
xiāo fèi zhě quán yì bǎo hù fǎ
  • consumer protection law;law for the protection of consumers'interests
  1. 论《消费者权益保护法》第49条对医疗纠纷的适用问题

    On the Application of Article 49 in Consumer Protection Law to Iatrical Disputes

  2. 严隽琪说,自去年3月15日修订后的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》生效以来,北京市朝阳区人民法院已经处理了107起类似争端。

    Beijing Chaoyang District People 's Court has handled 107 such disputes since the revised Chinese Consumer Protection Law took effect on March 15 last year , she said .

  3. 消费者权益保护法,给消费者提供基本的权利框架;

    Consumer law gives consumers a framework of certain basic rights .

  4. 论惩罚性赔偿制度在产品责任领域中的适用&兼评我国《消费者权益保护法》第49条

    Application of Punitive Damages System to the Field of Product Responsibilities

  5. 欺诈:一种竞争法的理论诠释&兼论《消费者权益保护法》第49条的适用与完善

    Fraud : An Interpretation from the Visual Angle of Competition Law

  6. 对我国《消费者权益保护法》中的三个问题的比较研究

    On Issues of the Protection Law of the Consumer Rights and Interests

  7. 医疗纠纷与消费者权益保护法的适用

    Iatrical entanglement and the use of law of consumer-profit protection

  8. 医疗纠纷能依消费者权益保护法解决吗

    Solving Medical Dissension by the Law of Consumer Rights and Interests Protection

  9. 论《消费者权益保护法》的完善

    On the Law of Consumers ' Rights and Interests Protection

  10. 我国《消费者权益保护法》第49条规定了双倍赔偿制度,这被视作惩罚性损害赔偿制度在我国的建立。

    Punitive damages system has been established in Chinese consumer protection law .

  11. 论服务责任&以消费者权益保护法为中心

    On Service Liability & Centered on consumer protection law

  12. 完善中国消费者权益保护法的思考

    On Thought of the Consummation of Chinese Consumer Law

  13. 信息时代的消费者权益保护法

    On Consumer Protection Laws in the Information Age

  14. 论文从反不正当竞争法,反垄断法和消费者权益保护法三个角度展开论述。

    The unfair competition , monopoly , consumer rights and interests protection three angles .

  15. 因此,对《消费者权益保护法》的完善成为广大消费者的共同意愿。

    So perfection in " customer law " become the common will of consumers .

  16. 论知假买假能否适用《消费者权益保护法》

    On whether " know-fake-buy-fake " can be applied to " Consumer Protection Law ";

  17. 目前,修订中的《消费者权益保护法》对这一制度作了重大发展。

    Now , the Consumer Protection Law in amending makes a significant development to the system .

  18. 那么到底受消费者权益保护法保护的消费者都有哪些人。

    So exactly suffer the protection of consumer rights and interests protects consumer have what person .

  19. 反不正当竞争法与消费者权益保护法的关系

    Analysis of the Relationship between the Anti-Unfair Competition Law and Consumers ' Rights and Interests Protection Law

  20. 另外,还分析了消费者权益保护法的特征。

    In addition , it also analyses the characteristic of consumer 's rights and interests protection law .

  21. 《消费者权益保护法》是对弱势群体进行权利倾斜性配置的典型法律形式。

    Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Act is a typical form of favorable allocation of legal rights .

  22. 宾馆不应承担消费者权益保护法上的责任。

    The hotel should not be held for the liability provided for in the law of consumer protection .

  23. 同时《消费者权益保护法》赋予了消费者知情权和监督权。

    At the same time Consumer Protection Law gives consumers the right to know and the right of supervision .

  24. 希望能为新《消费消费者权益保护法》修改提供借鉴。

    The purpose of the article is to provide useful reference to the new " Consumer Protection Law " .

  25. 我国在《消费者权益保护法》中已对惩罚性赔偿进行了规定。

    The punitive damage system has been regulated in Law on the protection of consumers ' rights of China .

  26. 依据分别是民法通则、合同法及消费者权益保护法。

    The basis is civil code general rule , contract law and law of protection of consumer rights and interests respectively .

  27. 因此,高等教育消费法律关系就具备了由消费者权益保护法调整的理论性与现实性。

    Therefore , higher education consumption has the legal relationship by consumer rights and interests protects the theory and reality of adjustment .

  28. 拓展对我国消费者权益保护法的研究空间,为完善相关立法提供理论支撑已是当务之急。

    Development of the Consumer Protection Act of research space , to improve the relevant legislation to provide theoretical support is imperative .

  29. 应当抓住《消费者权益保护法》修改的机会在法律中明确规定消费者享有撤回权。

    We should take the opportunity of amendment of consumer protection law to make it clear that the consumers are entitled to withdraw .

  30. 我国的《消费者权益保护法》第49条对此制度也有所涉及。

    Our country " Consumer Rights and interests Protection method " 49th replies to each point in turn this system also to have involves .