
  • 网络empirical generalization
  1. 本文将这些经验概括为三点:起点高但基础薄弱,升格快但发展滞后,观念新但底蕴不足。

    These experiences may be generalized into three aspects : a high starting point but a frail foundation ; a rapid upgrade but a stagnant expansion ; new ideas but insufficient potentialities .

  2. 教学情境中,学习者能加强对所学知识的练习;能够理解学科基本概念、原理、法则,提高经验概括水平;

    Under certain teaching circumstances learners can enhance the practice of their learning knowledge , comprehend the general definition of the discipline , principles , rules and improve the standard in summarizing experiences .

  3. 本论文主要采用哲学思辨、经验概括和文献研究的方法对游戏是什么、游戏与教育的关系等问题进行了深入系统的研究。

    In the thesis , the author employs the methods of philosophic thinking , experience generalization and literature research to make a deep and systematic study of play and the relation between play and education .

  4. 他认为,理论联系实际,就是从实际出发,把实践经验加以概括。

    He believes that the combination of theory and practice theory is that Proceeding from reality , summarizing the practical experience .

  5. 传统技术以实践为基础,从实践经验中概括总结出技术。

    The traditional technology is based on practice , that is to say , it is the generalization of accumulated experiences from practice .

  6. 七情学说本身是一个非常有价值的医学心理学命题,是中国古代医家对生活和临床实践经验的概括和总结。

    The theory of seven emotions itself is a very valuable medical psychology proposition and a generalization of life and clinical experience concluded by ancient Chinese doctors .

  7. 总结实践经验、概括具体科学的研究成果、批判地吸取先期哲学和现代哲学的有价值成果,是马克思主义哲学的发展机制。

    Its developmental mechanism consists in summarizing experience from practice , generalizing the research results of specific sciences , and absorbing critically the worthy achievements of early and modern philosophies .

  8. 对A学院的案例研究表明,该校1997年至2003年发展的基本经验可概括为以下三条:(1)以规模效益为核心的学校发展战略;

    This paper presents a case study of the A College who run successfully itself in 1997-2003.Three basic strategies of the college are summarized : ( 1 ) implement a scale-oriented strategy ;

  9. 西方哲学体系中的中间原理,我们解释为是从一定社会的文化和自然经验中概括出来的道德政治哲学的基本原理。

    According to author 's interpretation , intermediate principle of a systematic philosophy is the basic theorem of moral-political philosophy in that system , and it is generalized from cultural and natural experiences .

  10. 论文结合平安寿险的实践经验,概括出平安寿险业务员培训体系可分为五大体系,分别是培训组织体系、培训课程体系、培训讲师体系、培训支撑体系与培训实施体系。

    The author finds that the training system of Ping An can be summarized as five major systems , organizing system , course system , lecturer system , system of supporting and operating system .

  11. 它与德国古典哲学、黑格尔主义者克罗齐的思想和马克思、列宁的思想都具有一定的思想渊源关系,同时也是他个人政治斗争经验的概括。

    It gets its thought origin from German classic philosophy , the thought of Hegelianism Croce as well as the thoughts of Marx and Lenin and it is also the summary of his own political struggles .

  12. 并且通过对中小学信息技术教学法经验的概括,实现对中小学信息技术教学发展趋势的综合分析,力图在继承的基础上开拓创新与完善。

    The thesis also wants to realize the comprehensive analysis of the development trend of IT teaching in the primary or middle school and tries to explore creativity and perfection by inheriting and summarizing the experience of IT teaching method in the primary or middle school .

  13. 新加坡人民行动党执政50年来的经验可以概括为五个方面:构建威权体制,降低社会发展成本;新加坡的经济腾飞和持续高速发展是人民行动党所建立的威权体制推动的结果。

    The paper summarizes the administrative experience of the Singaporean ruling party into the following five practices : establishment of an authoritarian system ; The economic growth and social sustainable and high-speed development of Singapore result from the construction of Authoritarian System of the People 's Action Party .

  14. 它是教学经验的理论概括也是一定理论的实践体现。

    It is the theory of teaching experience in the practice of the theory is also must reflect .

  15. 德目作为道德的名目,是对人类道德文化发展过程中道德经验的高度概括和总结。

    As moral nominal , virtue is the summary and Conclusion of the moral experience in the development process of human moral and cultural .

  16. 除了根据行业经验进行总结概括外,还进行了行业专家访谈、消费者调查,力图使论文翔实科学。

    In addition to the industry experience , but also conducted interviews with industry experts , consumer surveys , to try to make detailed scientific papers .

  17. 谚语是广大劳动人民群众通过长期的社会生活实践对各种社会现象及生活经验进行的概括和总结,凝聚了无数代人的智慧。

    Proverbs are the generalization and summary of social phenomena and life experiences in the masses ' long-term social practice , which is an embodiment of their wisdom .

  18. 把审美与意识形态结合起来,是对文学经验事实的概括,无论从马克思主义文学理论的发展或者从现代知识学的视角来看,都是一种规范性的理论建构。

    The combination of the aesthetic and ideology is a generalization of literary experience and facts , which is a normative theoretical construction under both perspectives from Marxist literary theory development and form modern epistemology .

  19. 第二章分析了西方文官制度&公务员制度中激励机制的运行及经验启示,概括了中国公共部门人力资源管理激励机制的形成与现状;

    The second part analyzes how the motivation mechanism exerts and its experience of the west civil service system and summarizes the formation and actuality of the human resources ' motivation mechanism in Chinese public sector ;

  20. 是我国经济与国际经济非均衡发展理论与实践经验的总结和概括。

    It summarized and generalized the thoery and practice of uneven development of national and international economy .

  21. 科学发展观是我国长期发展实践的经验总结和理论概括。

    The viewpoint of scientific development is a sum of the experience and theories of the long-time developing practice in our country .

  22. 第三部分介绍了当前民办教育纠纷的诸种不同于一般民事纠纷的救济途径,并对其经验教训进行了概括总结。

    The third part introduces various relief ways of civilian-run education that is different from general civil disputes , and concludes its lessons .

  23. 这些经验和教训可以概括为:应当坚定不移地走逻辑教学现代化之路;

    The experience and lessons in logic teaching can be summarized as follows : sticking firmly to the path of the modernization of logic teaching ;

  24. 治安学是研究治安理论、技术及发展规律的学科,是治安管理工作实践经验的总结和概括。

    Public order studies , a subject which studies the theories , technologies and developing principles of public order administration , are in fact a sum-up of practices .

  25. 以国际金融中心城市&伦敦、纽约和东京的实践经验为依据,概括出建设国际金融中心城市所需要的前提条件。

    Based on the practical experience of the international financial center & London , New York and Tokyo , summarizing the required prerequisites of building an international financial center .

  26. 本文以股份公司锻压厂为例,就莱钢股份降本增效的有效经验做一系统概括。

    This article take the joint-stock company forging and stamping factory as an example , the Lai steel stock falls this efficiency the effective experience to make a system to be broad .

  27. 体育教学原则是长期体育教学实践经验的总结和概括,是体育教学客观规律的反映,是体育教学工作必须遵循的基本要求和准则。

    Physical education teaching principles , which generalize and sum up the experience in the P.E. instructional practice and reflect the objective laws of P.E. teaching , are the basic requirement and criterion that must be followed in P.E. teaching .

  28. 第三部分则是在反思历史,总结历史经验的基础上概括出几点带规律性的认识,深化对当前全面建设小康社会目标的理解,以期对中国现代化建设有所启示。

    Part III summarizes several points of view basing on pondering over history and summing up historical experience , which deepens the understanding on the target of building a well-off society in all-round way and promotes the process of Chinese modernization .

  29. 20世纪是中国文献学的一个过渡时期,从微观视野上升到宏观把握,从总结文献整理的具体方法、经验到抽象、概括相关理论。

    The twentieth century is a period of transition in Chinese Documentation that has underwent from the micro perspective rise to the macro , and from the classification of documentation , synthesis of working experience , to the abstraction and generalization of relevant theories .