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  1. 语义学,以语言形式表示意思的研究或科学。

    Semantics : The study or science of meaning in language forms .

  2. 表示意思主要靠言词和示意动作。

    Signification relies largely upon words and gestures .

  3. 广播体操看中去是很富有机械运动感的,表现欠好就会向动作分化表示意思向。

    The radio gymnastic exercises have strong sense of mechanical motion , and it 's easy to fall into the segment sketches .

  4. 而表示意思或可为效果意思所吸收,或可为表示行为所吸收,因而不是构成意思表示的必备要素。

    However , expressing intention is not an essential component of manifestation of intention , because it can be absorbed by effect intention or by expressing behavior .

  5. 英语和美语的主要差异表现在词汇、读音、拼写及说话的气质等方面,尤其是某些词汇的表示意思。

    US-English language performance of the main differences in vocabulary , pronunciation , and spelling , such as speak , in particular , express the meaning of certain terms .

  6. 它在这里表示的意思跟英语俗语“虚有其表”和汉语中的“绣花枕头”的意思一样,“绣花枕头”外表很漂亮,可里面却只是填满了干草而已。

    It ’ s similar to the English saying “ Many a fine dish has nothing on it ” or the Chinese idiom “ embroidered pillow , ” which boasts a beautiful cover , but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside . For example :

  7. 表示这个意思时sound后跟形容词,表示听起来……。这音乐听起来十分悦耳。

    The music sounds very pleasing to the ear .

  8. 乔纳森·曼:从表示折叠意思的“FOLD”到“LOOK”的词,戈德林已经数不清楚她利用新写法拼出了多少个词。

    JONATHAN MANN : From the word FOLD that 's literally folded to LOOK looking out , Goldring has lost count of all the words she 's respelled in her new script .

  9. 另一个表示同样意思的词“lunatic”源于拉丁文“luna”,即月亮。

    The word lunatic , which means moonstruck , comes from luna , a Latin word meaning moon .

  10. 你认为,她保持沉默表示某种意思吗?

    Do you think that her silence is significant ?

  11. 用“心理活动”这个词究竟表示什么意思?

    What is meant by the term'mental activity ' ?

  12. 谈英语中否定形式表示肯定意思

    On Negative Forms Expressing Affirmative Meaning in English

  13. 这些符号表示什麽意思?

    What do these marks signify ?

  14. 看门人好象既没有懂沙威的话,也没有懂冉阿让摇头所表示的意思。

    The porter did not appear to understand either Javert 's words or Jean Valjean 's sign .

  15. (在上下文中)单词间表示相同意思的语义关系。

    The semantic relation that holds between two words that can ( in a given context ) express the same meaning .

  16. 根据语境,我们可以确定本句话作者要表示的意思是学生们在家在校用电脑用的越少,阅读和数学测试的成绩就会越高。

    The less students use computer at school and at home , the better they do in exams of reading and math .

  17. 代理行为是法律行为的特殊存在形式,其特殊性在于行为的意思表示与意思表示的法律效果在主体上发生分离。代理行为乃代理人自已的意志行为。

    The agency behavior is the special existence form of the legal behavior , and the specialty lies in the separation between legal effect and expression .

  18. 程序的用户接口是否和以前版本的用户接口统一?不同版本间的术语和术语表示的意思是否一致?一些基本的概念是不是保持一致?

    Is it consistent with earlier versions of the product ? Have the terms and meanings remained the same between releases ? Are the fundamental concepts essentially unchanged ?

  19. 要是我有资格把这玩艺儿取下来,它就会自然而然地落下去,或是变成表示别的意思的东西了。

    Were I worthy to be quit of it , it would fall away of its own nature , or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport .

  20. 此项标准具体体现在其各项指令当中,这些指令旨在确保一旦人们掌握某个词所表示的意思,他们就不会遇到该词还表示其它意思的情况。

    The standard is specific in its instructions , which aim to ensure that once someone has learnt a word in one form , they will not encounter it in another .

  21. 您能够获得一个目录/存储桶的清单和每个目录/存储桶中的文件清单,但是要不要对每个文件表示的意思进行跟踪,这取决于您。

    You can get a list of directories / buckets and a list of the files in each , but it 's up to you to keep track of what each file represents .

  22. 事实上,所有加入全球变暖论战的人都承认制定政策必须依据“完美科学”,不足之处在于这一短语表示什么意思。

    Virtually all of those engaged in the debate over global warming are committed to the idea that policy must be based on ' sound science ' . The difference lies in what this phrase means .

  23. 把英语商标翻译成中文名,翻译者翻译出的名字不仅要能有效的表达出原商标表示的意思,而且要能被中国客户欣赏和接受。

    In translating brand name from English to Chinese , the translator is required to create brand names that can convey the message of the original appropriately but also be accepted as well as appreciated by Chinese consumers .

  24. “爱”这个字不同的人用来表示不同的意思。

    The word ' love ' is used in different senses by different people .

  25. 为了与TwitterAPI文档保持一致,本文使用的术语“朋友(friends)”和“跟随者(peopleyouarefollowing)”表示相同的意思。

    In concert with the Twitter API documentation , this article uses the terms " friends " and " people you are following " interchangeably .

  26. Look和see是近义词,但oversee监视,overlook意思怎么就是忽视呢;Alot和afew是反义词,但与quite连用,怎么都表示很多的意思呢!

    How can overlook ( 17 ) and oversee ( 18 ) be opposites , while quite a lot ( 19 ) and quite a few ( 20 ) arealike ?

  27. 哦,geewhiz是感到意外,表示吃惊的意思。

    LL : Oh ," Gee whiz " is an expression of surprise or amazement in English , Xiaoyan .

  28. 表示…的意思;作…解释在现代威尔士语中,glas意为“蓝色”。

    In modern Welsh , ' glas ' means ' blue ' .

  29. 问题是,“lie”还表示说谎的意思,例如在这一句中:Iliedtomymother.所以你可以以过去时表示:“IlayonthebedbecauseIwastired.”

    The problem is that " lie " also means to not tell the truth , as in " I lied to my mother . " So you would say in the past tense " I lay on the bed because I was tired . "

  30. 并不表示特别的意思,仅此而已。

    And were not intended to mean anything in particular .