
  • 网络Franchising
  1. 你知道人们为什么要经营特许企业吗?

    Why do you think people open a franchised business ?

  2. 当你正决定是否签订经营特许协议,我认为最重要的是我们应该首先对机会进行评估。

    When you are deciding whether to enter a franchise agreement , I think it 's important that we should first evaluate the opportunity .

  3. 特许经营中特许合约安排问题的研究

    The Research of Franchise Contract Arrangements in Franchising System

  4. 第二部分:国际特许经营中特许人的对内责任。

    Part II , the Franchisor 's Internal liability .

  5. 本文的主要内容如下:一、特许经营与特许经营权。

    The main contents are as follows : First , franchising and franchising right .

  6. 本文主要研究特许经营中特许合约的安排及其有效性问题。

    The focus of this paper is on the arrangement and its efficient test of franchise contract .

  7. 特许经营中特许商和加盟商之间的多种博弈关系可以概括为非零和博弈与零和博弈两类。

    There are several game relationships among franchisors and franchisees in franchise system , which could be generalized as non-zero-sum-game and zero-sum-game .

  8. 商业特许经营作为特许经营中的一个类型,是我国市场经济发展的一种重要经营模式。

    Commercial franchising , a type of franchise , is an important business model in the development of market economy in China .

  9. 许多这样的餐馆是由连锁公司拥有或特许经营,特许权是由一个中心组织出租该企业的名字或经营模式。

    Many of these restaurants are owned by chains or operated under a franchise , an arrangement in which the name and procedures of the business are leased from a central organization .

  10. 在阐述了国际特许经营中特许人与受许人的相互责任的基础上,分析了导致双方关系紧张的原因,并对发展健康、和谐的特许人与受许人关系提出了积极的建议。

    On the basis of exploring the responsibility to be committed by both parties and the reasons causing the breakage for such a relation the author proposes some positive suggestions for establishing a healthy and harmonious relation between the franchiser and franchisee .

  11. PPP项目的特许经营期指从特许经营协议生效开始的一定年限期间,包括建造期和运营期。

    Concession period of PPP project started from the validation of franchise agreement and lasted for a certain period of years , including the construction period and operation period .

  12. 持有或经营一份特许经销的人。

    Someone who holds or operates a concession .

  13. 但商业特许经营能将特许人的经营模式和被特许人的资金有效结合,实现规模化、低成本迅速扩张。

    However , franchise is capable to combine commercial model and capital together , realizing scale and low-cost expansion .

  14. 特许经营作为国际特许企业主要的市场拓展模式,在很大程度上推动了特许企业在全球特许经营体系的建立。

    Franchising , as the main market-expanding mode of International Franchisors , has greatly helped franchising enterprises to build up their global franchising system .

  15. 第一章简要介绍了公路特许经营、公路特许经营权、公路特许经营协议的概念、法律性质和它们之间的逻辑关系,并就公路特许经营基本模式进行了分析。

    Chapter One elaborates on definitions of highway 's franchise operation and franchise rights , outlining the legal relations in highway 's franchise operation .

  16. 保证金是指为确保被特许者履行特许经营合同,特许人向被特许人收取的一定费用。

    Security deposit means certain fees collected by the franchisor from the franchisee in order to ensure the performance of the franchise contract by the franchisee .

  17. 特许经营中的特许权,其实质是知识产权,它包括商标、商号、专利、专有技术、服务标记、商业秘密、经营模式等多种形式。

    The most essential right in Franchising is intellectual property , including trademark , trade name , patent proprietary technology , sign of service , commercial secret , mode of operation , etc.

  18. 在商业特许经营中,特许人利用被特许人的资金扩大业务和市场,被特许人通过经营体系的经营模式来降低创业风险。

    In the commercial franchising , franchisors use the fund from franchisees to expand business and market share , at the same time , the franchisees reduce the business risks by copying franchisors ' operating model in the franchising system .

  19. 这些研究成果为特许总部依据合同阶段把握自己与加盟商的关系质量,适时调整关系治理机制,提升加盟商经营绩效以至特许品牌长远发展无疑有着重要的现实意义。

    These research findings are really meaningful for the franchise headquarter to hold the relationship quality with franchisees , adjust relationship governance mechanism accordingly and improve franchisees ' operating performance so as to make long-term development for the franchise brand according to the contract phase .

  20. 此外,本文在回顾和总结国内外相关研究的基础上,根据品牌建设的发展阶段:品牌整体规划、品牌导入和品牌经营,结合特许经营的特点,构建了特许经营的品牌战略模式。

    In addition , this paper reviewed and summed up relevant research both at home and abroad , according to stage of brand-building : brand planning , brand introduction and brand management , with the characteristics of franchising , builds a brand strategy mode of franchising .

  21. 频频曝光的特许经营陷阱、特许经营纠纷使我们不得不关注应该采取怎样的措施来规范这一经营模式,促使其健康发展。

    Frequent revealed traps and dissensions make us have got to focus on this issue and take measures to standardize the commercial franchise and make it develop well . Therefore , the first chapter of the present paper presents some problems in the commercial franchise through an example .

  22. 在特许经营合约中,特许经营商和公司总部都要进行大量的专用性投资。

    In franchise , franchiser and franchisee both have to-make a lot of specific investment .

  23. 我愿意支付特许经营费作为使用特许经营商的经营模式。

    I am willing to pay a franchise fee to obtain a proven business operation .

  24. 三是推行公路特许经营制度,发展特许经营公司;

    Using the " Road Concession System " and establishing the concession companies for toll road construction ;

  25. 本篇论文运用现代企业管理的相关理论知识,对一种全新的高速公路经营模式&高速公路特许经营作了初步的研究和探讨。

    By use of theories on modern business management , this article aims to make preliminary study and research on a new kind of highway operation style , i.e. , highway franchise .

  26. 本研究采用问卷调查法,并以上海地区从事国际化特许经营的知名服装特许企业内的从业人员为研究对象。

    This study is on the basis of questionnaire investigation , and the object of this study is the people who work in the known garment enterprises which engage in international franchising in Shanghai .

  27. 在特许经营关系中被特许人如果想要开展特许经营业务就必须得到特许人的授权和支持,正是由于这种天然的地位差异,使得特许人在面对诸多被特许人时具有天然的强势地位。

    Relations in the franchise franchisee franchising if you want to conduct business must be licensed to the authorization and support , precisely because of this difference in natural position , resulting in a strong franchisor .

  28. 为解决建设公用事业资金紧缺的问题,通过政府授予私营企业或外商企业特许经营权,实行特许经营管理,就成了吸引社会资本投向公用事业建设的有效办法。

    In order to solve the lack of funding in public facility construction , it is an effective way to attract social capital that government awards concession to private or foreign company for executing the project .

  29. 组建特许经营协会,促进特许业务的顺利发展以及完善相关的法律、法规,创造良好的法律环境是中国特许经营健康稳定发展的重要保证。

    Organizing franchising operation association , prompting the prosperous development of franchising affairs , completing related legislation , rules and creating favorable legal environment are important guarantee of the healthy , steady development of franchising operation in China .

  30. 同时,对我国特许经营的发展及特许经营未来的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。但是,只有考虑到更大的航空环境,特许经营未来的发展才会取得成功。

    Furthermore some analyses and prospects are made to the franchise managing development and its developing trend . However , franchising would be succeeding in the future as long as we take the broader aerial environment into consideration .