
  • 网络san francisco chinatown;Chinatown San Francisco
  1. 我去年到旧金山唐人街去过以后,我就试着炒了几样中国菜。

    I 've tried to stir-fry some Chinese dishes after I visited San Francisco Chinatown last year .

  2. 第二章讲述的是旧金山唐人街堂的发展以及他们的犯罪形式。

    The second part talks about the development of tongs and its criminal activities .

  3. 朋友解释说,都从旧金山唐人街买来的。

    He said he had bought the decorative objects from China Town in San Francisco .

  4. 美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。

    A Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in chinatown , San francisco , to boycott Japanese commodities .

  5. 明党(音译)和她的丈夫,带着十几岁的儿子和女儿住在旧金山唐人街的一个7英尺长,7英尺宽的房间里。

    Ming Dang lives in a 7 by 7 foot room in San Francisco'sChinatown with her husband , teenage son and daughter .

  6. 同一时期,在旧金山唐人街周边地区,亚裔人口减少了23%左右。

    In areas around San Francisco 's Chinatown , the Asian population has fallen by about 23 per cent in the same period .

  7. 但郑健强担忧,由于很难应对不断上涨的房租和其他挑战,这些充满活力的社区将会消失。从伦敦唐人街到旧金山唐人街,这样的担忧普遍存在。

    But Mr Chen is voicing a fear , felt in Chinatowns from London to San Francisco , that the struggle to keep up with rising rents and other challenges will prompt these vibrant communities to disappear .

  8. 例如,加利福尼亚州旧金山的唐人街早在19世纪40年代就形成了。

    For example , Chinatown in San Francisco , California , began in the 1840s .

  9. 旧金山的唐人街比纽约的还要大,但它也面临类似的命运。

    San Francisco , which has an even larger residential community than New York , is experiencing a similar fate .

  10. 现今,在加利福尼亚各地都可以找到美籍华人的身影,尽管有很大一部分的人选择呆在洛衫矶和旧金山的“唐人街”。

    Today , Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California , although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the " Chinatowns " of Los Angeles and San Francisco .

  11. 直到今天,有相当多的唐人街,尤其是旧金山和纽约的唐人街已成为繁忙兴旺的地区,这些地区对喜欢中国食物的人和游客来说有着巨大的吸引力。

    To this day , certain Chinatowns , especially those of San Francisco and New York , are busy , thriving communities , which have become great attractions for tourists and for those who enjoy Chinese food .