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duàn rán
  • categorically;flatly;resolute;drastic;absolutely;determined
断然 [duàn rán]
  • (1) [absolutely;resolute;drastic]∶绝对地;无论如何

  • 断然不能接受

  • (2) [determined;resolute]∶坚决;果断

  • 断然决定

断然[duàn rán]
  1. 我断然否绝经理部门处理此事的方法。

    I absolutely reject the management 's line on this .

  2. 这时所需的就是断然的舍弃与明智的抉择。

    At this time is absolutely necessary sacrifice and the wise choice .

  3. 我断然拒绝再花时间帮助他。

    I flatly refused to spend any more time helping him .

  4. 她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。

    Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff .

  5. 他们把问题断然给我推了回来。

    They dropped the problem firmly back in my lap .

  6. 这个团体断然拒绝与政府进行任何谈判。

    The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government .

  7. 我向他们提出一个合理建议,但是他们断然拒绝了。

    I made them a reasonable offer but they turned it down flat .

  8. 她的请求被断然拒绝。

    Her request was met with a flat refusal .

  9. “当然不。”他断然回答道。

    ' Certainly not , ' he replied emphatically .

  10. 政府警告说要采取断然措施。

    The government is threatening to take drastic action .

  11. 他断然拒绝商讨这件事。

    He flatly refused to discuss the matter .

  12. 他一直断然否认这些指控。

    He has always emphatically denied the allegations .

  13. 他断然拒绝被拍照。

    He refused point-blank to be photographed .

  14. 他断然拒绝我们的提议。

    He categorically rejected our offer .

  15. 他们立即断然采取了行动。

    They leapt into action immediately .

  16. 她断然拒绝了请求。

    She peremptorily rejected the request .

  17. 他已断然否认曾对拉比的行为进行过诋毁。

    He has flatly denied casting aspersions on the rabbi 's behaviour .

  18. 她很可能会断然拒绝你。

    She is likely to give you a flat refusal .

  19. 现在人们开始意识到必须采取断然的行动。

    Now there is a dawning realisation that drastic action is necessary .

  20. 军队貌似断然拒绝做他们分内的事情。

    The army apparently refused point blank to do what was required of them

  21. 琳达知道,为了他俩,她必须断然行事。

    Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action .

  22. 利兹·戴维斯向政党提出了这个问题,但被断然否决了。

    Liz Davies took the issue to the party but was roundly defeated .

  23. 戴维斯先生断然否认了那些控诉。

    Mr Davies has emphatically denied the charges .

  24. 他会断然拒绝询问,使得无法进行进一步的讨论。

    He would rebuff enquiries in such a way as to preclude any further discussion .

  25. 银行断然否认有任何违规行为。

    The bank hotly denies any wrongdoing .

  26. 她断然拒绝了他所有的友好表示。

    She rebuffed all his offers of friendship .

  27. 我求过他一次,但他断然拒绝了。

    I asked a favour of him , but he refused point-blank .

  28. 我们断然否认这种无理指责。

    We categorically reject this groundless charge .

  29. 他断然否认自己有罪。

    He stoutly denied his guilt .

  30. 那位老师已断然警告那个学生。

    The teacher has warned the student once and for all .