
  1. 无论是私人企业还是政府部门均是如此。

    This is true of both private enterprises and government ministries .

  2. 在银行开户,和银行、托行或任何金融机构,私人企业或公共部门谈判。

    To open bank accounts , negotiate with bank , trust or any financial institutions , private or public entities .

  3. 客户关系管理平台在过去的15年间得到了巨大的发展,现在已经成为大部分私人企业甚至公共部门运行的关键所在。

    Customer relationship management platforms have exploded over the last 15 years and are key to operations for almost all industries in the private and even public sector .

  4. 资产证券化是指可出售的债券的发行,这种发行不是由私人企业或公共部门实体的预期偿付能力来支持的,而是由特定资产的预期现金流支持的。

    Securitisation means the issuance of marketable securities backed not by the expected capacity of a private corporation or public sector entity to repay , but by the expected cash flows from specific assets .

  5. 浅议人民银行营业部门会计核算风险防范在银行开户,和银行、托行或任何金融机构,私人企业或公共部门谈判。

    Brief Discussing the Precautions Against Accounting Risks in the Business Department of P.B.C ; To open bank accounts , negotiate with bank , trust or any financial institutions , private or public entities .

  6. 而其生产与提供者包括政府、私人企业以及第三部门。

    The manufacturers and suppliers of this kind of social activity includes : the government , private enterprises and the third sector .

  7. 从传统上说,美国政府领导人大多不愿意让联邦政府过多干预私人企业,但运输部门除外。

    Traditionally , most U.S. government leaders were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector & except in the area of transportation .