
  1. 三月底,委内瑞拉最高法院取缔了国民议会的权力。

    In late March , Venezuela 's supreme court the National Assembly 's powers .

  2. 昨天,委内瑞拉最高法院规定即使查韦斯不宣誓就职他也会在明天开始他的新任期。

    Yesterday Venezuela 's Supreme Court ruled that President Chavez will start his new term today even if he 's not sworn in .

  3. 委内瑞拉最高法院决定,正在进行癌症相关治疗的总统乌戈·查韦斯明天不必出席自己的就职典礼。

    In Venezuela , the Supreme Court has ruled that President Hugo Chavez , who remains in cancer-related treatment in Cuba , does not have to attend his own inauguration tomorrow .