
  1. 在冲销来自三菱的销售和信贷部门

    The eliminations came from Mitsubishi 's sales and credit departments .

  2. 我们也负责给顾客开发票,和信贷控制

    We 're also responsible for invoicing customers , and for credit control .

  3. 不过,IMF警告称,食品价格推动的通胀、房产泡沫和信贷质量下降都构成风险。

    However , it warned that food-driven inflation , a property bubble and declining credit quality all posed risks .

  4. 印度执政的国大党(CongressParty)昨日承诺,如果该党能够在3周后开始的投票中再次当选,将向农民提供低价大米和信贷。此举旨在赢得印度农村选票。

    India 's ruling Congress party sought to capture the country 's rural vote yesterday by promising cheap rice and credit to farmers if re-elected in polls that start in three weeks time .

  5. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)拿着美联储(fed)担保的贷款收购了贝尔斯登,而这其中几乎无疑隐藏了价值巨额的利率和信贷期权。

    Hidden in the federal reserve-collateralised loans to JPMorgan that enabled it to take over Bear Stearns were almost surely interest rate and credit options worth billions of dollars .

  6. 本部分建立了两个模型:研究资本监管和信贷规模的多元回归模型,研究资本监管和经济增长关系的VAR模型。

    This part of the establishment of the two models : study capital regulation and credit scale multivariate regression model to study the capital regulatory and economic growth relationship VAR model .

  7. 广汽将投资于Uber中国(UberChina),但金额不详,而Uber将向其司机推介广汽汽车,两家公司还将在汽车销售和信贷方面进行合作。

    Guangzhou Auto will invest an undisclosed sum in Uber China , while Uber will promote Guangzhou Auto 's cars to its drivers and work with the company for car sales and financing .

  8. 这就使得住房市场在未来几个月面临二次下跌的风险,如果经济形势特别是失业、GDP增长和信贷投放量未能改善的话,巴恩斯说。

    This allows for the possibility of a double dip in the housing market in the coming months if economic conditions , particularly regarding unemployment , gross domestic product growth and credit availability , fail to improve , says Barnes .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示,推动增长的旧有路径不可能永远管用。中国在资源和信贷的使用上都面临约束。

    The old ways of promoting growth cannot go on for ever . The country is facing constraints in its use of both resources and credit , says Wang Tao , a UBS economist .

  10. constellation本周二开始努力寻找买家,或获取紧急注资,当时投资者已明显对其大宗商品交易业务的稳定性和信贷评级丧失了信心。

    Constellation started scrambling on Tuesday to find a buyer or secure an emergency capital infusion , when it became apparent that its investors were losing confidence in the stability of its commodities trading operations and credit ratings .

  11. 不过,被RGEMonitor创始人、超级悲观人士鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)称之为历史上规模最大的杠杆资产泡沫和信贷泡沫破灭的影响,正给实体经济造成越来越猛烈的冲击。

    But the impact of the implosion of what the hyper-bearish Nouriel Roubini , of RGE Monitor , calls the largest leveraged asset bubble and credit bubble in history is hitting real economies increasingly hard .

  12. 今年,金融服务行业这通常是新毕业MBA的最大主顾在多数商学院的校园招聘状况十分低迷,因为华尔街投资银行遭受了抵押贷款和信贷损失的打击,许多银行进行了裁员。

    This year , the on-campus recruiting scene in the financial services industry , typically the biggest consumer of newly-minted MBAs , is in a slump at most business schools as investment banks on Wall Street have been battered by mortgage and credit losses , with many resorting to layoffs .

  13. 日本的金融厅认为,至少需要建立一家中央结算对手,清算交易量达到特定水平的简单利率掉期和信贷违约掉期合约,比如日本的itraxx指数交易。

    In Japan , the FSA has concluded that at least one CCP will be necessary for the clearing of straightforward interest rate swaps and credit default swaps of a certain turnover , such as itraxx Japan index transactions .

  14. 信贷市场不完善、投资低效率和信贷陷阱

    Credit Market Imperfections , Investment Inefficiency , and Credit Traps

  15. 下半年信贷经营环境和信贷风险

    Credit-Managing Environment and Credit Risks in the Coming Half Year

  16. 限制某人的权力权限机制和信贷审查

    Clip sb . 's wings limit systems and credit screening

  17. 在这个模型中,货币和信贷不直接发挥作用。

    In this model , money and credit play no direct role .

  18. 货币政策传导理论主要包括货币机制观和信贷机制观。

    The theory of monetary policy conduction includes money views and credit views .

  19. 加强资产管理和信贷质量管理;

    To reinforce the management of the assets and the quality of credit ;

  20. 银行业市场结构、利率决定和信贷风险

    Banking Market , Lending Rate Decision and Credit Risk

  21. 利率和信贷违约溢价大幅上升,股市遭到重挫。

    Interest rates and credit default premiums have soared and stock markets crashed .

  22. 因此,我们建议持有高于比例的股票和信贷。

    Hence our overweight positions in equities and credit .

  23. 不断下挫的股市和信贷紧缩总是令人失去勇气。

    Tumbling stock markets and credit crunches always unnerve .

  24. 经济学关心货币和信贷。

    Economics interests itself in money and credit .

  25. 多亏存在预测市场和信贷衍生工具,我们可以量化这些担忧。

    Thanks to prediction markets and credit derivatives , we can quantify those fears .

  26. 储蓄和信贷促进发展指导委员会

    Steering Committee on Savings and Credit for Development

  27. 我国通过控制货币和信贷数量来挤压房地产泡沫具有可行性与必要性。

    Therefore , China should control money supply and credit to squeeze real estate bubble .

  28. 其中之一在于,央行可以放心地忽视货币总量和信贷的因素。

    One of them is that central banks can safely ignore monetary aggregates and credit .

  29. 土地和信贷紧缩的影响,房地产行业是致命的。

    Land and credit squeeze , the impact of the real estate industry are fatal .

  30. 它也将危及美国的整体信用和信贷。

    It would also have jeopardized the full faith and credit of the United States .