
xiāo fèi qīnɡ xiànɡ
  • propensity to consume
  1. 利用我国居民边际消费倾向的估计值和货币流通速度的平均值数据,我们度量了我国财政支出变化对GDP变化的影响程度,得出我国实行的扩张性财政政策有效的结论。

    Making use of the estimate of the marginal propensity to consume and the mean value of the velocity of money , we measure the effect of changes of fiscal expenditure on the change of GDP , and conclude that the expansionary fiscal policies in China are effective .

  2. 影响消费倾向的因素很多,就收入而言,不单是现实的可支配收入,还包括持久性收入和收入的预期状况;

    There are so many factors can influence the propensity to consume .

  3. 正如美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)刚刚说过的那样,这是一项不错的政策,因为它主要惠及消费倾向很高的个人。

    This is good policy , as President Barack Obama just said , because its benefits primarily flow to individuals with a high propensity to spend .

  4. 本文在一个简单的动态一般均衡模型中,通过分析利息税冲击的两种效应&提高边际消费倾向和降低资本存量,发现利息税冲击对稳态(steadystate)消费的瞬时是正的;

    By analyzing two effects of interest-tax shock , under a simple model of general equilibrium dynamics-the increasing marginal propensity to consumption and reducing capital stock-we find the effect of interest-tax shock on steady-state consumption and steady-state income in long-run .

  5. 秋季新品中包含毛皮手袋的设计师吴季刚(JasonWu)表示,这是因为设计师都非常了解文化心理,而且关注的也是相同的消费倾向。

    Jason Wu , who had fur bags in his fall collection , says it 's because designers are so clued into the cultural psyche and watch all the same consumer proclivities .

  6. 本文利用状态空间模型估计出我国城镇居民所有收入阶层边际消费倾向(MPC)的波动趋势。

    By a state-space model , this paper measures the volatility ot urban inhabitants'propensity to consume ( MPC ) in China from the angle of different income classes .

  7. 本文运用数学模型定量分析文化消费倾向的规律特点,采用的是扩展的线性支出系统(ELES)模型并结合模型的稳定性统计检验方法对我国居民文化消费倾向进行研究。

    This paper discusses the character of culture consumption using ELES model and examines the stability of the model by statistical examination .

  8. 值的影响;边际消费倾向对财政政策效果的影响

    The Influence of Marginal Consumption on the Effectiveness of Financial Policy

  9. 使用数学模型研究我国居民文化消费倾向

    A Mathematical Model Analysis of Chinese Residents Demand for Culture Consumption

  10. 扩大内需关键是提高居民消费倾向

    The Key of Expanding Domestic Demand : Raise Residents ' Consumption Propensity

  11. 对于我国边际消费倾向的分析及对策研究

    The Analysis on Marginal Propensity to Consume ( MPC ) of China

  12. 关于居民消费倾向和储蓄行为的实证分析

    Positive Analysis of Consumption Tendency and Saving Behaviour in China

  13. 对中国现有的几种边际消费倾向计算方法的评析

    Appraisals of the Methods of Marginal Propensity to Consume

  14. 我国城镇居民边际消费倾向的变化

    Study of the changes in the marginal consumption propensity of Chinese town residents

  15. 贫困县和非贫困县的食用油边际消费倾向最大,边际支出份额也最高。

    The marginal propensity and expenditure proportion of edible oil are both highest .

  16. 因此,实行缩小收入差距的收入再分配政策,能有效地提高我国居民的总体边际消费倾向,扩大总消费需求,从而刺激经济增长。

    That is , the re-distribution of income can increase the aggregate consumption .

  17. 调整收入分配提高居民平均消费倾向

    Adjusting the Distribution of People 's Income , Enhancing Household 's Average Propensity Consumption

  18. 江西省城镇居民消费倾向偏低的成因分析及对策

    Analysis on Why Jiangxi Urban Households Consumption Trend is the Low Side and Counter-measures

  19. 平均消费倾向和边际消费倾向。

    It has two forms : average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume .

  20. 收入的增长趋势与不稳定性对中国农户消费倾向的影响

    Increase tendency and instability of income : their effects on consumption propensity of Chinese Farmers

  21. 第四,不同家庭规模中,4-6人家庭规模农村居民的平均消费倾向高,在许多消费品上表现出较高的消费水平;

    The average propensity to consumer of 4-6-person size families is higher among other size families ;

  22. 股市的长期繁荣将改变边际消费倾向,扩大乘数效应;

    The long-term prosperity of stock market will change marginal consumption trend , enlarge multiplier effect .

  23. 信用卡分期付款消费倾向影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis on the Effect Factors of Propensity to Consume by Using Credit Card Installment Payment

  24. 基尼系数与边际消费倾向的函数关系分析

    An Analysis of the Function Relations between the Gini Coefficient and the Marginal Propensity to Consume

  25. 基于隐性需要的消费倾向及其营销启示倾向于减少性的需求。

    On Consumption Tendency and Marketing Implications of Latent Needs ; tending to diminish sexual desire .

  26. 我国整体居民的平均消费倾向均在逐渐下降,东部地区尤为明显。

    2 , The average propensity to consume were gradually decreased , especially in the eastern region .

  27. 面子意识、地位消费倾向与炫耀性消费行为&理论关系模型及实证检验

    Face Consciousness , Status Consumption Tendency and Conspicuous Consumption Behavior & Theoretical Relationship Model and Empirical Research

  28. 边际消费倾向对我国三次产业结构优化作用研究

    A Study of the Impact of Marginal Propensity to Consume on Optimizing China 's Three Industries Structure

  29. 我们能根据消费者的消费倾向,及时生产出价格适中的应时产品。

    We can produce timely products with reasonable price in accordance to the needs of the consumers .

  30. 事实上,我们先前已经假定资本家的边际消费倾向为零。

    In fact , we have already assumed capitalist 's Marginal propensity to consume is zero early .