
  • 网络prospect interest;lucro cessante
  1. 合同法上可得利益赔偿的理论渊源探寻

    A Theoretical Exploration of the Benefit Compensations Based on the Contract Law

  2. 浅议合同中的可得利益损失

    Discussing the Loss of Acquirable Profit in Con-tract

  3. 论可得利益损失与赔偿额的确定

    On Confirming the Bote of Acquirable Interest

  4. 可得利益是指合同全面、正确履行后可以实现和得到的财产利益,其损失是违约所致损害的一部分。

    Acquirable interest refers to the property interest acquired after a contract is completely fulfilled .

  5. 可得利益赔偿之计算

    The Calculation of Attainable Interest Compensation

  6. 第三部分,主要论述可得利益损失赔偿的五个原则。

    The third part mainly discusses five principles of the loss of attainable interest compensation in contract breach .

  7. 阐述了违约可得利益特点及对可得利益损失进行计算的必要性。

    After that , it elaborates the character of attainable interest and the necessity of calculation on attainable interest .

  8. 目前学术界和司法实践中对预期可得利益损失的赔偿颇有争议。

    There are argumentations nowadays existed in the academe and the judicial practices towards the damages of the expected interests .

  9. 根据清算关系说,损害赔偿的范围也应以履行利益为标准,可得利益和违约解除外的损失也都应纳入损害赔偿的具体范围。

    Based on the clearing relationship theory , the scope of compensation shall be in accordance to the standard of performing benefit .

  10. 违约可得利益损失的计算标准根据合同的具体情况主要考虑时间因素、地点因素和价格因素。

    The calculation methods and criteria of the loss of attainable interest compensation mainly consider time factors , location factors and price factors .

  11. 而违约可得利益的损害赔偿则是合同损害赔偿的重要组成部分,它的重要性由此可见。

    The breach of contract damages for the possible benefits are an important part of the contract damages , its importance can be seen .

  12. 在违约损害赔偿的情形下,应当包括可得利益的赔偿,应适用关于违约损害赔偿的一般规则。

    Under the circumstance of compensation for damages for breach of contract , compensation could adopt the general regulation for damages for breach of contract .

  13. 确认可得利益的范围是计算可得利益损失的前提,在实务操作中需要借助于会计方法对可得利益进行计算。

    The confirmation of the scope on attainable interest is the premise to calculate attainable interest . It needs to use the accounting methods to calculate attainable interest in practical operation .

  14. 第二部分,主要阐述违约可得利益损失的范围确认、实务操作中需要考虑的违约可得利益的表现形式。

    The second part mainly discusses the scope confirmed on the loss of attainable interest , the forms of attainable interest in contract breach which should be considered in practical operation .

  15. 第一部分,主要从英美法系、大陆法系对期待利益和信赖利益的不同划分标准,结合我国立法对违约可得利益的规定来厘清三者在概念上的区分。

    The first part mainly discusses the concept of the attainable interest , expectation interest and reliance interest between common law , civil law and our legislation in different criteria for classification .

  16. 直接损失是现有财产的减少;间接损失就是可得利益的丧失。例如:固定资产的损害应为直接损失,而由此带来的经济收入的损失应为间接损失。

    Damage to property of a business firm would be a direct loss , but the loss of business earnings because of a fire on its premises would be an indirect loss .

  17. 基于网络游戏性质及对虚拟财产所造成的损害主要是财产损失,可得利益损失和精神损害赔偿得当以限定。

    Because of the nature of online games and virtual property damage is mainly measured by loss of property , loss of prospect interests and compensation for moral damage should be appropriately limited .

  18. 本文最后总结出几种违约可得利益的相关种类并根据这些种类分析了适合计算它们的各自的违约可得利益的计算方法。

    Therefore , this paper concludes a breach of the possible benefits of several related species and according to the calculation method of the analysis of these species suitable for the calculation of their respective Breach interests .

  19. 在明确了可得利益损失赔偿范围后在逻辑上就必然要有相关原则加以限制,方能客观公平的保护合同当事人的合法权利。

    It is necessary to use some relevant principles logically to limit the compensation after the scope confirmed on the loss of attainable interest . So , it could protect the parties ' legal rights objectively and fairly .

  20. 其次,分析可得利益损失下合理预见规则适用的前提条件;确立预见内容,明确一般损失和特殊损失的区分及转化条件。

    Secondly , it analyses the prerequisite when the rule of reasonable foresight applies to the damages of the possible benefits , clears the content of foresight , clears distinguish and transform conditions between general and special loss .

  21. 合同的可得利益作为一种合同潜在利益、可预见利益,在现如今合同种类多样化、签订数量持续增多的社会背景下,越来越受到人们的关注和重视。

    The contract can get benefit as a contract the potential benefits , predictable interest , in nowadays , signed contract a variety number continued to increase under the background of the society , more and more attentions .

  22. 本文认为,违约导致合同解除的情况下,损害赔偿的性质应为债务不履行的损害赔偿,范围应包括守约方的可得利益。

    This paper argues that the nature of damages should be the non-performing debt ; the range should include the possible benefits of the observant part , on the condition that the damages are caused by infracting termination .

  23. 第五部分,主要论述违约可得利益损失的期间确认及举证责任分担,通过委托司法鉴定人、采纳专家证言也可减轻对违约可得利益损失赔偿的举证责任。

    The fifth part mainly discusses the period confirmation and the burden of proof on the loss of attainable interest compensation . It can relieve the burden of proof to the parties through consigning judicial identifier and adopting expert testimony .

  24. 此外,尚有一些问题,诸如合同解除的意思通知及其与诉讼之效力、合同解除与可得利益等,理论界对此鲜见于笔端,或偶有触及也轻拭而去。

    In addition , others problems , suchas the nonfiction of the dissolving of the contract and the effects of its litigation , the dissolving and its anticipated benefits and interests , etc are rarely discussed in the academic community .

  25. 上海盘起是否获得可得利益损失的赔偿取决于合同履行利益的可实现性,每一合同事务的完成,预期都会实现与其阶段相适应的可得利益。

    Shanghai Punch Trade Co. , Ltd can profit loss compensation can be achieved depends on the interests of the performance of the contract . The completion of each contract transaction , it is expected will be realized and its stage adaptation of the possible benefits .

  26. 违约金的调整应当以实际损失和可得利益损失为基础,以当事人的过错、合同履行情况、违约方给付能力以及合同标的物替代的难易程度等为参考因素。

    The adjustment of liquidated damages should be based on actual losses and the possible benefits of loss-based , the fault of the parties , contract compliance , the defaulting party payment capabilities , and ease of a contract subject matter of the degree of substitution as referent elements .

  27. 员工持股计划的机理和制度生命在于它能使在一个企业工作达到一定年限的员工获得一种可得的预期利益,能够密切企业与员工的关系,调动员工的积极性。

    An employee who has served for the company for several years can get some kind of expected interests through Esop , which is helpful for moving employee .

  28. 我们认为,可诉求赔偿的损失包括直接损失和间接损失(可得利益损失)。

    We hold that , the losses which may be indemnified shall include direct losses and indirect losses ( losses in acquirable interests ) .