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  1. 在我国,按照国资委的要求,自2010年起,所有中央企业将全面引入EVA业绩考核新体系。

    According to the requirements of SASAC , all of central SOEs will adopt the new system of performance evaluation since 2010 .

  2. 通过分析公司治理指数对IPO审核结果的影响,结果表明,拟上市公司治理水平越高,其越容易通过发审委的审核。

    By analyzing the effect of the corporate governance index on the IPO audit results , the results show that higher levels of corporate governance of the issuer , the more easily through the issuance examination committee .

  3. 她脸上挂着虚委的笑容来迎接我们。

    She welcomed us with an artificial smile on her face .

  4. 论国资委的性质&兼评《企业国有资产监督管理暂行条例》之不足

    The nature of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

  5. 你根本就没和标惯委的人谈过,是不是?

    You didn 't even have a conversation with standards , did you ?

  6. 我叫楼大鹏,是北京奥申委的体育主任。

    My name is Lou Dapeng , Sports Director of Beijing Bid Committee .

  7. 具体要求和方式请参见留学基金委的网站。

    For more information please refer to the website of China Scholarship Council .

  8. 国资委的多重定位问题研究

    Research on the Multiple Position Taken by SASAC

  9. 为了加强和规范咨询委的工作,制定本规则。

    These Rules are formulated to reinforce and regulate the work of the Committee .

  10. 支持临选委的总统委员会;

    Presidential Committee in support of the cep ;

  11. 探讨国资委的八大问题

    Eight Questions Concerning State Assets Mangement Commission

  12. 商业银行贷审委的信贷决策行为研究及其绩效评估

    Study on Decision-making Behavior and Evaluation of Performance of Loan Supervisory Committee of Commercial Bank

  13. 附表2用於管理委的及工作程序。

    The second schedule shall have effect with respect to the composition and procedure of a management committee .

  14. 在国资委的敦促下,纷纷合并,由此造就了“三皇五帝”。

    SASAC has urged them to merge , creating three " emperors " and five " kings " .

  15. 国资委的职能定位与国有资产管理体制改革

    The Function of the State-owned Property Supervision & Administration Committee and the Reform of the State-owned Property Administration System

  16. 在一次不同寻常的公开谴责中,中国媒体引用国资委的话斥责国企浪费金钱。

    In an unusually public denunciation , Chinese media quoted the Commission berating state companies for frittering away cash .

  17. 仲裁机构的独立、胜任和公正如何可能&对S仲裁委的个案考察

    How Could Arbitration Institution Become Independent , Competent , and Fair ? A Case Study of S Arbitration Commission

  18. 说明了课程规范与教指委的大学物理课程教学基本要求的关系。

    The relation between " the basic requirement for college physics teaching " and the curriculum norm is discussed .

  19. 国资委的建立缓解了这一矛盾但并没有一劳永逸的解决此矛盾。

    The establishment of the SASAC to alleviate this contradiction but did not resolve this conflict once and for all .

  20. 作为中国奥申委的负责人,为了2008年奥运会,你们将在服务设施方面做哪些工作呢?

    As a leader of the Chinese Olympic bid , what are you doing about the service facilities for2008 Olympics ?

  21. 国家卫健委的一名发言人表示,上个月多个省份确诊50例本土传播病例。

    A spokesperson for the National Health Commission says 50 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases were reported in multiple provinces last month .

  22. 在2005年和2004年,政府对国家自然科学基金委的投入分别为3.37亿和3亿美元。

    In2005 and2004 , the foundation received US $ 337 million and US $ 300 million , respectively , from the government .

  23. 粮安委的讨论将使用英文、西班牙文、法文、阿拉伯文、俄文和中文进行。

    The discussion on the GSF will take place in English , Spanish , French , Arabic , Russian , and Chinese .

  24. 本课题得到贵阳市政府和相关15个局、委的大力支持,并在贵阳市进行实施。

    And the thesis is sustained by Guiyang government and correlation 15 offices and committees , and put in practice in Guiyang .

  25. 行业协会中国红木委的数据显示,高级红木家具的价格在2013上涨了三倍。

    Prices for fine rosewood furniture quadrupled in China in 2013 , according to the Chinese Redwood Committee , an industry association .

  26. 食典委的任何行动都不能造成必须有处方才能买到目前不需处方便可合法出售的维生素和矿质食品补充剂的情况。

    No action of Codex could cause those vitamin and mineral food supplements currently sold over the counter to become subject to prescriptions .

  27. 5月29日,国家计生委的一条消息让中国民众警觉起来。

    On May 29 , the Chinese public was put on alert by a notice issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission .

  28. 针对市规委的要求,市建筑设计标准化办公室制定了“凸窗、空调室外机置放”图集。

    City Planning Commission for the request , the city architectural office developed standardized " protrude windows , air-conditioning outdoor machines placed " The atlas .

  29. 委的上聆可以中文或英文行或兼以中文及英文行,乎委合而定。

    The hearing of an appeal to the board may be conducted in the English or Chinese language or both as the board thinks fit .

  30. 纪检委的嫌疑人往往在经过数月甚至数年的关押后,被移送检察机关,以进行例行公事的审判。

    Commission suspects are frequently handed over to government prosecutors , often months or years after their detention , for a perfunctory trial and sentencing .