
  • 网络a private sphere;private domain;private realm
  1. 与你的私人领域没有任何联系。

    there was no contact with your private sphere .

  2. 你就没有了私人领域。

    the private sphere was left behind you .

  3. 计算机、internet网等技术的发展让人类进入了信息社会,而信息的保密则在经济和私人领域也越来越重要。

    With the development of computer and Internet , the security of information becomes more and more important to economic and privacy .

  4. 随着全球服务理念的不断提升,客户关系管理(CRM)作为一种以客户为中心的理念与技术,其应用已不再限于私人领域,它也成为政府机构关注的焦点。

    With the incessant promotion of global service notion , customer relationship management as a type of notion and technique which is customer-centred , is no longer restricted to personal fields , and it also becomes the focus of attention from the government organization .

  5. 在欧盟委员会(europeancommission)一份有关欧盟科学及创新的报告中,欧盟研究专员雅奈兹波托奇尼克(janezpotocnik)警告称,公共和私人领域需要共同努力推进这方面的投资。

    Presenting the warning in a European Commission paper on science and innovation in the union , Janez Potocnik , EU research commissioner , said the public and private sectors needed to work together to bolster investment .

  6. 他通过自己的经历得出这一点,因为他童年时从图书馆的书籍上获得的钟表知识构成了一个只有他自己才能涉足的私人领域,而18世纪英国的制表大师Mudge,Arnold和Earnshaw是他仅有的真正的朋友。

    He knew it himself , because his boyhood watch studies from library books were a private realm only he could understand , and the 18th-century English masters - Mudge , Arnold , Earnshaw - the only real friends he had .

  7. 佐伊•库珀(ZoeCouper)称,富裕的美国人可以接受外面的专业人士进入家庭这个私人领域。库珀曾在大西洋两岸帮助组织这类课程,但英国客户需要更多时间才能敞开胸怀。

    Wealthy Americans are willing to let outside professionals into the private realms of the family , according to Zoe Couper , who has helped to organise courses on both sides of the Atlantic , but UK clients can be a little slower to open up emotionally .

  8. 我们不妨对公共和私人领域面临的5个问题加以思考。

    Consider five issues that face the public and private sectors .

  9. 私人领域的凸现与当今媒介文化的私人化

    Private Domain Expansion and " Privatization " of Present Media Culture

  10. 公共领域与私人领域的劳动价值划分是女性处于从属地位的经济根源;

    The dual differentiation of labor value is the economic cause ;

  11. 在私人领域,经济权力集中往往具有自我加强的特点。

    Private concentrations of economic power tend to be self-reinforcing .

  12. 关键是这种私人领域的再兴起

    The point is that this re-appropriation of the personal sphere

  13. 她把公司看作是她私人领域。

    She treated the business as her private domain .

  14. 男性属于公众领域,女性属于私人领域。

    Males belong to public domain , while women belong to private domain .

  15. 公共/私人领域的纷争与和谐&记弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说中的公共/私人空间

    Conflicts and Harmonies of the Public and Private Worlds in Virginia Woolf 's Novels

  16. 可以肯定的是,在私人领域,确实有一些非美国人担任着高级职位。

    To be sure , there are non-Americans working in senior private sector roles .

  17. 他的私人领域空间。

    he would be from his personal sphere .

  18. 那里有一个私人领域和公共领域之间的明确区分。

    where there was a clear distinction between the private sphere and the public sphere .

  19. 其次,禁止性规范框定了人之为人私人领域,在现代宪法规范中具有基础性地位。

    Second , prohibitive norms establish the foundational status of private domain in modern constitution .

  20. 国家与社会相互渗透,模糊了私人领域与公共领域的界限。

    Nation and society permeate mutually , misty the boundary of private realm and public sphere .

  21. 他们在涉足私人领域的同时,也将部分公共事务纳入管辖的范围之内。

    They get involved in the private sector and taken the public affairs under their management .

  22. 到那时,至少会产生两方面的影响&一是在私人领域内,一是在公众领域内。

    At that moment , at least two things will happen & one private , one public .

  23. 但柏拉图的《理想国》并未体认到这种区隔,或是这种私人领域的自主性。

    But Plato 's Republic recognizes no such separation or no such independence for a private sphere .

  24. 建立这样的秩序肯定会牵涉到对于公共与私人领域之间界限的重新审核。

    Such an order will surely involve re-examining the interface between the public and the private spheres .

  25. 但类似的问题在私人领域也可能出现,英国的教训就说明了这一点。

    But , as the UK discovered painfully , similar problems can emerge in the private sector .

  26. 而独白空间在公共领域和私人领域的融合过程中起到了关键作用。

    And monologue space plays a key role in the process of the fusion of two sectors .

  27. 它是指介于公共权力和私人领域之间的一个领域。

    It refers to lying between a field during " public power " and " private field " .

  28. 市民社会的结构性要素主要有以下四个方面:1私人领域:2志愿性社团。

    Civil society has four structural elements : 1 . Private sphere ; 2 . Volunteer social groups ;

  29. 公共领域维持社会秩序,私人领域促进社会进步。

    The public sphere maintains the order of social , and the private sphere promotes the social progress .

  30. 不断完善公共领域和私人领域,对于个人的权利和自由具有十分重要的意义。

    There are great significances for individual rights and freedoms to constantly improve the public and private spheres .