
  • 网络Flight Experience
  1. 捷蓝航空即将推出599美元飞行体验活动。

    JetBlue Airways will soon offer you an all-you-can-jet pass for 599 dollars .

  2. 新航推出世界顶级飞行体验

    Singapore Airlines Promotes Its World 's Top Flying Experience

  3. 乘客的飞行体验保证会有不同,但也不是那么不同。

    The flying experience of passengers promises to be different but not that different .

  4. 很多航空公司都会想方设法让乘客享有更好的飞行体验。

    Most airlines go all out to ensure their passengers have the best possible flight experience .

  5. 商务舱只需4980日元(294元人民币),头等舱只需5980日元(354元人民币),就能享有两个小时的飞行体验,这可比真实的飞行便宜多了。

    At just 4980 yen for business class and 5980 yen for first class -- these two-hour flights are far more affordable than their real-life counterparts .

  6. 其实,丹尼一直都在这样做。他致力于为乘客创造最友好的飞行体验,成为所有人交口称赞的榜样。

    As far as anyone can remember , Denny has always operated this way , and we commend his dedication to creating the most flyer-friendly experience he can for our customers .

  7. 从起航时的多种地上人性化服务至机上的特殊短程运输服务,法兰克福专用终点站使得汉莎航空公司的飞行体验更加舒适和惬意。

    A dedicated terminal at Frankfurt , exclusive service on the ground with personal service right through to departure and special shuttle services direct to the aircraft makes flying Lufthansa even more convenient and enjoyable .

  8. 这对夫妇在经过特殊改造过的波音727-200飞机“重力一号”里,在无重状态下交换了婚礼的誓言和戒指(这可不容易),并摸索着亲吻。婚礼仪式由零重力公司操办,该公司提供无重力飞行体验。

    The couple exchanged wedding vows and rings - with some difficulty - and fumbled their kiss while flying weightless inside the padded fuselage of a specially modified Boeing 727-200 aircraft , G-Force One , operated by ZERO-G , a company offering weightless flight experiences .

  9. 滑翔不仅给我一份在空中的美妙感觉,飞行后我还能与朋友们在一起畅谈飞行的体验。

    The paragliding gives not only the feeling in the air , also after flying I stay with my friends and drink beer and talk about flying in the air , the feeling in the air .