
  • 网络Old God
  1. 大人。愿旧神保佑您的兄长。

    My Lord , may the Old Gods watch over your brother .

  2. 你们之中还有谁是信仰旧神的?

    Do any of you still keep the old Gods ?

  3. 那些被摒弃的旧神重新归位,埃及艺术又回到拘泥呆板的古典风格。

    Egyptian art returned to its classic , ritualized style .

  4. 你只有到那个旧神祠那里才有信号。

    You can only get a signal by that old shrine over there .

  5. 塔利家族也还信仰旧神吗?

    Does house Tarly keep the old Gods ?

  6. 不知道旧神是不是同意你的话

    I wonder if the old gods agree .

  7. 我以旧神与新神之名起誓,大人.

    I swear it , My Lord , by the old gods and new .

  8. 但琼恩实在无心向神明祷告,管他是新神还是旧神。

    but Jon could not find it in him to pray to any gods , old or new .

  9. 旧神正在回答你.你在这里做什么?他们也是我的神.

    The Old Gods are answering you . What are you doing here ? They 're my Gods too .

  10. 布莱克伍德家族守护着旧神,像安达尔人来到维斯特洛大陆之前的先民一样敬仰旧神。

    House Blackwood kept the old gods , and worshiped as the First Men had in the days before the Andals came to Westeros .

  11. 他们也能听到你说话.在你哥哥要去的地方,他们无法帮他.旧神在南方没有力量.

    They hear you . Your brother will get no help from them where he 's going . The Old Gods have no power in the South .

  12. 本文以中国早期神话和希腊神话为主要考察对象,认为两者对失败的旧神系的悲剧性结局有着根本性的不同处理。

    The text have primarily reviewed Chinese early myth and Greece myth and reckoned the existence of the fundamentally different arrangement about the tragic ending in aborted and former system of mythology .

  13. 西方从希腊神话起,代表自然的旧神和代表精神生活的新神开始有了分化,有了“神一人一自然”三维结构的雏形。

    In the West , from Greek myth , there developed a division between the old gods representing nature and the new gods representing spiritual lives , and3D model of " God-Nature-Man " was constructed .

  14. 爸爸提前领了退休金,把侍旧双神都用在教育失踪足少年上头。

    Dad took an early pension and now spends time counseling troubled inner-city youths .

  15. 您已经选择了新的神灵。放弃了旧的七神。

    You have chosen the new God over the Old Gods .