
  • 网络private space
  1. 最后,围绕总体设计策略,论文按照从公共到私密空间层次,对SOHO建筑交往空间进行详细的设计说明,并提出了相应的设计处理手法。

    Finally , centred on overall design strategy , this paper showed detailed design description of the communication space on SOHO buildings from public to private space level , and proposed an appropriate design approach .

  2. 灰空间具有特殊的空间特性,它既不是完全遮挡视线的私密空间,也不是无任何遮挡形成的公共空间。

    It is not a complete private space , neither a public space .

  3. 妈妈们需要挤奶的私密空间,或是在一个能上锁的私人办公室,或是指定的配有电源插座和水槽的哺乳室。

    Mothers need the privacy to express milk , either in a lockable private office or designated lactation room with an electrical outlet1 and a sink .

  4. T3设有母婴室,给需要哺乳的妈妈提供私密空间。

    A mother 's room in 3 offers privacy for breastfeeding mothers .

  5. 论室外半室外私密空间在信息时代的应用

    The design of outer space and semi-outer space in information era

  6. 茂伊岛的豪华套房两人的私密空间

    Big suite in Maui . Just the two of us .

  7. 二层是主人的半私密空间。

    Second floor is the master of the half-private space .

  8. 尽最大可能躲开窃笑的朋友,寻找一点私密空间。

    Do what you can to escape sniggering friends and find some privacy .

  9. 丈夫和妻子都对各自的私密空间享有个人所有权。

    Both of the husband and wife enjoy individual ownership of their respective possessions .

  10. 人们喜欢拥有私密空间进行聊天的这个想法。

    People liked the idea of private areas where they could chat and talk .

  11. 别墅被分为两个部分:下层用于进行活跃的商业活动,上层是私密空间。

    The home is segmented between this active business end and the private section above .

  12. 黑色的窗帘、异国的装饰品无不完美地为你营造一个的完全属于自己的私密空间的氛围。

    Dark curtains , locked trunks and exotic plants are the perfect accessories for your secretive spaces .

  13. 提供私密空间或隐居。泄露泄漏(秘密,隐私等)

    Providing privacy or seclusion .

  14. 最后,由于卧室是私密空间,色彩应反映你内在的个性。

    Finally , since the bedroom is a personal space , the colors should reflect your inner personality .

  15. 浴室,是独立于我们生活领域之外的私密空间,承载着我们的精神独白。

    The bathroom , a private secret space out of the real life , embraces our mental monologue .

  16. 设计主要服务于北方人的公园时,增加私密空间的设置和彩叶植物、开花植物的种植将能够显著提高公园的审美满意度。

    Designing more privacy spaces and colored plants in parks for northerners could significantly increase the northerner aesthetic satisfaction .

  17. 我们的目标之一就是探讨人们是如何影响他们的个人私密空间的。

    One of our goals was to explore the ways in which people have an impact on their personal spaces .

  18. 每层不超过4间房间的酒店设计完全能让嘉宾虽置身于繁华都市,仍可尽享私密空间。

    The Hotel block is exclusively catered to guest privacy as it holds a maximum of four rooms per floor .

  19. 一部新式的镶玻璃的架子将壁炉前的私密空间和开敞的起居室连起来。

    A modern , partially glazed wall of shelves links the intimate space before the open fire to the living area .

  20. 因此,研制一套成本低廉,能满足火灾监测基本要求,又能够填补私密空间的监测死角的火灾探测系统,对社会安全具有重要的意义。

    So , developing a cheap set , which can satisfy the basic demand of fire detection , is important for social safety .

  21. 穿过安全门,此房屋设计以家庭理念为中心,为每一位家庭成员提供宽敞的私密空间。

    Behind secure entry gates , the home is designed with family in mind and provides ample space for everybody to have their own privacy .

  22. 简洁大方、色彩柔美的枫木色台面板与优雅曲线造型的隔板组合出自由的私密空间。

    Concise and easy , color soft maple wood panel and graceful curve modelling platform of ivory yakeli clapboard combination gives free of illicit close space .

  23. 此外,要想促进“协作”,办公室老板必须不仅要支持非正式争论,还要鼓励员工在半私密空间里分享信息。

    Moreover , to promote " collaboration " , office bosses must not only approve informal debate , but also promote shared activities within a semi-private space .

  24. 通过对农业时代、工业时代、信息时代下邻里关系的变化以及中国传统居住观的探讨,论述了在住宅设计中不应加大室外、半室外公共空间,而应更多采用室外、半室外私密空间。

    Author points out that the outer and semi-outer public space should not be increased in design on the contra outer and semi-outer private space should be adopted .

  25. 因为家里没有属于自己的私密空间,父亲就在山林间诵读记忆,再对着天空和小鸟复述出来。

    He committed every word to memory while walking in the hills , reciting it to the skies and birds as there was no privacy in their home .

  26. 居住区交往空间由公共空间、半公共空间、半私密空间和私密空间四个层次逐步渗透过渡,有序组合。

    The communication-space of residential area is orderly composed of public space , semi-public space , semi-private space and private space , which are gradually infiltrate and infiltrated to each other .

  27. 此外,四名一起出行的乘客还可将座位转换成一个私密空间,供家人、朋友或同事一起用餐,交际和工作。

    In addition , four passengers travelling together are also able to transform their seats to form a private area , so families , friends or colleagues can dine , socialize and work in a group .

  28. 巷是从城市公共空间到家庭私密空间之间的一个重要空间过渡,因此它不仅是城市肌理的重要组成部分,是城市生活的脉络,也是城市这一生命体的营养与活力运输的毛细血管。

    Lane is a sort of transition from city public space to family private space , an important portion of city texture and venation of city life , therefore , it may be treated as capillary vessels transiting nutrition and energy to " the city body " .

  29. 在这项耗资50000美元的装修中,利斯顿的餐桌被推到了前屋,在腾出来的私密空间中摆上了四把定制休闲椅——它们带有牛皮软垫,看上去颇具“城市女牛仔风”。这个沙龙大受她的客人欢迎。

    They pushed Ms. Liston 's dining table out into the front room , and grouped four custom-made slouchy chairs -- upholstered in cowhide for an ' urban cowgirl look . ' Ms. Liston 's new salon -- part of a $ 50000 decorating project -- was a hit .

  30. 其中大多数主播是女孩儿或者年轻女性,直播地点不乏最私密的空间,比如卧室,浴室和起居室。

    Most are girls and young women broadcasting from the most private spaces of their bedrooms , bathrooms and living rooms .