
sī yǔ
  • whisper;talk over privately;have a underhand secret talk
私语 [sī yǔ]
  • (1) [whisper]∶低声说知心话

  • 大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • 窃窃私语

  • (2) [talk over privately]∶私下里谈论

  • 其市井小人昔与敬亭尔汝者,从道旁私语。-- 清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • (3) [have a underhand secret talk]∶私相密谈

  • 九年,景公使 晏婴之 晋,与 叔向私语曰:齐政卒归 田氏。 田氏虽无大德,公公权私,有德于民,民爱之。--《史记.齐世家》

私语[sī yǔ]
  1. 他越过桌子向前倾,在她耳边挑逗地私语着。

    He leaned across the table to whisper seductively in her ear .

  2. 连每次私语都能变成尖叫声。

    Make every whisper turn into a scream .

  3. 上帝在我们的灵魂里私语,与我们的心灵讲话。

    God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts .

  4. 私语化的银幕书写&论中国电影第六代

    The Individualization Screen Writing & On the Sixth Generation of Chinese Film

  5. 第二部分是客体:私语化审美/艺术视野中的观照。

    The second part " object : individual art " .

  6. 放大后的声音令人联想起海豚在海中的私语。

    The amplified sounds are suggestive of dolphins chatting under the sea .

  7. 居然连低声的私语都没有。

    Not so much as a whisper could be heard .

  8. 我心中私语,表面却显得沉默异常。

    I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate .

  9. 三位非常杰出的艺术家在开幕展上述说他们之间的“私语”。

    Three very distinct artists express their Inner Dialogue .

  10. 然后波波维奇在科比耳边私语了几句,科比报之以大笑。

    Then Popovich whispered something into Bryant 's ear that made him laugh .

  11. 在花的私语中跳跃成音符。

    The sound of the blooming listened like whispering .

  12. 空间调情师&灯光私语

    Lamp Light : Flirting with Space Teachers-Based Research

  13. 我只能听到低低的私语。

    I could detect only the merest whisper .

  14. 私语私下里或秘密地说。

    To say or tell privately or secretly .

  15. 私语承诺安慰

    The Whlsper , the promise the solace .

  16. 听着昆虫私语,夜在一截截变短

    listening to insects'whispers ? Night is shrinking short

  17. 皮拉摩斯和里斯比常常偷偷地私语。

    Pyramus and thisby did whisperoften verysecretly .

  18. 人们都瞪大了眼睛;顿时,人们有了在咖啡机旁低声私语的内容。

    Eyes popped , and suddenly there was something to whisper about at the coffee machine .

  19. 让我听到你呼吸就这样静谧私语让人去嫉妒。

    Breathe to me while I hold you close the secret of the murmuring I envy .

  20. 编结最后的夏日私语

    Weave Summer 's Final Secrets

  21. 四周分外安静-我听到了他的私语。他从天空向我召唤,闪烁的星星也不能比拟他眼中的火花。

    He calls to me from the heavens , stars cannot compare to the of his eyes .

  22. 但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的私语。

    Yet whenever I examined the shining mountain I felt something as if the skyful stars were whispering .

  23. 看到年轻的恋人们喁喁私语溜达着穿过公园时,我感到很高兴。

    It makes me happy to see young lovers billing and cooing as they stroll through the park .

  24. 琐碎的思绪是萧萧树籁,它们却在我的心里欢快地私语。

    Little thoughts are the rustle of leaves , but they have their whisper of joy in my heart .

  25. 第三节分析《长腿叔叔》的叙事形式,即采用书信体和日记体结合的方式,完全契合了女性作家细腻敏感、私语化的交流方式。

    The third section is about the narrative form , that is , the combination of epistolary form and diaries .

  26. 今夜,我的灵魂迷失在一棵独立在浩瀚宇宙私语中的树的无言的心中。

    My soul to-night loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity .

  27. 秀才却将他招待到席上,客人们互相私语着。

    The scholar , however , invited the skin-dealer to the table , where the guests sat whispering about him .

  28. 我听见他们跟别的水手私语了好几次,但是我没有怀疑到他们在策划阴谋。

    I heard them whispering to the other sailors several times , but I did not suspect what they were planning .

  29. 真的,这个神话好象要在我们耳边私语,告诉我们:聪明,尤其是狄奥尼索斯式的聪明,乃是反自然的坏事;

    It is as though the myth whispered to us that wisdom , and especially Dionysian wisdom , is an unnatural crime ,

  30. 盖勒夫人:(私语)这比他上次结婚还糟。(音乐响起,两人走上红毯)乔伊:啊,刚才进行得还挺顺利的。

    Mrs. Geller : This is worse than when he married the lesbian . 3 Joey : Well , that went well .