
  • 网络Proprietary Software;Private Software
  1. 例如,自由软件基金会的RichardStallman在他的网志上指出,私有软件“与学习的精神不兼容”。

    For instance , Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation has written in his blog that proprietary software " is incompatible with the spirit of learning " .

  2. 实际上,很多人使用商业或者私有软件。

    In the real world , many people use commercial or proprietary software .

  3. 透明度:私有软件有很多阴暗的死角,隐藏著许多Bug。

    The transparency is avoid though some private software has many dark corners and hidden bugs .

  4. 垄断私有软件公司还没有在亚洲占据统治地位。

    The monopolistic proprietary companies have not yet established dominance in Asia .

  5. 现在,您可以使您自己的私有软件映像以该实例为基础。

    Now you can base your own private software image on that instance .

  6. 开源软件的法律特征使开源软件从根本上区别于私有软件、共享软件等其他软件类别。

    It is the legal features that make the open source software different from proprietary software .

  7. 公开源码软件与商业软件以及私有软件的不同之处在于它把源代码提供给用户。

    Open source software differs from commercial or proprietary software by making its source code available to users .

  8. 自由/开源软件开发和本地化使用的软件和工具不像私有软件本地化所需要的那样昂贵。

    Tools and equipment for FOSS development and localization are less expensive than those required for proprietary localization .

  9. 这不是一个原则问题;没有法则说私有软件产品有资格包括我们的代码。

    It is not a matter of principle ; there is no principle that says proprietary software products are entitled to include our code .

  10. 正如我们已经看到的,私有软件的一个主要问题是只有版权的拥有者可以维护和修改它。

    As we have seen , a major pitfall of proprietary software is that only the owner of the copyright can maintain or modify it .

  11. 尽管扩展兼容性的努力和技术支持正在进行,但是消除系统引导对私有软件的依赖性依然是非常重要的一个方向。

    More general efforts at expanding compatibility and support are ongoing , but the idea of getting away from dependency on proprietary software to boot the system stays an important one .

  12. 本册开篇介绍本地化,以及用自由/开源软件代替私有软件的好处。经验表明对自由/开源软件的工作最好是使用自由/开源工具来进行。

    The primer begins with an introduction to localization and the benefits of choosing FOSS over proprietary software . To work on FOSS , experience shows that it is best to use free / open source tools .

  13. 而对于商业的私有闭源软件,情况正好相反。

    With commercial proprietary closed software , the opposite is true .

  14. 共享系统WPAR使用安装在全局系统中的软件,私有WPAR支持将软件安装在WPAR内部。

    In shared system WPAR , it uses the software installed in the global system and in private WPAR it allows for installation of the product inside the WPAR .

  15. 按照传统的方式,雷达系统的开发都是从下到上,从底层到顶层的过程,并采用私有的硬件及软件架构。

    Traditionally , the radar systems are developed from the ground up , using proprietary hardware and software architectures .