
  • 网络Airplane meal;Airline meal
  1. 平时的飞机餐不包含在服务内。

    The usual in-flight meals are not part of the service .

  2. 举例来说,荷兰皇家航空公司的乘客享用完飞机餐之后,都能得到吉列公司免费发放的新擦牙布。

    For example , Gillette distributed their new Brush-Ups teeth wipes for several months to KLM Airlines passengers after their in-flight meals .

  3. 苦,则伴随其后,通常是在我乘坐的航班离开列奥纳多达文西机场(LeonardodaVinciairport),面对着飞机餐带给我的小小屈辱,还有第一口经过重新加热的过滤咖啡带给我的小小悲怆时。

    The bitterness comes later , usually when the plane has left Leonardo da Vinci airport and I 'm confronting the minor insult of the in-flight meal , and the tiny tragedy of my first sip of reheated filter coffee .

  4. 同样身为英国航空公司金卡客户的霍华德?朗(HowardLong)表示:“我对餐厅好坏的评判标准就是我是否愿意再回来就餐,而从来没有哪餐飞机餐是我愿意重温的。”

    My test of a restaurant is simply whether I was served a meal I 'd want to go back for , ' said Howard Long , also a gold-level British Airways customer , ' and I 've never had a meal on an airline I wanted to go back for . '

  5. 这往往会导致飞机餐烹饪过头,又干又硬。

    This often leaves it overcooked , dry and tough .

  6. 在适当的时间提供飞机餐。

    The meal set is served at a proper time .

  7. 汤玛斯说他的灵感来源于飞机餐。

    Thomas later said he got the idea from neatly packaged airplane food .

  8. 其他人表示,飞机餐仍旧是以往的飞机餐。

    Others say it 's still airline food . '

  9. 在端上乘客的餐桌前,飞机餐的味道可能会层层流失。

    Airline food can take a beating on its way to the plate .

  10. 从炒鸡蛋到微温的土豆泥,飞机餐真是难吃得丧病。

    From rubbery scrambled eggs to lukewarm mashed potato , airplane meals can be dire .

  11. 飞机餐是否危害健康?

    Is airline food a health threat ?

  12. 但是,对于很多乘客来说,飞机餐仍然吃起来像,呃,飞机餐。

    But for many travelers , it often still tastes like , well , airline food .

  13. 乘客能享用由空中乘务员送来的美味飞机餐,还有饮料和小食。

    Passengers will be served a delicious meal by air stewards , alongside drinks and other snacks .

  14. 这就好比把世界各地的美食简化成飞机餐。

    It 's as if you reduced all of the world 's cuisines down to airline food .

  15. 专家希望这些知识可以用于飞机餐,想办法把飞机餐的美味度提升到一个新的高度,别再让美食吃起来难吃。

    Experts hope this knowledge could be used to elevate airplane food to new heights and banish bad meals .

  16. 说到“稀缺”,我认为飞机餐和空乘们的长相绝对是“当仁不让”啊

    Speaking of hard-to-get , I definitely think airplane food and the looks of the flight attendants top the list

  17. 飞机餐制作的时间是在航班起飞之前的数个小时,之后还会经过急冻、包装、运输、存储和再加热等环节。

    It 's cooked many hours before a flight , then rapidly chilled , wrapped , trucked , stored and reheated .

  18. 多年以来,航空公司一直通过在飞机餐中增加盐分的方式来改善食物的味道,并浇上酱汁防止食物变得干硬。

    For years airlines have added salt to give the food a semblance of flavor and ladled on sauces to combat dryness .

  19. 当你前往梦寐以求的目的地时,就连不甚如意的飞机餐都变得既可口又充满异国情调了。

    Even the often-disappointing selection of airplane food becomes something wonderful and exotic when youre going somewhere youve been dreaming about for years .

  20. 并且该公司已经敦促配餐公司强化酱料中的某些特殊味道,以使飞机餐能令最干燥的味蕾感到可口。

    And it has pushed catering companies to overplay particular tastes in sauces so that tastes will come through for even the driest palate .

  21. 其他航空公司表示,他们也针对飞行中的味觉变化尝试了调整飞机餐和酒品,但是大多数航空公司还没有采用鲜味。

    Other airlines say they try to tailor food and wine for parched palates , but most haven 't gone down the umami road .

  22. 尽管飞机餐口碑不佳,但仍有70%的乘客说他们愿意食用飞机餐。

    Despite plane food having a bad reputation , seven out of 10 respondents said they were happy to chow down on the selection of in-flight snacks and meals 。

  23. 乘客还可以将飞机餐或者小吃送到坐在别处的乘客所以如果事情发展顺利,可能会有仰慕者为你买晚餐哦。

    Passengers can also have meals and snacks delivered to people sitting elsewhere on the aircraft - so if things go well an admirer could end up buying you dinner .

  24. “严肃的演员”这词听着挺自相矛盾的,就像“共和党”和“飞机餐”一样

    The term " serious actor " is kind of an oxymoron , isn 't it ? [ Like ] " Republican party " [ or ] " airplane food " 。

  25. 该研究发表在《实验心理学杂志》上:人类各感官的感知可以帮助专家通过选择适合吵闹环境食用的食物,使飞机餐变美味。

    The study , published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and performance , could help experts make airplane food taste better , by selecting foods that suit the noisy environment .