
duàn jù
  • make pauses in reading unpunctuated ancient writings;chunking
断句 [duàn jù]
  • [make pauses in reading unpunctuated ancient writings] 古书无标点符号,诵读时根据文义作停顿,或同时在书上按停顿加圈点,叫做断句

断句[duàn jù]
  1. 一种基于层叠CRF的古文断句与句读标记方法南昌话和普通话否定标记的句法差异

    Method of sentence segmentation and punctuating for ancient Chinese literatures based on cascaded CRF The Syntactic Difference of Negative Marks Between Nanchang Dialect and Putonghua

  2. 该文提出一个基于条件随机场(CRF)的古汉语自动断句标点方法,并引入互信息和t测-试差两个统计量作为模型的特征。

    This paper proposes a method combining supervised learning with unsupervised method to conduct CWS , which incorporates unsupervised segmentation into Conditional Random Fields ( CRFs ) .

  3. 可见光LED通信(VLC)技术由于其超宽的带宽、辐射安全性及应用广泛性,已逐渐成为断句通信的有利补充,并已形成为一种发展趋势。

    Because of its wide bandwidth , radiation safety and application breadth , Visible LED Communication ( VLC ) technology , has become beneficial supplement punctuate communications , and formed as a trend .

  4. 实验表明:同时利用音频和视觉信息的多模式VAD比基于帧能量的听觉VAD在帧错误率上有55.0%的相对下降,在断句错误率上有98.5%的相对下降。

    Experiments show a 55.0 % reduction in the frame error rate and a 98.5 % reduction in sentence breaking error rate with the multimodal VAD as compared to the frame energy-based audio VAD .

  5. 说明:包括古文的断句、解释和分析等问题。

    Description : Punctuation , explanation and analysis of classical literature .

  6. 语言断句及重读的软件控制方法与实现

    The Software Control Method and Realization of Compart and Reread Sentences

  7. 检查语法错误、断句和拼写错误。

    Check for grammar mistakes , run-on sentences , and spelling errors .

  8. 用介词来断句是很恐怖的?

    Is a preposition a terrible thing to end a sentence with ?

  9. 在这我们怎么样一步步断句。

    Here 's how we break that expression down step by step .

  10. 《法句譬喻经》断句商榷

    Deliberation on the Punctuated Sentences in Analogical Scriptures of Codes

  11. 她则纠正我的发音并帮我断句和改变词形。

    she corrected my pronunciation and helped me to phrase and inflect .

  12. 我过去常常练习乔伊斯式的句子和断句方式。

    I used to practice Joycean sentences and punctuation .

  13. 又如杂言体《禽言》中的“衍字”、“字的倒置”以及标点断句之误等。

    In addition , there are mistakes of punctuation and some other problems .

  14. 试论汉语长句的断句及翻译

    On Chinese Long Sentences ' Division and Translation

  15. 本文首先使用断句的方法为《红楼梦》及其杨宪益和霍克斯两个译本建立了语料库。

    A corpus of Hong Lou Meng and its two translation versions is established .

  16. 断句技巧的使用不可避免的涉及到两个概念:顺句驱动和意义单位。

    The discussion of segmentation inevitably involves two concepts : syntactic linearity and meaning unit .

  17. 补上正确断行断句,补增条号搜寻,加快部份程式执行速度。

    Corrected law content formatting , added law item number search , minor speed improvements .

  18. 然该教材在选文的注释、断句、翻译方面存在某些疏失。

    However , there are some errors in text explanation , punctuation , translation , etc.

  19. 贝佐斯的要求是在段落中正确断句,不能一目十行地看。

    Instead , Bezos demands correctly punctuated sentences that live in paragraphs and defy easy scanning .

  20. 究其原因,应该是断句者对相关词语的理解偏误所致。

    The reasons are the misunderstandings to some related words caused by punctuation by the editors .

  21. 语料库的工作包括断词断句处理、词性标注及统计分析等。

    The work include brokering words punctuate 、 part of speech tagging and statistical analysis for corpus .

  22. 不习惯打字的时候带上标点,以至于不知该如何断句了。

    When not accustomed to typing put punctuation , so I do not know how to punctuate a.

  23. 断句译法是汉语长句英译时最常用的方法之一。

    Division is one of the most important methods adopted in the English translation of long Chinese sentence .

  24. 一种具有快速条件断点的并行程序调试器基于条件随机场的古文自动断句与标点方法

    A Parallel Debugger with Fast Conditional Breakpoint CRF-based approach to sentence segmentation and punctuation for ancient Chinese prose

  25. 古文不标点断句的文化阐释

    Cultural Interpretation of Non-Punctuation

  26. 能运用简单单词或断句例如普通问候语,或识别一些公众通告或指示牌。

    Uses a few words or phrases such as common greetings , and recognises some public notices or signs .

  27. 基于条件随机场的古文自动断句与标点方法针对大部件位姿调整、装配的一种随动固持方法

    CRF-based approach to sentence segmentation and punctuation for ancient Chinese prose Posture Following Fixture Method in Large Components Flexible Assembly

  28. 阅读的教材以儒家经典为主,教学内容主要包括断句读、析章节和训释文字。

    The textbooks were chiefly Confucian classics , and the contents of teaching included punctuating , passage analysis and interpretation of words .

  29. 句法向对语义价的反作用&以黄冈方言双宾句为例语言断句及重读的软件控制方法与实现

    The Reaction of Syntactic Valence to Semantic Valence & Using Huanggang Dialect as Examples ; The Software Control Method and Realization of Compart and Reread Sentences

  30. 本文通过分析语音文件的格式,阐述了语音文件断句的实现原理以及语言重读功能的软件实现方法。

    This article analyzed the format of sound files and then expatiate the theory of compart sentences and the software control method to realize reread sentences .