
  • 网络effluent
  1. 你流出水,好使我能把我心里的东西清楚地表达出来,真正在纸上写字的是笔呀!

    You give the fluid that I may place upon the paper what dwells in me , and what I wish to bring to light .

  2. 因为耶和华你神领你进入美地,那地有河,有泉,有源,从山谷中流出水来。

    For the LORD your God is guiding you into a good land , a land of water-springs , of fountains , and deep streams flowing out from the valleys and the hills ;

  3. 该扫雷队正在努力开辟一条通往雷地中央的水箱的通道,成功之后,他们很快能再次让水龙头里流出水来,而这是几十年来的第一次。

    The team is working to give back access to the water tank located in the middle of the mine field . Soon they will finally have water running down the taps again for the first time in decades .

  4. 通过对CO2流量、水流量、各电磁阀等的控制,使流出的水达到预先设定的温度。

    Pass the control toward the CO_2 dischargeses , the water current quantities , each electromagnetism valve etc , make the temperature that the water of the run off attains to set in advance .

  5. 止住破裂的水管中流出的水

    Stem the flow of water from a burst pipe

  6. 水龙头里流出的水很混浊。

    The water from the faucet was cloudy .

  7. 当你把手握紧挤压时,会流出一些水。

    When you close your hand and press , some of the water gets out .

  8. 从洞口流出的水。

    Water sluicing out of the hole .

  9. 从大坝里流出的水还能发电,叫做水力发电,因为它是利用水力发的电。

    Water from the dams can make electricity , called hydroelectricity since it is made from water power .

  10. 从井与泉中流出的水,来自地表下面积蓄的地下水。

    The water that flows from wells and springs comes from the ground water held beneath the Earth 's surface .

  11. 黑河干流出山口水资源演变与中下游生态环境保护

    Water Resources Evolution of Out Mountain Pass River Basin and Ecological Environment Protection at Middle and Lower Reaches of Heihe Trunk Stream

  12. 信入我的人,就如经上所说,从他腹中要流出活水的江河来。

    He who believes into Me , as the Scripture said , out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water .

  13. 开启测试旋塞2号。当测试旋塞2号上流出的水停止时,将压差读数记录为压降。

    Open test cock No.2.When flow of water out of test cock No.2 stops , the differential reading is the pressure drop record .

  14. 蔬菜使用鱼缸里流出的水,把其中的营养物质吸收掉,将水过滤净化,之后,再次供鱼类使用。

    The vegetables use the water from the fish tank , extract nutrients , filtering and purifying the water for the fish to reuse and develop .

  15. 但是随着分流比的增大,从溢流口流出的水分量会增大,增加了后续油处理设备的负担。

    However , with the shunt ratio increases , the amount of water flowing from the overflow port will increase , increasing the burden of the subsequent oil processing apparatus .

  16. 基督应许说,人若到祂这里来,祂,基督便会满足他们,然后,从那人的腹中将要流出活水,以致能触及他人的心田。

    Christ promised that if any man came to Him , He could satisfy him and then from Him there could flow a stream which could touch the hearts of others .

  17. 由高分子多孔小球(有机担体402)填充柱流出的水的色谱峰,用对数正态分布函数拟合得较好。

    Ne water peak eluted from organic support 402 ( a kind of porous polymer beads , made at Shanghai ReagentPlant ) at 144 ℃ was fitted well with log-normal distribution function .

  18. 管路流出型配水管网的分析计算

    Analysis and computation of water distribution pipe network with demands taken-off pipe

  19. 今天有没有流出过很多水?

    Did you have a gush of water today ?

  20. 许多地表水,特别是由沼泽地区流出的地表水常常染上一定程度的颜色。

    Many surface waters , particularly those emanating from swampy areas , are often colored to the extent .

  21. 4月6日,东京电力公司(TEPCO)设法止住从损坏反应堆之一流出的高污染水,有一个海水样本显示:流出的高污染水造成了放射性碘超标750万倍。

    By April 6th TEPCO had managed to staunch the leakage of highly contaminated water from one of the damaged reactors that had produced levels of radioactive iodine 7.5m times the legal limit in one sample of seawater .

  22. 水管中流出的烫手的水可以留下来冷却。这种水一般是安全的。

    Tap water that is too hot to touch can be left to cool and is generally safe to drink .

  23. 并假定水的流出仅仅取决于水压力,建立了固结简化计算方法。

    It is also assumed that the water flow only depends on the water pressure . The simplified one-dimensional consolidation method is suggested .

  24. 不过这种人是很少的,并且,回到船上来,这些可怜人的鼻孔和耳朵都流出带血的水来。

    but such men are rare , and when the poor fellows climb back on board , the water coming out of their noses and ears is tinted with blood .

  25. 滴漏计时器,漏壶一种古老的设备,通过计算从一个小口中流出的定量的水来测算时间水电水利工程工程量计算规范

    An ancient device that measured time by marking the regulated flow of water through a small opening . Code on calculation of volume of work in hydropower and water conservancy project

  26. 流出这些盆地的水可能会“挖”出一条比盆地更深的海峡,这样水就能继续流出去了,不过这取决于海床的构造。

    Depending on the details of the sea floor , the flow of water out of the basin might carve a deeper channel , allowing it to continue to flow out .

  27. 在其后的固结过程中,假定水的流出仅仅取决于水压力,不受气的影响,单独建立水的连续性方程,解水压力随时间的变化;

    At the latter consolidation stage , it was assumed that the water flow only depended on water pressure and was not influenced by the air . Then the independent continuity equation of water was set up to solve variation of water pressure with time .