
  • 网络topical anesthesia;surface anesthesia;topical anaesthesia;surface anaesthesia
  1. 目的探讨表面麻醉下糖尿病患者白内障超声乳化术(PHACO)的最佳护理程序。

    Objective To probe surface anaesthesia took off diabetic cataract PHACO the best nursing program .

  2. 气管内表面麻醉。

    Performed mucous membrance surface anaesthesia before endotracheal intubation .

  3. C组予安定、扑热息痛口服,利多卡因表面麻醉。

    Group C was treated with diazepam , paracetamol and lidocaine .

  4. 用不同pH和浓度的丁卡因溶液喉部表面麻醉临床观察150例。

    Various pH and concentration of tetracaine solution have been compared in clinical larynx surface anesthesia .

  5. 使用表面麻醉对Graves病患者实施眼肌手术

    Muscle surgery in patients with Graves ' dis-ease using topical anesthesia

  6. 观察组采用EA加气管粘膜表面麻醉和基础麻醉。

    EA , tracheal surface anesthesia and basal anesthesia were used in the treatment group .

  7. 方法选择34例Tis和T1期声带癌患者接受表面麻醉,Nd∶YAG激光经纤维喉镜引导,对喉肿瘤进行汽化切割治疗。

    Methods 34 patients with glottic Tis or T1 squamous cell carcinoma were treated with Nd ∶ YAG laser vaporization by fiber-laryngoscopy .

  8. 目的采用注药式气管导管对术后机械通气的ICU病人行气道表面麻醉,观察机械通气过程中病人对气管导管的耐受情况。

    Objective To investigate the effects of endotracheal tube for injecting drugs to respiratory mucosa on sedation effect in postoperative ICU patients , undergoing mechanical ventilation .

  9. 白内障手术Tenon囊下阻滞麻醉与表面麻醉的随机对照试验:患者满意度的比较研究

    Randomised controlled trial of sub-Tenon 's block versus topical anaesthesia for cataract surgery : A comparison of patient satisfaction

  10. 表面麻醉下25G经结膜无缝合玻璃体视网膜手术的护理45例

    Nursing about 45 patients who have accepted the operation of 25G trans-conjunctiva sutureless vitrectomy by using surface anesthesia

  11. 方法:手术在1%丁卡因表面麻醉支撑喉镜下进行,采用普通手术显微镜连接300mm焦距镜头观察病变。

    Method : The operation was performed using suspension laryngoscope and common operative microscope under surface anesthesia with 1 % pontocaine .

  12. L-1地卡因滴眼液作为对照。结果盐酸丁氧普罗卡因和地卡因表面麻醉生效时间分别为(20±5)s和(6±2)min,2组间有显著性差异(P<0.01);

    Results The onset of anaesthetic effect of oxybuprocaine group and dicaine group were ( 20 ± 5 ) seconds and ( 6 ± 2 ) minutes respectively . There was a significant difference between two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. Ⅱ组用LTA做会厌、声门及气管内的表面麻醉,2min后再行插管;

    Group ⅱ: Laryngoscope was used to expose glottis and epiglottis , and then LTA was sprayed 2 min before endotracheal intubation .

  14. B-7601具有明显的表面麻醉作用,其作用强于普鲁卡因,约相当于的卡因。

    B-7601 has a significant local anesthetic action , its efficacy is much higher than procaine , but similar to the Dicaine .

  15. 方法:Schultz-dale反应、抗组胺止痒试验、角膜表面麻醉试验。

    Methods : Schultz - dale reaction , antihistamine alleviating pruritus test and cornea surface anesthesia test .

  16. 结果:球后麻醉组中,结膜水肿、结膜下出血及眼睑出血的发生率显著高于表面麻醉组(P0.001),另有2例发生球后出血。

    Results : The incidences of chemosis , subconjunctival hemorrhage and eyelid hemorrhage were significantly higher in the retrobulbar group compared with those in the topical group ( P0 001 ) . Two patients had retrobulbar hemorrhage while having retrobulbar injections .

  17. 薄荷醇增强达克罗宁表面麻醉作用的实验研究

    Experimental study of Mentholum strengthening the surface anesthesia of Dyclonine usage

  18. 康神露的表面麻醉及镇痛作用的实验研究

    Studies on Surface Anesthetic and Analgesic Actions of Kang Shen Lu

  19. 表面麻醉在基层医院防盲白内障手术中应用

    Application of topical anesthesia in large-scale cataract surgery in primary hospital

  20. 表面麻醉技术在白内障现代囊外摘除及人工晶体植入术中的应用研究

    Topical anesthesia in the extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation

  21. 表面麻醉及球周麻醉下超声乳化白内障吸除联合人工晶状体植入术的比较

    A comparison of topical anesthesia and peribulbar anesthesia for cataract phacoemulsification

  22. 合并全身病的白内障表面麻醉超声乳化术分析

    Phacoemulsification for cataract patients with general disease by topical anesthesia

  23. 表面麻醉下多焦点人工晶体临床应用

    Clinical application of foldable multifocal IOL implantation under surface anesthesia

  24. 气管插管时血流动力学的改变恩纳用于气管表面麻醉的动物实验研究

    The Study of EMLA in Surface Anesthesia during Tracheal Intubation

  25. 表面麻醉在小切口非乳化白内障摘出术中的应用

    Application of the topical anesthesia in the small incision non-phacoemulsification cataract extraction

  26. 表面麻醉在化学剥脱术治疗雀斑中的应用

    Application of surface anesthesia in treating freckle with chemical peeling

  27. 个体化表面麻醉程度测评在胃镜检查术前准备中的应用

    Using the individual superficial anaesthesia evaluation during the course of gastroscopy preparation

  28. 表面麻醉联合结膜下麻醉在小梁切除手术中的应用

    Application of topical anesthesia combined with subconjunctival anesthesia in trabeculectomy

  29. 表面麻醉巩膜隧道切口白内障手术临床体会

    Clinical evaluation of cataract extraction with scleral tunnel incision under topical anesthesia

  30. 维拉帕米联合利多卡因对家兔的表面麻醉作用

    Surface anesthetic effects of verapamil hydrochloride combined with lidocaine hydrochloride on rabbits