
sī fánɡ qián
  • Private money;private savings
私房钱 [sī fáng qián]
  • [stridhana;mad money;perse for oneself] [印度法]∶属于妇女的财产;尤指绝对由她支配的、在她未留遗嘱而死亡时归她的后裔所有的财产

  1. 她有一点私房钱,所以他们过得很舒心。

    She has a bit of private money , so they manage quite nicely

  2. 那女人这些年存了不少私房钱。

    That woman has saved so much egg money these years .

  3. 把你的私房钱同用作家务开支的钱分开来。

    Keep your own private money apart from the housekeeping money .

  4. 这老妇根本没有私房钱。

    The old lady has no pin money at all .

  5. 贝基认为雷藏着私房钱。

    Becky thought that ray was squirreling away money .

  6. 你有存私房钱吗?

    Do you have any money saved up ?

  7. 我应该暗地里藏些私房钱。

    I should secretly stash away some money .

  8. 他的妻子存有私房钱。

    His wife kept a secret purse .

  9. 我有一笔私房钱哩。

    I have a secret purse .

  10. 我爸爸有时会在将薪水交给我妈妈之前偷藏私房钱。

    My father sometimes squirrels some money away before he gives his salary to my mom .

  11. 那件衣服太漂亮了,我真想用一些私房钱买下它。

    That 's such a beautiful dress . I 'm tempted to use some of my mad money and buy it .

  12. 今天我忘了带钱包,幸好我女朋友拿出了她的私房钱付打的费。

    Today I forgot my wallet in my home , fortunately my girlfriend used her mad money to pay the taxi driver .

  13. 我飞快地伸出手,在床垫和盒子之间扒拉着,抓起了那只用来存放我的私房钱的打了结的旧袜子。

    I reached swiftly between the mattress and box spring to grab the knotted old sock that contained my secret cash hoard .

  14. 私用金是女王私房钱来源,主要用以支付皇家其他成员的费用。

    The privy purse is a private income for the Queen , which is primarily used to pay for expenses incurred by other members of the Royal Family .

  15. 此外调查显示约34.3%的女性以及25.6%的男性&愿意藏些私房钱为他们自己使用。

    The survey also revealed that about 34.3 percent of women - as against 25.6 percent men - were willing to stash away some money for their personal use .

  16. 私用金是女王“私房钱”来源,主要用以支付皇家其他成员的费用。

    The privy purse is a private income for the Queen , which is primarily used to pay for expenses incurred by other members of the Royal Family . 

  17. 南希的这笔私房钱专用于她的“出逃”,因为她太想去寄宿学校了,所以希望存足够的钱。

    Nancy 's pocket money was religiously kept for her " escape fund " as she desperately wanted to go to boarding school , and hoped to save sufficient to pay the fees .

  18. 每逢危机、伸手向丽迪亚的姐姐们要钱时,他们便显得不那么自傲了。伊丽莎白和简还定期给他们寄点私房钱帮他们付帐。

    They were not too proud to ask Lydia 's sisters for financial help during every crisis , and Elizabeth and Jane both sent them regular gifts of money to pay their bills .