
wěi wǎn
  • euphemistic;politely;tactful;tactfully;mild and roundabout;suavely;skillfully
委婉 [wěi wǎn]
  • [mild and roundabout;suavely;skilfully;tackfully;politely] 言词、声音等婉转曲折

  • 委婉的语气

委婉[wěi wǎn]
  1. 比如中国人注重礼节,喜欢委婉的表达方式。

    For example , the Chinese people are strict with proprieties , and like to use mild and roundabout ways to express themselves .

  2. 巧妙的虚实处理,使诗歌整体呈现出委婉曲折而余味无穷的特征。

    The dealing with the actual situation ingeniously makes the whole poem demonstrates mild and roundabout twists , leaving a lasting and pleasant impressing or aftertaste wholly .

  3. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。

    The prison camps were euphemistically called ' retraining centres ' .

  4. “去世”是“死”的委婉语。

    ‘ Pass away ’ is a euphemism for ‘ die ’ .

  5. “用户费”不过是政治家对“税款”的委婉说法。

    ‘ User fees ’ is just a politician 's euphemism for taxes .

  6. 她明确指出了他的错误所在,既委婉又体贴。

    She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone wrong .

  7. 雷切尔委婉但执著地把自己的意愿强加给道格拉斯。

    Rachel gently but persistently imposed her will upon Douglas

  8. “又累又激动”是形容人喝醉酒的一种委婉说法。

    ' Tired and emotional ' is a code word for being drunk .

  9. 戈尔丁先生谈及草率行事的危险,这是他在委婉地发出警告。

    Mr Golding delivered an oblique warning , talking of the danger of sudden action .

  10. 但是说得委婉一些,并不是所有的钱都花得很明智。

    But not all the money , to put it mildly , has been used wisely

  11. 现在“提前退休”几乎就是裁员的委婉说法。

    The term ' early retirement ' is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays .

  12. “Queer”这个词常用作“mad”的委婉语。

    “ Queer ” is the word often used euphemistically for “ mad ” .

  13. 我给了他一委婉的暗示,但他没有领会。

    I gave him a gentle [ mild ] hint and he didn 't get it .

  14. 她委婉的言辞和慈蔼的态度使他对她印象极佳。

    Her gentle speech and kind manner recommend herself to him .

  15. 他批评得很委婉。

    He gave his criticism very tactfully .

  16. 最后,只能由我把这个不幸的消息委婉地告诉她。

    At last , it fell to me to break the bad news to her .

  17. 他的话虽委婉,但倾向性仍比较明显。

    Though he didn 't say it in exactly so many words , his implicit preference was quite apparent .

  18. 说我没有思路,这只是委婉的说法。

    To say I had lost the thread is putting it mildly .

  19. 现在,wardrobemalfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光事件”的委婉表达。

    It is now used as a euphemism referring to an accidental instance of indecent exposure caused by a fault in someone 's clothing ( especially that of a performer ) or by an error made while changing this costume .

  20. 这是最常见并通用于各种场合的英式惊叹词之一。从语言学上来说,“Bloodyhell”是一种避免爆粗的委婉表达。“bloody”应该是“ByOurLady”(即圣母玛利亚)的缩略语。

    One of the most common and versatile2 of British exclamation3 , ' Bloody hell ' is what we linguistics4 call a minced5 oath , as the word ' bloody ' is probably a shortening of ' By Our Lady ' ( i.e. the Virgin6 Mary ) .

  21. 听起来不褒不贬的委婉语“白手套”指充当“黑钱”漂白的中间人,或是实际从事“非法”事务的“合法”外衣,意即,隐藏在白手套中的肮脏的手。

    The innocuous-sounding euphemism1 " white gloves " generally refers to a middleman or outfit2 that launders3 dirty or corrupt4 money under a seemingly legitimate5 front - dirty hands concealed6 by a pair of white gloves .

  22. 比方说,黛安•冯•芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg,许多人觉得其裹裙当孕装穿再合适不过了)、吴季刚(JasonWu)、TemperleyLondon等品牌均委婉地拒绝踏足这个领域。

    Diane von Furstenberg ( whose wrap dress many would argue is perfect for maternity ), Jason Wu and Temperley London all politely declined to take part in this piece , for example . It is not a story that we feel is the right fit for us .

  23. 正如Rawson(1995)所述,委婉语渗透到我们的语言深处,没有哪一个人包括那些自诩言谈最为直截了当的人没有一天不使用委婉语的。

    As Rawson ( 1995 ) puts it , euphemisms " are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us , even those who pride themselves on ( in ) being plain-spoken , ever go through a day without them " .

  24. 第三章指出英语委婉表达的理论依据。英语委婉表达是对P.Grice的合作原则的故意违背和对G.Leech的礼貌原则的遵守。

    Chapter Three presents the theoretical bases for euphemistic expressions in English and points out that euphemistic expressions result from the intentional violation of the Cooperative Principle by P.Grice and the observation of the Politeness Principle by G. Leech .

  25. 对比俄汉语中一组常见的委婉语

    A Comparison of a Group of Euphemism in Russian and Chinese

  26. 英汉委婉语之社会交际作用的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on Social Function of English & Chinese Euphemism

  27. 语境如何影响委婉语的得体使用?

    How can the context influence the tactful application of euphemism ?

  28. 委婉语的本质特征与运用的语境因素

    The Essential Properties Of Euphemisms and Contextual Factors Affecting Their Application

  29. 那只是失控的委婉词。

    Oh , relinquish is just a fancy word for lose .

  30. 如果你得到了敌人的踪影,委婉头望瞅。

    Whenever you lose contact with the enemy , look behind you .