
  • 网络old information;given information
  1. 它们分别是:l、作为一种语义信息结构,述题(新信息载体)比话题(旧信息载体)更为不可或缺。

    Comment ( new information ) is more indispensable than Topic ( old information ) .

  2. 要删除随着事务提交而积累的旧信息,ZODB管理员必须偶尔对其数据进行压缩。

    To remove the old information that accumulates as transactions commit , a ZODB administrator must occasionally " pack " its database .

  3. 用新信息替代旧信息构造了新息GM(1,1)模型,并及时反映目标值的时变特性,更好地考虑实际数据的影响。

    This GM ( 1,1 ) model depends on new information theory which replaces old information by new information and reflects the character of the target value with the changing of time in time . It takes account the effect of actual data .

  4. 英语WH-分裂句并非只是用来表达新、旧信息的,对WH-分裂句在具体的语篇中的研究表明,同样具有诸多语篇功能。

    WH-cleft sentence does not necessarily function as communicating new information or old information .

  5. 中文新闻在信息结构的主要特征为旧信息+新信息。

    For the informative features , Chinese news titles generally follow the patter : Given information + New information .

  6. 在实践中,本系统通过模拟接收A旧信息数据,并判断是否存在碰撞危险;

    In the practices , AACS can judge the existence of risk of collision by receiving AIS simulated signals .

  7. 只有旧信息的句子,其中说话人重复或强调以提醒听话人的信息也是强势信息。

    If a sentence includes only old information , the information which the speaker emphasizes is the power information .

  8. 如果对于每个新的事故,每次都要传输相同的旧信息,那么将会更加糟糕。

    This is particularly unfortunate if the same old information is transferred each time , for each new incident .

  9. 不一致性重读虽然促进了所标示的旧信息的激活,但是对于相对重要的新信息的激活具有抑制作用。

    However , inappropriate accentuation suppressed the activation of important new information although it enhanced the activation of old information it marked .

  10. 在汉语话题的确定方法上,本文区分话题与旧信息,区分语篇话题、人际话题、及物性话题这三种话题。

    On determining Topic of Chinese , this thesis differentiates between Topic and Given , between textual Topic , interpersonal Topic and transitivity Topic .

  11. Ω-3也为大脑提供更多的养分,同时帮助大脑记住新信息,也不忘旧信息。

    Omega-3s also provides more oxygen to the brain , as well as allows one to retain new information while still remembering old information .

  12. 提出随着时间的推移,用新信息取代旧信息的限定记忆的时间序列数据处理方法。

    Method of data analysis of temproal sequences , based on the replacement of new-old information of restrictive memory with lapse of time is developed .

  13. 大多数学者们采用两分法(旧信息和新信息)对信息结构中的信息单位进行切分。

    Most researchers adopt a dichotomy of information structure-given and new information , assigning different labels to syntactic constituents based on their own background theory .

  14. 其次语境对人称代词的使用具有重要作用,语言语境的篇章中根据零照应关系下的先行词,而隐匿后文中作为旧信息的人称代词。

    Secondly , the context play an important role on the use of personal pronouns , the personal pronouns can be concealed because of the zero anaphora .

  15. 在推理的过程中,口译者要把新信息与旧信息联系起来,这是理解的基础。在此过程中,最有力的工具就是语境。

    During the course of inference , it requires the interpreter to relate the new information to the old information , which is the basis of correct comprehension .

  16. 旧信息所需的存储空间和自相关矩阵的维数保持恒定,而不是随着输入数据的总数增加。

    Moreover , the storage requirement of the old information and the dimension of the autocorrelation matrix remain constant instead of increasing with the number of total input data .

  17. 另外,常常可以找到与操作系统和软件的其他版本相关的旧信息,可以通过它们找到更多信息。

    And you can often find information going back decades that pertains to other versions of operating systems and software , which can serve as jumping-off platforms for more information .

  18. 本文对WH-分裂句的语用功能进行了较为详细的分析。提到WH-分裂句,以往的大多学者认为它含有新/旧信息,或预设/焦点这样两种成分。

    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the pragmatic functions of WH-cleft sentence , which is usually considered as containing two components : Given / New or Presupposition / Focus .

  19. 对于收集和传输问题确定构件的工具,如收集脚本,如果它们必须传输大量的、不必要的旧信息,那么它们的运行可能会慢得多。

    Tools that collect and transfer the problem determination artifacts , such as collection scripts , might run much slower if they have to transfer a lot of old unnecessary information .

  20. 情感信息伴随着语言等信息进入学习者正在形成或业已形成的认知结构中,通过整合或阻滞新、旧信息在认知结构中的融合达到对第二语言认知的影响。

    Affect information , together with language information , goes into the learner 's ongoing or established cognitive structure , integrating or retarding the fusion of new and old language information .

  21. 利用跨通道词汇再认任务,探索了口语临场加工过程中,不一致性重读对新信息以及它所标示的旧信息在语篇表征中激活水平的影响。

    Using cross-model word recognition task , this study explored the effect of inconsistent accentuation on activation of new information and correspondent old information in discourse representation , during on-line spoken discourse processing .

  22. 一种更好的解决方案是将两种类型的数据加以分离:例如,可将常用、最近使用的信息库事务存储在数据仓库中,而将旧信息存储在磁带上。

    A better solution is to separate the two types of data : frequently used , more recent credit card transactions are stored in a warehouse while older information is stored on tapes , for example .

  23. 关联理论主张动态语境观,认为在交际过程中,话语理解所需激活的语境不是一成不变的,而是在新信息和旧信息的相互影响下不断更新,表现为一系列语境假设。

    Relevance theory views context as dynamic rather than static . During the process of communication , context is constantly changing due to the interaction between old information and new information . Context in relevance theory is presented as contextual assumptions .

  24. 语义焦点传达非预设的新信息,对比焦点传达已知或预设的旧信息使分裂结构具有语义[+对比性];轴向双分裂结构变压器阻抗计算的修正系数和分裂系数分析

    This structure has varied bounding components in its focus domain where the semantic focus conveys the non presupposed news against the contrastive focus with the given information . Analysis of Modifying and Splitting Factors of Impedance Calculation of Axial Double Split Transformer

  25. 本文将在关联理论的框架下,把传达式听力理解过程看成是说话者和听者之间相互作用的一个积极主动的交际过程,一个新信息和旧信息互相作用、通过推理求得最佳关联的过程。

    This article takes listening comprehension as a process of an active communication between listeners and speakers , that is to say , an interaction between new information and old information and a process that listener seeks optimum relevance through making inference .

  26. 对英语WH-分裂句来说,仅从语用学的角度断言其信息结构是很困难的,无法确定WH-分裂句都可以新信息+旧信息这一结构标准来判断。

    From the angle of pragmatics , it is difficult to assert that English WH cleft sentences all share the uniformity of the information structure in view of the fact that WH Cleft Sentences do not invariably consist of New Information + Old Information .

  27. 信息并不只是挤进大脑,旧的信息有时候会被挤出大脑以形成的新的记忆。

    Instead of just crowding in , old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form .

  28. 随着公司业务的不断扩大,原来旧的信息系统对业务的管理效率比较低并且易出错,已不能满足企业的需要,因此,开发ERP系统,实现企业的信息化管理迫在眉睫。

    With the business continuing expanding , the original business management information system became inefficient and error-prone . It could not meet the demands of enterprises .

  29. 新的信息可以是和旧的信息矛盾的,但是事实和推导只能被增加而不能被删减。

    New information can be contradictory , but facts and entailments can only be added , never deleted .

  30. 公司可以升级它的IT系统,并且在升级的过程中,将会引入新的信息源,而这些新的信息源必须与旧的信息源(例如,客户信息源)协同使用。

    A company upgrades its IT systems and , in doing so , introduces new sources of information that it must use in conjunction with old sources ( for example , customers ) .