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shù jī
  • maybe;almost;nearly;probably
庶几 [shù jī]
  • (1) [maybe]∶或许可以,表示希望或推测

  • 寡人以为善,庶几息兵革。--《史记.秦始皇本纪》

  • (2) [almost]∶差不多;近似

  • 全我社稷口,可以庶几乎!

  • (3) [talent]∶指贤者或可以成才的人

  1. 半文零用钱也不给孩子,不是就庶几大功告成了吗?

    Wen and a half or pocket money to children , so as not to complete it ?

  2. 扩大内需较合理的途径应该是双管齐下,庶几达到供需平衡。

    The more reasoning approaches to expand internal demand should be worked along both lines so as to reach the equilibrium of supply and demand .

  3. 两者交互应用,庶几在经典诠释与哲学建构之间获致动态的平衡。

    By interweaving the two methods , we hope that there can be a dynamic balance reached between the interpretation of classics and construction of philosophy .

  4. 可以说,莫里斯庶几为美国早期政治的一个缩影。第二,莫里斯以其出色的商业才能,为美国革命作出了卓越的贡献。

    Morris to society , as it were , a few as a microcosm of early American politics . Second , with its excellent business talents , Morris made outstanding contributions to the American revolution .

  5. 他曾经私下地怂恿杜竹斋“大义灭亲”,他劝竹斋在吴荪甫头上加一点压力,庶几吴赵的妥协有实现的可能。

    He had already made a private attempt to persuade Tu chu-chai to exert some pressure on his brother-in-law Wu sun-fu " in the public interest ," so that there would be at least some possibility of a rapprochement between the latter and Chao po-tao .