
shānɡ wù cānɡ
  • business class
  1. 你可以付费升级到商务舱。

    You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat .

  2. 每个商务舱座位都有一个151.4英寸的液晶显示屏,带usb接口、座椅电源、名牌寝具、givenchy餐具和展开的餐桌。

    Each business class seat has a 15.4 in LCD screen with USB ports , in-seat power , designer bedding , dining ware by Givenchy and an enlarged dining table .

  3. 一般建议所有搭乘飞机的乘客,不管是头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱,都要多喝水,有可能时就要走一走活动双腿,定时扭扭脚踝,转转膝盖和臀部,尽量减少患上经济舱综合征的风险。

    It is recommended that all persons traveling on air flights , irrespective of which class they are in , drink lots of water and move their legs by walking whenever possible and by periodically flexing to minimize the risk of economy class syndrome .

  4. 相比之下,英国航空(britishairways)航班的可比商务舱要花3974英镑。

    By contrast , comparable business class British Airways Flights cost 3974 .

  5. 美国航空也购买了相同型号的Android平板,将其安放在飞机的商务舱内。

    American Airlines has made the same Android-powered tablets available for passengers in business class cabins .

  6. Henry说,从巴尔的摩到台北一张economyclass经济舱机票相当于释放四吨二氧化碳,businessclass商务舱更可怕,相当于排放12吨二氧化碳。

    Did you know an economy class flight from Baltimore to Taipei makes you responsible for just over four tons of CO2 ? If you fly business class the number jumps to12 tons .

  7. 面向美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)头等舱以及商务舱乘客的文学杂志《Rhapsody》,提供了一个机制,帮助将高净值人群财富转化为给严肃作家的报酬。

    Rhapsody , the literary magazine for United Airlines " first-class and business passengers , is a mechanism for converting HNWI wealth into fees for serious writers .

  8. 英国航空最近宣布,计划从2009年秋季起,在其新开设的伦敦城市机场(LondonCityAirport)至纽约肯尼迪机场(JFKairport)每日两班的全商务舱航班上,推出这项服务。

    British Airways recently announced plans to launch services beginning autumn 2009 on its new twice-daily , all-business-class route from London City Airport to New York City 's JFK Airport .

  9. 许多家航空公司头等舱和l商务舱的顶级乘客已经拥有这样的选择了。

    Premium passengers in first and businessclass on many airlines already have such an option .

  10. 以亮丽的拉丁红色作为整体装饰,TAM航空公司圣保罗/瓜鲁柳斯国际机场休息厅同时接待头等舱和商务舱的乘客。

    Decorated in a bright Latin red , the TAM Brazilian lounge at S ? o Paulo Guarulhos International Airport hosts both first-and business-class customers .

  11. 如果你在伦敦希思罗机场,会惊奇地发现唯一可用的WiFi登录点位于商务舱乘客的休息室内,短短两小时的上网费竟然要15美元。

    I was shocked to find the only WiFi available in Heathrow 's business-class lounges costs a princely $ 15 for a couple of hours .

  12. 还应该指出的一点是,根据一个商务舱旅行人士可选择航班的网上搜索结果看,maxjet只提供一个日期选择,而英国航空提供73个,维珍航空(virginatlantic)提供38个。

    It should also be pointed out that in a web search of options for the business class traveller Maxjet offered one option for the dates but British Airways offered 73 and Virgin Atlantic offered 38 .

  13. 今年,澳洲航空公司(Qantas)的飞机在一次跨太平洋飞行中发生火灾,一名乘客的手机被商务舱座位的机械装置压碎,锂离子电池起火。

    Qantas , one of the Australian carriers , had an onboard fire during a trans-Pacific flight this year when a passenger 's cellphone was crushed in the mechanism of a business-class seat and the phone 's lithium-ion battery ignited .

  14. 从德黑兰起飞的那架空客a321(airbusa321)中,商务舱里的气氛在8小时的航程中却远不似这么低沉,那里传来了开启香槟的声音和“喧闹的大笑”。

    The mood was less sombre in the business class section of the Airbus A321 during the eight-hour flight from Tehran , from where there came the sounds of popping champagne corks and " raucous laughter " .

  15. 当然!这是全价的商务舱票。

    ANNE : For sure ! These are full-fare business class tickets !

  16. 哈维:你们可以在那边的商务舱登机柜台办理手续。

    Harvey : You can check in at Business Class over there .

  17. 这家航空公司将于下周推出商务舱座。

    The airline is to introduce a business class section .

  18. 在商务舱,新航也加大了筹码。

    In business class , Singapore Airlines is also raising the stakes .

  19. 还可以,商务舱很舒服。

    Not too bad . Business class is quite comfortable .

  20. 目前您的产品提供给商务舱和头等舱?

    At the moment , your product is businessclass and first class ?

  21. 所以我们即将在商务舱中引进更为平坦的座椅。

    So we will change our business class product by introducing Flatbed .

  22. 请问您是商务舱还是经济舱呢?

    Are you holding a business or economy class ticket ?

  23. 您想搭头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱?

    Do you wish to fly first class , business or economy ?

  24. 你是要到纽约的商务舱还是经济舱的机票?

    Would you like a business or economy class ticket to new york ?

  25. 头等舱及商务舱旅客请登机。

    We now invite all first class and business class passengers to board .

  26. 对不起,头等舱和商务舱已经订满了。

    Sorrry , the first class and business class have been booked already .

  27. 至于占总收入约五分之二的头等舱和商务舱收入,更是连问都不要问。

    Don 't even ask about premium , about two-fifths of total revenues .

  28. 乘商务舱飞到纽约要多少钱?

    How much does it cost to fly business class to new york ?

  29. 啊很幸运商务舱还有两个空座

    Oh ! Good news . There are two seats available in business .

  30. 阿联酋航空商务舱安置平躺式座椅

    Emirates Airlines Installs Lying Seats At Business Cabin