首页 / 词典 / good


biǎo yáng
  • praise;commend;a pat on the back;citation;accolade;exalt
表扬 [biǎo yáng]
  • [praise;commend] 对好人好事公开称赞

  • 表扬好人好事

  • 他的这一行为应该表扬

表扬[biǎo yáng]
  1. 教练提出两名队员给予特别表扬。

    The team coach singled out two players for special praise .

  2. 必要时要表扬他们,但不能言过其实。

    Praise them when necessary , but don 't lay it on too thick .

  3. 她因妥善处理了那个局面而受到表扬。

    She was commended on her handling of the situation .

  4. 考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬。

    Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar .

  5. 至少该表扬他尝试过。

    At least give him credit for trying .

  6. 有一名运动员特别值得表扬。

    One player in particular deserves a mention .

  7. 你的诚实值得大大表扬。

    Your honesty does you great credit .

  8. 该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。

    The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play .

  9. “他答对了,海伦。该表扬这个男孩。”

    ' He gotcha , Helen . Give the boy credit . '

  10. 他们一直在倾听人们的牢骚、抱怨和表扬。

    They have been listening to people 's gripes , moans and praise .

  11. 事情做得漂亮时,给自己一点表扬。

    If you do something well , give yourself a pat on the back .

  12. 球员们值得表扬。

    The players deserve a pat on the back

  13. 我们特别想表扬几名选手。

    We specifically wanted to congratulate certain players .

  14. 专门小组的所有作家一致认为奎因的书应该单独挑出来予以特别表扬。

    All the writers on the panel agreed Quinn 's book should be singled out for special praise

  15. 谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好。

    We don 't mind who gets the credit so long as we don 't get the blame

  16. 他经常因书写工整而受到表扬。

    He is often praised for his neat handwriting .

  17. 她因乐于助人而受到老师的表扬。

    She was praised by her teacher for being ready to help others .

  18. 表扬总能激励他更加努力。

    Praise always stimulates him to work harder .

  19. 他听到表扬脸突然红了。

    He blushed at the praise .

  20. 他受到老师的表扬心里乐滋滋的。

    He was quite pleased to be praised by the teacher .

  21. 小吴受了表扬反倒不好意思起来了。

    When Xiao Wu was praised , he was embarrassed , much to our surprise .

  22. 那个男孩因勒住了逃脱的马而受到表扬。

    The boy was praised for bringing up the runaway horse .

  23. 老师常常表扬好人好事。

    The teacher often commends good students and good deeds .

  24. 对于一些小学生来说,受表扬不是努力学习的动机。

    With some pupils , praise is not an incentive to study hard .

  25. 那姑娘抢救落水儿童的勇敢行为应该受到表扬。

    The girl should be commended for her bravery in saving the drowning child .

  26. 他们大受表扬。

    They were greatly praised .

  27. 他们称,每次负面评价后给孩子四次表扬非常重要。

    They say it is important to praise children four times for each negativeword .

  28. 孩子们得到太多表扬了吗?

    Are kids getting too much praise ?

  29. 上个月,《认知日报》报道说,家长和老师应该表达具体而非笼统的表扬。

    Last month , Cognitive Daily reported that parents and teachers should be specific rather than general when they offer praise .

  30. 这并不意味着我们不应该表扬我们的孩子,也不意味着老师不应该试图建立学生的自信。

    This doesn 't mean we shouldn 't praise our kids or that teachers shouldn 't try to build up their students5 self-confidence .