- potentilla chinensis

RESULTS Potentilla anserina active site could significantly inhibit HBsAg and HBeAg secreted by 2.2.15 cells at 8d in vitro .
Separation of Potentilla anserine active site ( total saponin ) and anti-DHBV-DNA action in ducks
Our preliminary study showed that the main constituent compound of its hypoglycemic effect is potentilla flavone ( trans-tiliroside ), and its hypoglycemic effect is better than phenformin hydrochloride .
The comparison of morphological character of Potentilla anserina in two habitats
Alpine meadow degradation alter the clonal growing characteristics of Potentilla anserina
Study on leaf epidermal hairs of the genus Potentilla in China
The leaf epidermal micro-morphology of the seven species of Potentilla
A Taxonomic Study on Potentilla from Kunlun Mountains in China
Studies on Pollen Morphology of Genus Potentilla of Xinjiang
Study on the Hypoglycemic Effects and Mechanism of Potentilla Flavone from Potentilla Chinesis
Result : The total tannin content in Potentilla freyniana was about 11 % .
The anatomic studies on Potentilla levies in Xinjiang
Study about the ultrastructure of mesophyll cell of Potentilla anserina near the Qinghai Lake
Study on absorption of potentilla flavone in isolated rat small intestine utilizing everted-gut technique
This indicated that definite grazing disturbance would be in favor of the fitness obtained .
The results show that clonal integration greatly enhanced the survivorship of the buried ramets of both species .
The genet and ramet of P.anserina at the non-degraded alpine meadow were higher than those at the degraded alpine meadow .
The genet root of P. anserina at the degraded alpine meadow was deep than that at the non-degraded alpine meadow .
A perennial Eurasian plant ( Potentilla erecta ) having yellow flowers and astringent roots . Utilization and Extention of Potentilla discolor Bunge
Light was the main limited factor that restrained reproduction ( including sexual reproduction and clonal growth ) of the two clonal plants .
The shorter-term effects of Tan-sheep urine on growth of three species in steppe grassland , under different urine concentrations and soil water contents were researched .
The biological and ecological characteristics of Potentilla discolor Bunge , a wild and native herbaceous plant in Daqing , phenological and reproductive properties of the species were studied .
With the increase of stolon number of P. anserina clone , the energy allocation of P. anserina for the clonal reproduction were increased slowly at the two sampling plots .
The changes of ultrastructure of mesophyll cell of Potentilla anserina Was the result of many ecological factors , such as salinity , low temperature , low atmospheric pressure and strong radiation near the Qing-hai Lake .
The results were as follows : 1 ) under free grazing , the biggest advantage of the first five species were Chloris virgata ( 27.8 )? Taraxacum mongolicum ( 3.52 )? Stellera chamaejasme ( 3.42 )?
Any of several plants of the genus Potentilla in the rose family , native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets .
The study of natural herbivory and pot experiments was conducted to understand the laws of reproductive allocation and life history in two clonal plants in Kobresia humilis meadow by investigating the reproduction performance , vegetative growth performance and storage performance .
The initial pretest of tissue distribution was carried out and found that the content in the pancreas was the highest one , except the small intestine . It was useful for providing basic datas of the further tissue distribution study .
Results showed that the genet biomass , total length of stolons , number of ramets , specific stolon weight , petiole length and specific petiole weight of the plant species under the shaded condition were smaller to those under the unshaded condition .
Cost-benefit analysis shows that the ramets of P. anserina which survived sand burial benefited significantly from clonal integration , while their connected unburied ramets did not incur any cost , so that the growth of the whole clonal fragments of P. anserina was enormously enhanced .