFF表示永远最好的朋友。

    For those of you who insist on using petty things like vowels and consonants , BFF is slang for Best Friends Forever .

  16. 《美丽小东西》2010年3月11日当一位匿名答疑专栏作家以“DearSugar”的名号出现在“TheRumpus”上时,她就提出了自己的主张:有着

    TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS [ qh ] [ qh ] When an anonymous advice columnist by the name of " Dear Sugar " introduced herself on The Rumpus on March 11 , 2010 , she made her proposition clear : a

  17. 而在之后的两年多时间内,她继续发布了一些内容,其风格的强烈、内容的真实和存在深远更十倍于之前的那则文笔狡黠不敬的发言。《美丽小东西:DearSugar对爱与人生的建议》

    But in the two-some years that followed , she proceeded to deliver something tenfold punchier , more honest , more existentially profound than even such an intelligently irreverent promise could foretell . Collected in Tiny Beautiful Things : Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar ( public library )

  18. 前几天,在温布尔顿中央球场举行的一场网球比赛中,当伊沃•卡洛维奇(IvoKarlovic)向安德鲁•穆雷(AndrewMurray)发出一记时速高达135英里的球时,我发现自己正盯着他身后那个一动不动的小东西。

    As Ivo Karlovic whacked a tennis ball at 135 miles per hour towards Andrew Murray on Wimbledon 's Centre Court last week , I found myself staring at something behind his back that wasn 't moving at all .

  19. 噢!一定要想尽一切办法,挽救这些可爱的小东西。

    Oh ! By all means , save the little darlings .

  20. 我认为她是伦敦最会装腔作势、卖弄风情的小东西。

    I think her the most confounded little flirt in London .

  21. 它只是个小东西,一只头颅一个非常小的东西。

    It is little thing , a heada very little thing .

  22. 有十美元左右的漂亮的小东西吗?

    Do you have anything nice and small around ten dollars ?

  23. 咱们得救救那可怜的小东西。

    " We must save that poor creature ," said Maria .

  24. 我看见这株可怜的小东西弯倒在地。

    I found the slender young thing bent to the earth .

  25. 女巫嘛爱做评判的小东西你为什么之前没告诉我

    Witches ... judgy little things.Why didn 't you tell me ?

  26. 这个小东西带来了一些回忆,对吗?

    This little baby brings back memories , doesn 't it ?

  27. 他们喜欢抚摸这些小东西并且对着它们说话。

    They liked to touch the animals and talk to them .

  28. 于是,他们发明这小东西来制造美妙的音乐。

    So , they invented this snarfblatt to make fine music .

  29. 你将会有机会使用这些小东西。

    You 're going to get a chance to use them .

  30. 多数人都不会仔细考虑这种小东西。

    Most people don 't give these small pests a second thought .