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hé ǎi
  • kindly;amiable;affable
和蔼 [hé ǎi]
  • [kindly;affable] 性情温和,态度可亲

  • 和蔼的教师

和蔼[hé ǎi]
  1. 他的和蔼态度使所有的孩子都喜欢他。

    His kindly bearing caused all the children to like him .

  2. 托尼的父亲和蔼地拿出一把刀叉。

    Tony 's father kindly brought out a fork and knife .

  3. 她是个极其和蔼的护士。

    She was the gentlest of nurses .

  4. 他露出了和蔼的笑容。

    He smiled benignly .

  5. 劳埃德·乔治极力想表现得平易近人、和蔼亲切。

    Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant .

  6. 他开始讲话了,态度极其和蔼而慈祥。

    He began to talk in his most gentle and avuncular manner .

  7. 琼斯夫人和蔼亲切,总是面带微笑。

    Mrs Jones was a pleasant , homely person with a ready smile .

  8. 她的笑容很和蔼,同时又透着威严。

    Her smile was warm but authoritative .

  9. 她是一位很和蔼的老太太。

    She 's a very sweet old lady

  10. 他是位为人和蔼的医生,但胆小怕事,不敢冒什么风险。

    He was a nice doctor , but a weak man who wasn 't going to stick his neck out

  11. 他们在一位和蔼的领导手下工作。

    They work under a kind leader .

  12. 她总是和蔼待人。

    She always treats people with kindness .

  13. 这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着。

    The kind old man is accompanied all the time .

  14. 他处事严肃,态度却十分和蔼。

    He handles affairs in a businesslike yet friendly way .

  15. 他对人很和蔼,从不疾言厉色。

    He is always affable and never brusque with people .

  16. 她说他现在总会给她一个苹果,而且每次都很和蔼。

    She said he always offers her an apple now , and is always very kind .

  17. 我妻子的母亲是一位非常和蔼的中国老太太,她不抽烟。

    My wife 's mother , a very kind elderly Chinese lady , doesn 't smoke .

  18. 老人喝了一大口,和蔼地笑了笑,非常感谢他的学生提供的甜水。

    The old man took a deep drink , smiled warmly and thanked his student very much for the sweet water .

  19. 他那讨人喜欢而近乎平庸的脸显得和蔼有余而机敏不足

    His pleasant , somewhat ordinary face suggested amiability rather than astuteness .

  20. 我们的新老师对我们很和蔼。

    Our new teacher is gentle towards us .

  21. 老来要和蔼;第二幼年期的乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期

    Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse second childhood than In first .

  22. “甜心性格”指的是喜欢吃甜食的人性格更和蔼更亲切。

    Dessert personality refers to the finding that people who like dessert are more likely to be kind and warmhearted .

  23. 哈佛大学的报告显示,中国基层官员被视为和蔼又有见识的人,他们会帮普通人解决难题而不只是纸上谈兵。

    The Harvard report showed that Chinese grassroots officials were viewed as kind and knowledgeable problem solvers who were concerned with the difficulties of ordinary people and not just talking about them .

  24. 和蔼友善的主教亲切地问一位作家的儿子:“你想成为一个像你父亲一样的作家吗?”作家的儿子回答说:“不想。”

    The kind bishop1 intimately asked an author 's son , " Do you want to become an author like your father ? " " No , " replied the author 's son .

  25. 他和蔼的风格以及对Groovy和Grails的奉献精神吸引了广泛的读者。

    His affable style and dedication to both Groovy and Grails has resonated with a broad swath of readers .

  26. 从任何方面讲,超级和蔼的本德可能是nba历史上最好的角色球员,但是这种骨头的伤病的确是难以忍受。

    By all accounts , the exceptionally likable bender may have been the best practice player in NBA history , but bone-on-bone pain was too much to endure .

  27. 恋爱之花在仆人们当中盛开,庄严的卡森先生(Mr.Carson,吉姆·卡特[JimCarter]饰)终于向和蔼的休斯女士(Mrs.Hughes,菲利斯·罗根[PhyllisLogan]饰)求婚。

    Love bloomed in the servants " quarters , where the stately Mr. Carson ( Jim Carter ) at long last proposed to the kindly Mrs. Hughes ( Phyllis Logan ) .

  28. 阿尔多•鲁斯蒂奇尼(AldoRustichini)是一位和蔼的意大利经济学家,一头白发仿佛是阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEistein)的翻版。

    Aldo Rustichini is a genial Italian economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einstein 's.

  29. 当他穷困潦倒的时候,他去拜访Nasreddin,一个和蔼,聪明的老人,他经常帮助人们摆脱困境。

    When he was quite poor and alone , he went to see Nasreddin , who was a kind , clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles .

  30. 斯大林对于这个相当生硬的回答抱以和蔼的一笑。

    Stalin received this somewhat abrupt response with a genial grin .