
xiǎo ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • adlet;small ad;handbill;flier
  1. 打算购物的人应该研究研究日报上的小广告。

    Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper .

  2. 阻止这些小广告的散布是道德的吗?

    Is it ethical to prohibit the delivery of spam ?

  3. 显系单价很小广告样品用的。

    Significant cost of the small sample used in advertising .

  4. 那些引人怀念的小广告被失恋的人收藏了起来。

    Those wistful little ads that the lovelorn place in the classifieds .

  5. 要求学生自己写一则小广告,能训练和提高学生的写作能力。

    Have one or two students share their ads with the whole class .

  6. 我们以后再也不会有小广告片了。

    We 're not gonna just take any commercial that comes our way .

  7. 报纸上连插入一个小广告的空间都没有了。

    There is no space to insert even a small advertisement in the newspaper .

  8. 我想给我们的轮岗项目,做个小广告。

    I 've got this little bit of advertisement here about our rotational program .

  9. 而购物小广告被票选为“社交媒体最惹人厌的行为”。

    Shopping advertisements ranked top of the most annoying shared contents on social media .

  10. 这种现象的主要原因不在于有大量的小广告户。

    The main problem is not that there is a multitude of small advertisers .

  11. 好吧,我们能让他做三次一分钟小广告。

    Okay , I guess we could put you down for three one-minute spots .

  12. 有的人会因为留心边角的一块小广告取得成功。

    Some people will pay a small piece of the horn side because advertising success .

  13. 他带着有关珍珠街一家酒店的一则小广告。

    One little advertisement he had , relating to a saloon down in Pearl Street .

  14. 不妨在当地咖啡馆、书店或其他店铺张贴小广告招揽招揽客户吧。

    Post advertisements at local cafes , bookstores and other shops to start bringing in clientele .

  15. 邻里之间发现邻居家门上插了小广告,要相互及时清除,不给犯罪分子作案机会。

    Neighbors should help each other to clear the small ads and do not give criminals any opportunities .

  16. 我们印制20000份小广告吧,我们要于下周末在购物中心免费派送。

    Let 's get20000 flyers printed . we 'll hand them out at the shopping mall next weekend .

  17. 令我吃惊的是,这些人不顾后果,到处乱贴小广告。

    To my surprise , those people put up illegal ads here and there , regardless of the result .

  18. 散发小广告传单,分发宣传手册或者发布新闻稿件都有助于建立公司形象。

    Distribute flies , pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image .

  19. 户外小广告的供需关系的形成是一种微不足道的看不见的市场关系。

    Small outdoor advertising of the formation of supply and demand is a " trivial " invisible market relations .

  20. 第四部分:报纸广告创新的另一个问题是分类广告的出现。分类广告是按内容分类刊出的简短的小广告。

    The four : Another question innovated in advertisement of the newspaper is an appearance of the classified advertisement .

  21. 它实际上是一个张贴小广告的小孩,内行称为“多方利益相关者”模式。

    It is in effect a poster child for what insiders like to call the " multi-stakeholder " model .

  22. 校园小广告的泛滥是高等教育机构不得不面对的一个重大校园环境治理对象。

    The proliferation of campus illicit ads is a major campus environmental management object that higher education institutions have to face .

  23. 随后,文章对校园小广告依法采取扼止措施与疏导措施两个方面提出了解决之法。

    Subsequently , the article provides two measures to resolve this question . One is stop measure , the other is persuasion measure .

  24. 最近我在佐治亚州的亚特兰大的时候,与当地一家小广告公司的老板达利恩见面。

    I was recently in Atlanta , Georgia , and met the owner of a small advertising company , a guy named Darien .

  25. 这些播放预录信息的机器拨号非常成功,一些地方小广告减少率达90%。

    The robocalls , which leave pre-recorded messages , have been so successful that city officials say certain areas have seen a 90 percent reduction in signs .

  26. 在美国佛罗里达州的好莱坞市,贴小广告是犯法的,虽然罪行较轻,但罚款可达250美元。

    Putting them up is deemed a crime as well , albeit a relatively minor offense that carries a fine of up to $ 250 in Hollywood , Fla.

  27. 户外小广告其旺盛生命力来自于供需关系的客观存在,户外小广告的内容往往是当地居民需要的服务信息。

    Outdoor small advertising its exuberant vitality , from the supply and demand of objective existence , small advertising content is often local residents need to service information .

  28. 分类广告是按内容分类刊出的简短的小广告。分类广告多用于个人或社区服务。

    What the classified advertisement is classified by content and published is brief and small and wide the classified advertisement is used in individuals or community services more .

  29. 政府是没有能力根治小广告,还是怕那些负责清理小广告的人失业呢?

    Does our goverment have ability to eradicate these lawless ad ? Or she is worried about the people who take charge of clearing these lawless ad will lost their job ?

  30. 在居民门上插小广告已成为犯罪分子踩道的手段之一,以此来判断家中是否有人,选择时机下手作案。

    Inserting small ads on the doors of residents has become a means for criminals to judge whether someone is at home and they will choose the time to committing crimes .