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  1. 南宋的商品经济有了前所未有的发展,土地私有制度也空前发展。

    The commodity economy of South Sung Dynasty unprecedented developed , so is the earth privately owned system .

  2. 在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。

    Historically , they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well .

  3. 印度的土地私有制度并不成功,50多年的持续改革也不能减缓贫困现象,因此中国不能实行土地私有制。

    India 's privatization of land is hardly successful . Over 50 years of continuous reform does not reduce poverty much , which tells China not to rush to land privatization .

  4. 因此,要实现人与自然的和谐相处,一、不应盲目推崇资本私有制度,要从群体生存需要出发,强化政府主导作用;

    There are three channels to realize the harmonious relations between human and nature : 1.to meet the demand of masses existence without having an over-esteem for private ownership and enhance the leading functions of the government ;

  5. 中国家族制私有资本制度创新的思考

    Reflection on System Innovation of Private Capital in the Family-run Businesses

  6. 第五章在讨论市场制度的性质和特征的基础上,分析市场如何通过私有产权制度、价格机制和竞争机制影响企业创新,然后探讨不同市场制度模式下的企业创新行为。

    Chapter 5 analyses the market institutions , especially the price mechanism and competition mechanism influencing innovation .

  7. 伴随这些改革的是新政治法律制度的建立和市场经济体制以及私有化制度的确立。

    Along with these reforms is the establishment of a completely new legal and political system , market economy , and privatization regime .

  8. 信托制度萌芽的社会条件是私有财产制度和财产继承管理制度的形成。

    The Social condition of the rising of System of trust is the formation of the System of the private property and the Management system of inheritance of property .

  9. 均与富是传统社会中私有财产制度这一矛盾统一体在人们观念中的辩证、全面的反映:私有财产制度作为社会生产力一定阶段的必要形式,有其存在的必要性与合理性;

    The concept of " wealth " and " equality " is a dialectic and comprehensive reflection of the private property system as a unity of contradiction in traditional Chinese society .

  10. 由于生产力的进步和俘虏的增加,私有财产制度逐渐出现了。

    The Xia Dynasty ended . With the development of productivity and the increase of captures , the private ownership came into being gradually and doomed to be reflected in politics .

  11. 荣成海洋渔业案例表明:海洋渔业实行集体产权制度有利于实现规模经济,而私有产权制度有利于成本控制,择优选择的根本目的在于降低交易成本。

    The comparative advantage of collective ownership is scale of economy , while that of private ownership is cost minimization . And , the basic key issue is to reduce transaction costs .

  12. 私有财产制度和自由竞争是美国自由市场经济的两大基础,正是有法律保障和政府推动的这两大基础,带来了美国经济的不断发展并获致繁荣。

    Being the two bases of American market economy , the property system and free competition , protected by law and promoted by governments , keep American economy developing ceaselessly and prospering .

  13. 在经济制度上,提出国民经济主要部门应由国家经营,私有资本制度不能操纵国民之生计。

    He also put forward that in economic institution , the main sections of the national economy should be " state-run " and any private capital should not manipulate the civilian livelihood .

  14. 西方国家的经济制度是在西方主流经济学理论的指导下,由私有产权制度和市场运行机制共同推动形成的。

    The common force of private property right system and the market operating mechanism , under the direction of the western mainstream economic theories , promoted the form of western countries ' economy systems .

  15. 他是私有经济制度的产物,是富裕阶层同贫困阶层收入差距扩大到极端严重状态的经济现象。

    It is the out comes of the privately owned economic system , and it is the economic phenomenon of the income-gap between the richer and the pauper extends to the extreme and serious state .

  16. 寿险制度就是对私有产权制度进行保护的制度,我国如何产生了商业寿险制度形态就还原成了我国经济体制变迁中的产权制度确立与变迁。

    The life insurance system is the system of protecting private property right . Therefore the production of Chinese life insurance system is transferred into establishment and transformation of property right during Chinese economic changes .

  17. 学者们认为共有资源交给市场来治理能够取得较高的效率,避免资源被过度开发的最好方式就是产权的私有化制度。

    Scholars think the market can deal with common resource efficiently , in order to avoid over-exploitation of resources , the best way is to privatize the system of property rights , no need for government to intervene .

  18. 国有产权制度与私有产权制度最根本的区别不在于国有资产无法从法律上界定清楚,而在于国有资产的所有者不具有行为能力,国有资产无法找到可追溯的自然人。

    The fundamental difference between state and private ownership is not that state ownership cannot be defined clearly by law , but that there is no available legal representative for state assets , whose owners do not have behavioral ability .

  19. 而人类社会的发展史也证实了产权制度是经过了一个由无产权界定状态,到共有产权状态,再到私有产权制度不断完善的发展历程。

    Also the history of human society also confirmed the unceasingly consummated development course that the system of property right was passes through from the non - property right definition condition , to the common property right condition , and finally arrived at the private property right system .

  20. 阿根廷私有化社保制度国有化再改革的过程、内容与动因

    The Nationalization of the Privatized Social Security System in Argentina

  21. 对完善我国农村私有房屋继承制度的法律思考

    On the Improvement of the Rural Private Housing Inheritance System of Legal Thought

  22. 从工业革命看私有林补贴制度的形成机制

    Looks at the formation mechanism of private forest subsidy system from the Industrial Revolution

  23. 私法财产权和公法财产权的结合构成了完整意义上的私有财产权制度。

    Property right in private law and public law amounts to the system of private property right .

  24. 试论民国初期的土地私有权法律制度

    On the Law System of Private Ownership of Land at the Early Stage of the Republic of China

  25. 第五部分分析了日本台湾韩国的农地所有权与我国大陆的异同,得出它们成功的原因就在于农地制度改革以来坚持稳定的农地私有的产权制度,因而农民对农地有较高的预期;

    They are successful just because they insist on stable private farmland property rights , what is a good ground for their farmers to own the integrated land property rights ;

  26. 私有林采伐管理制度:发达国家经验及对我国的启示

    Private Forest Harvesting Management in Developed Countries and Its Inspiration to China

  27. 立法保障“所有权公有,使用权私有”的土地制度

    To make laws to guarantee the land system " state ownership , private right to use it "

  28. 从农村现实出发考虑“三农”问题,应当尽快确立农村私有房产交易的制度安排;

    It is urgent to setup institutional establishment dealing with rural private houses trade in point of rural reality ;

  29. 资本主义社会不合理的社会分工、私有制以及分配制度是导致利益冲突的主要原因。

    Irrational social division of labor , private ownership and the distribution system were the main reason of conflict interest in capitalist society .

  30. 妾媵制度是男权社会发展到一定阶段的产物,是封建私有制和等级制度相结合下的畸形现象。

    Concubine-system is the product of the development of male right society , and is the anomaly combination of the feudal private ownership system and hierarchy .