
shāng lǚ
  • Business Travel;trade caravan;businessman and traveller;traveling businessman;a company of travelling merchants
商旅 [shāng lǚ]
  • (1) [travelling businessman]∶指来往各地做买卖的商人;行商

  • 从各地来的商旅云集本市

  • (2) [businessman and traveller]∶商人和旅客

  • 商旅不行,樯倾楫摧。--范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

商旅[shāng lǚ]
  1. 环球最HOT的6大商旅城市

    Top 6 Hot Business Trip Destinations in the World

  2. 我们的“商旅达人”(RoadWarrior)系列文章为大家提供各种出行建议。这些建议来自这一领域的专家:常年在旅途中奔波的公司高管和频繁往来于全球各地的人士。

    Road Warrior provides travel tips from those who know best : busy executives and other globetrotters .

  3. 旅行技术咨询公司总裁诺姆·罗斯(NormRose)说,技术发展快于公司政策改变这种局势让商旅者成为大赢家。

    Norm Rose , the president of Travel Tech Consulting , said travelers were the big winners as technology moved faster than corporate policies .

  4. 例如,智能手机的普遍存在有利于公司履行关照义务(dutyofcare),它指的是公司确保商旅员工安全的法律义务。

    The ubiquity of smartphones , for example , is improving a company 's duty of care , a term that refers to its legal obligation to ensure the well-being of its traveling employees .

  5. 祈福德表示,他对此感到惊讶,因为他持有apec商旅卡已有三年时间。

    Clifford said he was surprised , given he has held an APEC Business Travel Card for the last three years .

  6. 根据apec方案,商业人士先申请商旅卡,然后单独向特定国家申请,旅行就能免签证。

    Under the APEC scheme , businessmen can travel visa-free , by first applying for a travel card and then applying individually to specific countries .

  7. 哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)教授丽塔·冈瑟·麦格拉思(RitaGuntherMcGrath)是那种不会担心航班延误、取消或改变降落地点的商旅客人。

    Rita Gunther McGrath , a Columbia Business School professor , is one of those business travelers who do not care about delays , cancellations or navigating a new location .

  8. Uber的使用便捷性和技术已经改变了人们在商旅中对地面交通的期待。长期以来,地面交通一直是旅行者的主要难题之一。

    Uber 's ease of use and technology have changed expectations about ground transportation during business trips , which had long been a major challenge for travelers .

  9. “商旅是推高成本及碳排放的一大因素,”BrighterPlanet首席执行官派蒂·普莱利(PattiPrairie)表示,“有些企业的商旅支出甚至占据总运营支出的30%至40%。”

    " Travel is a huge driver of costs and carbon emissions ," says Brighter Planet CEO , Patti Prairie . " As much as30 or40 percent of total operations for some companies . "

  10. 她暗示,祈福德是因为未指明的问题而被拒。她指出,在Apec的21个成员国中,俄罗斯、加拿大和美国至今尚未完全签约加入商旅卡安排。

    She suggested Clifford was rejected because of unspecified problems , and went on to point out that , of the 21 members of Apec , Russia , Canada and the US have yet to sign up fully to the Business Travel Card agreement .

  11. 目前国内已有CTRIP、ELONG等大公司从事商旅服务,但从市场需求来看,远远不能满足广大旅行者的需要。

    As present huge corporations as CTRIP , ELONG etc. are specialized in travel service , but these companies are far from satisfactory to the requirements of travelers .

  12. 为确保持续增长,万豪热切希望能够吸引更为年轻的顾客,并弥补其损失,因为在经济衰退期间,商旅人士放弃了万豪旗下高端的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)。

    In order to keep growth moving forward , Marriott has been keen to lure a younger clientele and to make up for the losses it took during the recession when business travelers turned away from the high-end Ritz-Carlton chain , which it also owns .

  13. 根据便利旅游公司(Expedia)的研究,虽然大部分商务旅行者拥有智能手机,但是只有78%的人用手机规划旅行,公司政策仍让商旅员工很难使用当今技术,很难把自己的旅行管理手段与公司的程序结合起来。

    But while most business travelers have a smartphone and , according to a study by Expedia , 78 percent of them have used it in some travel-planning capacity , corporations still make it hard for their traveling employees to use current technology and integrate their own travel management tools with company programs .

  14. 女:奈杰尔·林奇是来自《商旅周刊》的编辑。

    W : Nigel Lynch is editor of Business Travel Weekly .

  15. 金沙大酒店永远是商旅宾客的首选之处!

    Jinsha Grand Hotel is always the first choice for business customers .

  16. 在海南是最具实力和服务能力的商旅服务企业之一。

    It is one of the best travel service providers in Hainan .

  17. 三亚酷玩商旅有限公司是个挺不错的选择。

    Sanya Coolplay travel agency is a pretty good choice .

  18. 风还会给沙漠中的商旅带来其他危险

    The wind brought other hazards to travellers in these deserts

  19. 商用车市场呈现商旅新动向&中国商用车市场2007年第1季度综述及全年预测分析

    A Review of 1st Quarter 2007 Commercial Vehicle Market

  20. 实物期权在网络商旅服务行业中的应用

    The Application of Real Option in Trip Service Industry

  21. 始终如一的向各方宾客及商旅人士提供周到完善的服务。

    We will always offer perfect service to guests and tourist from everywhere .

  22. 二者风格之异源于郑地商旅文化不同于陈地部族巫鬼文化。

    The different beautiful styles originate from the differences of their societies and cultures .

  23. 商旅人士将觉察到,房价有所下降,而非迅速上升。

    The business traveller is going to perceive value some decline and not rapid increases .

  24. 第三部分文章重点对城市商旅联动的空间典型表现形式,即城市商业游憩区的形成机制及发展对策进行了研究。

    The third part is mainly about the formation mechanism and development strategies of RBD .

  25. 今后几年,商旅人士的心情将会比较愉快。

    The business traveller for the next several years is going to be relatively happy .

  26. 牙刷的电动程序中被设置了30秒的间隔时间,还具有美白牙齿的功效。飞利浦称该电动牙刷适合商旅人士及现代快节奏生活使用。

    Furthermore , it has a30-second interval timer that encourages even brushing and whitens teeth .

  27. 让繁忙的国际商旅客拥有亲临办公室的别样感受。

    To provide busy international travelers with an " Office away from the office " .

  28. 宋代涉商诗中有一些作品反映商人们艰苦商旅生活和经营风险,还有部分作品反映商人的情感生活,其中尤以商妇诗描写得细腻精当。

    Some works reflect business risks merchants , other works reflect the emotional life of businessmen .

  29. 香山金源商旅中心酒店的丰盛美食,让口味迥异的宾客大快朵颐。

    A choice of sumptuous cuisine of all tastes in Fragrant Hill Golden Resources Commerce Hotel .

  30. 周边紧邻之梦,巴黎春天,家乐福等大型购物中心,是商旅的理想场所。

    It near the large shopping malls , is the ideal place for businessmen and tourists .